1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted Report: 76561198245545410 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Lotus 2, Dec 13, 2017.

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  1. Lotus 2

    Lotus 2 Banned on SteamRep

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198245545410

    Victim profile: 76561198041814913

    What happened? Description:
    he tried to buy my knife with paypal and wanted to see my opskins account sales. and wanted me to deposit on opskins when i didnt lol..​

    Provide Evidence:
    its mostly in the chat. we got into discord and his english was really bad so i just ended the call.. but did opskins bot lol​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Lotus: aye
    Pearyus swap.gg: Hey?
    Lotus: you added
    Pearyus swap.gg: You want to sell your knife for a money?
    Lotus: yeah
    Lotus: ?
    Pearyus swap.gg: Ok
    Pearyus swap.gg: But do you have a sales history of your it?
    Lotus: ??
    Pearyus swap.gg: I will offer your knife if you have a sales history on opskin because i will sell your knife on opskin after we trade.
    Lotus: wtf is sales history LOL
    Pearyus swap.gg: Did you used opskin before?
    Lotus: yeah
    Lotus: i sold trading cards
    Pearyus swap.gg: ok do you know how to get a sales history on opskin?
    Lotus: yeah its not on this acc tho
    Lotus: my alt has a vac
    Lotus: i sold that acc tho
    Pearyus swap.gg: /
    Pearyus swap.gg: ?
    Lotus: i sold on my alt
    Lotus: not this
    Pearyus swap.gg: You can use your account.
    Lotus: i dont sel on this
    Pearyus swap.gg: I will teach you how
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Pearyus swap.gg is now Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    Pearyus swap.gg is now Online.
    Lotus: steam crashed
    Pearyus swap.gg: ?
    Pearyus swap.gg: I will teach you how to get a sales history of your items.
    Lotus: k
    Pearyus swap.gg: Ok
    Pearyus swap.gg: But can you add me on skype or discord first? just share your screen only so that i can guide you easily and fast.
    Lotus: do u have discord
    Pearyus swap.gg: yes
    Lotus: whats urs
    Pearyus swap.gg: Give me your name
    Lotus: Lettuce
    Pearyus swap.gg: one sec
    Lotus: i gtg soon
    Lotus: so hurry
    Lotus: lol
    Pearyus swap.gg: Im signining wait
    Pearyus swap.gg: I send request
    Lotus: use ur mic
    Pearyus swap.gg: wait
    Lotus: looool
    Lotus: steamrep ban lul
    Pearyus swap.gg: Really?
    Pearyus swap.gg: How sad
    Pearyus swap.gg: I can report you too
    Pearyus swap.gg: Bye bye
    Lotus: idc im not scamming
    Pearyus swap.gg: im not do scamming here
    Pearyus swap.gg: omg
    Pearyus swap.gg: you have only cheapest ITEMS
    Pearyus swap.gg: LOL
    Pearyus swap.gg is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    What bot?

    Attached Files:

  3. Lotus 2

    Lotus 2 Banned on SteamRep

    OPskins.com one. It's in the screenshots somewhere I posted
  4. Lotus 2

    Lotus 2 Banned on SteamRep

    Fake bot*
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    ok again .what fake bot? You provided ZERO information for me to find this account.
    Typically steam URL or something - I'd prefer a FULL SR profile block instead
  6. Lotus 2

    Lotus 2 Banned on SteamRep

  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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