1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Declined Report: 76561198272412067 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Lipid, Jul 15, 2018.

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  1. Lipid

    Lipid New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198272412067

    Victim profile: 76561198075440401

    What happened? Description:
    Person this user is impersonating below
    | steamname: Appleteck
    | steam3ID: [U:1:150211733]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:75105866
    | steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198110477461
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198110477461
    The guy random added me, obviously not reading my profile description that says I can't even trade, and asks me if I can trade. I say I can. That was either yesterday or Friday (today is Sunday 7/15/18). Dude messaged me again because I tried to continue the conversation on Saturday. He tries to get me on discord and I refuse multiple times because steamrep doesn't accept discord screenshots. After I told him he was in impersonator, he tried telling me he wasn't. As soon as I showed him evidence he was impersonating someone, he unfriended me.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Saturday, July 14, 2018
    Lipid: hey
    Appleteck.: Whaaaat mate?
    Lipid: why did you add
    Appleteck.: I added you cause i am looking for a trade
    Appleteck.: And i am just wondering if you are up for a trade?
    Lipid: yeah sure
    You must have had Steam Guard enabled for at least 15 days before you can participate in a trade.
    Lipid: what things do you want?
    Lipid: hello??
    Appleteck.: Its about of your tf2 items?
    Appleteck.: If its up for a trade?
    Lipid: i just answered that question bro
    Lipid: look up
    Lipid: yes, they are up for trade
    Appleteck.: Oh okay
    Appleteck.: So by the way do you have discord
    Appleteck.: ?
    Lipid: no i don't, sorry
    Appleteck.: Really?
    Lipid: yeah
    Appleteck.: how about skype?
    Lipid: i deleted skype, so no skype
    Lipid: let's keep the chat in here
    Appleteck.: But you know what is discord mate?
    Lipid: if you don't keep the chat in here im not trading
    Lipid: i've heard of discord, but i've been too lazy to use it since i don't have any friends
    Appleteck.: But mate
    Appleteck.: I want discord
    Lipid: but mate
    Lipid: i want steam
    Lipid: we don't need to use discord to trade
    Appleteck.: Cause i private my inventory its because of a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ scammer who always spamming a friend request
    Appleteck.: And also iv'e got scam before using a f✿✿✿✿✿✿ fake middle man and amdin
    Lipid: i didn't even mention your inventory
    Appleteck.: So i hope you can understand my side
    Lipid: bro
    Appleteck.: Yeah i know
    Lipid: you ARE a scammer
    Appleteck.: really?
    Lipid: yes
    Appleteck.: How?
    Lipid: you are impersonating the dude
    Appleteck.: its because of my inventory right
    Appleteck.: ?
    Appleteck.: Lol
    Appleteck.: Stop accusing people
    Appleteck.: Mate
    Lipid: and you are trying to take it out of steam so i cant get evidence
    Lipid: im not an idiot
    Appleteck.: Lol
    Lipid: the real dude himself has your link as an impersonator on his profile
    Appleteck.: I will show you my inventory mate
    Appleteck.: Steam inventory
    Lipid: amd im pretty sure you're banned on steamrep
    Appleteck.: Really
    Appleteck.: ?
    Appleteck.: Show me
    Appleteck.: If i am banned in steam rep mate
    Appleteck.: I have steamrepchecker here
    Lipid: alright, you're not banned on steamrep
    Lipid: but you are an impersonator
    Appleteck.: So do you think i am a scammer?
    Appleteck.: Lol
    Appleteck.: Show me
    Lipid: you are 100% impersonating
    Appleteck.: Yeah
    Appleteck.: Show me
    Appleteck.: Give me a proff that i am a scammer and impersonator
    Lipid: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Crazy_Viking
    Lipid: youre impersonating him
    Lipid: oh wait
    Appleteck.: Lol
    Lipid: oops wrong person
    Appleteck.: Whaaaa
    Lipid: sorry im getting my scammers mixed up :/
    Lipid: i get too many scammer random adds so yeah
    Appleteck.: Lol
    Appleteck.: I can show you my steam inventory
    Appleteck.: In discord
    Appleteck.: i will show you my screen mate
    Lipid: that doesnt mean you're not a scammer
    Appleteck.: I can prove it to you that i am not a scammer
    Lipid: your inventory shows no proof that you're not a scammer
    Appleteck.: I can prove that i am not a impersonator
    Appleteck.: cause i will show you my owned steam inventory
    Lipid: can't you just make your inventory public real quick and then let me look at it then
    Appleteck.: yeah cause i private it because there is so many scammer adding me everyday
    Appleteck.: That is my purpose
    Appleteck.: Mate
    Lipid: https://steamcommunity.com/search/users/#text=appleteck.
    Appleteck.: i can show you my inventory using discord
    Lipid: you are an impersonator
    Lipid: there are 5 appletecks
    Lipid: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198110477461
    Lipid: and here is the real appleteck
    Lipid: you are a scammer and an impersonator
    Lipid: you there
    Lipid: by the way, what method were you intending to use to scam me
    Appleteck. is now Offline.
    Lipid: the real appleteck says no random friend requests
    Appleteck. is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    Lipid: so i doubt he would random add too

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Not enough evidence of any scam here - your accusing the user left and right but no proof.
    The user never mentions anything that is related to that other user regardless of name they are using.
    Impersonation alone isn't a scam - must have intent.
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