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Accepted Report: 76561198319444323 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by KiloB24, Dec 15, 2017.

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  1. KiloB24

    KiloB24 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198319444323

    Victim profile: 76561198373083109

    What happened? Description:
    Well, I'm used to getting a lot of scammers, and I report all of them in a notepad I have. But I'm reporting this one over here because I felt it was different and people might fall for it. What happened: Directly messaged me "do you want to duplicate your knife?" and from that moment I knew it was a scam. I tried to expose him as much as I could, asking him so many questions, until he said he had a personally coded tool and I offered to "buy" it, just so I could see his reaction. At the end he seemed to be saying nonsense so I just ended it laughing at him :D

    Provide Evidence:
    This is just too funny, definitely one of the funniest from over hundreds that I have listed :D

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    Image of User Profile

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Wednesday, December 13, 2017
    TheTomika005: Heyy
    TheTomika005: Hello
    KiloB24: hello
    TheTomika005: Are you interested in duplicating your knife?
    KiloB24: yes
    KiloB24: I need skins
    TheTomika005: Ok
    TheTomika005: How many you need of the knife?
    TheTomika005: 100 max
    KiloB24: nono :D
    KiloB24: I only want 10
    TheTomika005: Ok
    TheTomika005: 10 got it
    TheTomika005: Random float?
    TheTomika005: So its not suspicius
    KiloB24: random, yes exactly
    TheTomika005: Okay
    TheTomika005: It will keep the wear rate like field tested
    TheTomika005: Oh and only sell one at a time
    TheTomika005: So?
    KiloB24: ok
    TheTomika005: When you are ready send an offer
    TheTomika005: And ill start duplicating
    KiloB24: but
    KiloB24: how will you do it?
    TheTomika005: Its a program that creates a glitch
    KiloB24: can I buy the program? I can offer a lot of money for it
    TheTomika005: Yea sure
    TheTomika005: Can you pay by your skins?
    TheTomika005: Im the seller
    KiloB24: skin and paypal
    KiloB24: I can pay by that
    TheTomika005: Ok skin
    TheTomika005: Ill send an offer
    KiloB24: can I have a screenshot please?
    TheTomika005: The program is only in the background
    KiloB24: ok....
    KiloB24: screenshot of the process?
    TheTomika005: Ok sure
    TheTomika005: I cant send pictures here
    TheTomika005: But i can tell you EXACTLY how it works
    KiloB24: hmm
    KiloB24: did you code it?
    TheTomika005: Yes :D
    KiloB24: may I have a screenshot? you can blur important code and everything
    KiloB24: becayse I have to be certain
    TheTomika005: The program makes the source code of the SELL button at an item and then it will take a minute or less and BOOM theres the other skin
    TheTomika005: Screenshot of what?
    KiloB24: I'm not sure
    KiloB24: so...
    KiloB24: what does it do to the sell button?
    TheTomika005: It encrytps the steam servers so it allows to change the button then it makes it think you got an item by a drop (like card drop)
    KiloB24: encrypt? you mean decrypt?
    TheTomika005: Yes
    KiloB24: and wouldn't it be faster to code the "sell" button to have to pay $0 instead of actual price?
    TheTomika005: Its bugging the servers while running so dont buy anything on the market
    KiloB24: but anyways I want to buy it
    TheTomika005: Okay
    TheTomika005: For lifetime?
    TheTomika005: Its cheap
    TheTomika005: But PLEASE dont share it
    KiloB24: no, I want a 30-minute trial just so I can confirm it's not a scam
    TheTomika005: I dont know
    TheTomika005: I cant make it a trial
    KiloB24: if you are that good at coding, you can
    TheTomika005: Idk that i can trust you
    TheTomika005: I know but its late here
    KiloB24: well, do it another day
    TheTomika005: Ok
    KiloB24: just message me when it is ready
    TheTomika005: Or maybe i can give you a bit of discount
    TheTomika005: Its originally 50€ but i can give you a bit off
    KiloB24: sorry man, I don't want to risk anything
    KiloB24: really sorry
    TheTomika005: And i can pay back if you dont like it
    KiloB24: Again, I don't trust anyone
    TheTomika005: I know man
    TheTomika005: Steam is full of scammers
    TheTomika005: My code got leaked a few years ago
    TheTomika005: because i gave a guy a trial aswell
    KiloB24: code can't get linked if you encrypt it
    KiloB24: you don't sound like a good coder right now
    TheTomika005: Yea im tired
    TheTomika005: Bit then the whole program was pretty bad
    TheTomika005: *but
    TheTomika005: It was only coded with auto hotkey
    KiloB24: .....
    KiloB24: are you serious?
    KiloB24: autohotkey?
    KiloB24: goodbye lol
    KiloB24: this is too funny
    KiloB24: I knew you were a scammer by your first message
    TheTomika005: Xd bye
    KiloB24: I just continued because it was hilarious
    TheTomika005: Im not scamming think what you think
    TheTomika005: Idiot
    KiloB24: lol
    TheTomika005: Ill go sleep
    KiloB24: you're so salty you're not getting any luck today
    KiloB24: but one lesson for scammers: people are gettins smarter, so scammers will have less luck
    KiloB24: but good try
    TheTomika005 is now Away.

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

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    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
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