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Accepted Report: 76561198236058252 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by D3f@?lt | trade.tf, Apr 29, 2017.

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  1. D3f@?lt | trade.tf

    D3f@?lt | trade.tf New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198236058252

    Victim profile: 76561198189133167

    What happened? Description:
    He Added Me Then He Pretended To Be Another Person. I Tested Him By Asking Him To Delete A Comment Made By Me On His 'Storage' Account, then i deleted the coment and said he did and he went on as if nothing had happened​

    Provide Evidence:
    first 3 is chat history 4 is his profile​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: hey
    dayz: hey man
    dayz: how are you?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: good
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: can i see your inventory?
    dayz: nice :)
    dayz: you may take a look on my main storage man, maybe you have something you want in there :)
    dayz: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066195760/inventory/
    dayz: here man, feel free :)
    dayz: i am interested on your unsuual :)
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: really
    dayz: yesyes :)
    dayz: what do you want for it?
    dayz: have you ever heard duped items?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: yes
    dayz: i was actually scammed bythose items 4 or 5 days ago
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: :()
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: wow
    dayz: yes, that's life...
    dayz: so, what do you have in mind? :)
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: let me see
    dayz: sure :)
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: cna you give me your bp,tf link?
    dayz (1): i only use outpost tho :3
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: you sure?
    dayz (1): yesyes
    dayz (1): what do you have in mind then?:)
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: Burning Flames Killer's Kabuto
    dayz (1): hmmm
    dayz (1): for your?
    dayz (1): :3
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: yes
    dayz (1): unusual right?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: yes
    dayz (1): can you add your assuie? if it's okay?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: ok
    dayz (1): alright give me a sec:)
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: but i will have to get a admin
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: to check your items'
    dayz (1): what do you mean?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: nah
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: just kjoking:()
    dayz (1): huh?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: joking
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: :)
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: dotn worry so much
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: don't
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: so?
    dayz (1): a sec
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: ok
    dayz (1): btw, is your unusuals safe to trade with or rather be clean man?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: it is clean and ready to trade
    dayz (1): meaning not one of those glitch/fraud items that when after the trade it will disappear.. don't want to lose all my investment and don't want to risk my items for just this trade. you understand me man?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: yes
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: it wont "disappear"
    dayz (1): i'm sorry for being skeptical man, I just got deceived from trading fraud items too many times and lost almost $2000 in items :/ it sucks, that's why im keeping my trades safe and clean nowadays..
    dayz (1): it really sucks :/
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: ok
    dayz (1): and man, but due to increasing number of malicious users, i would prefer if we trade through hiring SR admins to check our items and record our trade just incase any anomalies will happen.. i will pay for the admin fee ofcourse and to make our trade legit if it's okay with you?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: um can i ask you to confirm that you storage account is actually yours?
    dayz (1): it's mine man
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: sorry
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: but i have to make sure
    dayz (1): why?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: because of scammer
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: scammers
    dayz (1): raelly?
    dayz (1): really/
    dayz (1): ?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: yes
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: it is very simple
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: just delete my comment from you other profile
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: your
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: hello?
    dayz (1): why are you posting on my main?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: because
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: i can
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: so did you delete the comment
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: ?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: wow
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: you actually did
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: i though you were a scammer
    dayz (1): lol
    dayz (1): why am i?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: ah i dont know
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: so
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: what happens now
    dayz (1): they are steamrep admin who helps traders to avoid fraud items and scammed items , they can banned any accounts which they see fit to a discription of any scam attempts..
    dayz (1): http://steamcommunity.com/id/TRD69/
    dayz (1): http://steamcommunity.com/id/BitRayOfficial/
    dayz (1): http://steamcommunity.com/id/enstage/
    dayz (1): those are the active admins right now man
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: ok
    dayz (1): so, can you help me add all of them man? so that we will have a bigger chance on hiring them if one accepted us?
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: ok
    dayz (1): thanks man
    dayz (1): im adding them als
    dayz (1): also*
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: give me half a hour\
    D3f@?lt | trade.tf: i need to go
    dayz (1): why?
    Your state is set to Offline.
    dayz is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks - do keep in mind that this user is already banned/tagged..there isn't any more we can do to this user. Should you come across a user like this again(check users out soon as you say hello) it is best to just report them to Valve, delete and move on.
    Make sure you give us FULL SR profile blocks to all involved - this was clearly a bad user mentioned

    | steamname: Mr.BitRay
    | steam3ID: [U:1:15422547]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:7711273
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197975688275
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BitRayOfficial
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561197975688275

    Need that info too.
    But as I said report them to Valve - you should have seen they were banned and just removed them cause they are clearly not about to stop doing it.
    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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