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Accepted Report: 76561198325495244 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by king of the choppas, Feb 9, 2018.

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  1. king of the choppas

    king of the choppas New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198325495244

    Victim profile: 76561198055960056

    What happened? Description:
    They tried to scam my unusual killer solo by doing the classic steam item verification method
    and the person they used to be the "steam admin was "https://steamrep.com/search?q=http://steamcommunity.com/id/hhHopeeee/" and used this account as a "data base" being "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198806483327" The person that i used as the accused is also impersonating this user"https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198157350531".​

    Provide Evidence:

    KingOfTheChoppas: hey
    Uirimo: hello bro thanks for accepting
    Uirimo: just wondering about your Skill Gotten Gains Taunt: The Killer Solo
    Uirimo: its up for a trade ?
    KingOfTheChoppas: yes
    Uirimo: you want purekeys /
    KingOfTheChoppas: if possable
    Uirimo: 25 keys
    KingOfTheChoppas: yes
    Uirimo (1): okay can you send me your trade offer link
    KingOfTheChoppas: it wont let me send a trade offer
    Uirimo (1): your trade offer link send it to me
    KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    KingOfTheChoppas: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=95694328&token=i0Q38HSt
    Uirimo (1): okay before we trade can i ask you something bro ?
    KingOfTheChoppas: no
    Uirimo (1): where did you get you items bro ?
    KingOfTheChoppas: trading
    Uirimo (1): okay i just want to make sure here mate that i am safe with you here in the trade
    Uirimo (1): because i dont want to experience the same thing that happened to me the last time i traded i was f✿✿✿ed up
    Uirimo (1): hope you understand my concern bro
    KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    Uirimo (1): tbh i just want to have a safe trade with you here mate, after i lose all of my investment and get locked my account after receiving some of those fraud items
    KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    Uirimo: im just being careful with my safety here, and also i want you to be safe also.
    Uirimo: do you want it right?
    KingOfTheChoppas: yes
    KingOfTheChoppas: hey
    Uirimo: okay if you dont mind can we both undergo Item Verification by Valve Officials first just to have assurance if we are really trading safe items.
    KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    Uirimo: okay i will make a groupchat
    Uirimo: help me to cooperate okay
    KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    Uirimo: okay hold on
    Uirimo: can you help me to add him http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198366093116/
    Uirimo: tell me if you done adding him
    Uirimo: are you adding him bro ?
    KingOfTheChoppas: yes
    Uirimo: okay
    Uirimo: please respond in the groupchat bro
    Uirimo is now Away.
    Uirimo: hello bro ?
    KingOfTheChoppas: i have chenged my mind
    Uirimo: why ?
    Uirimo: dont worry
    KingOfTheChoppas: i just have
    Uirimo: why you changedd it ?
    KingOfTheChoppas: i just have
    Uirimo: >>
    Uirimo: ??
    KingOfTheChoppas: i just did not want to do the item verifacation
    Uirimo: why
    KingOfTheChoppas: i just did not
    Uirimo: you want or not ?
    KingOfTheChoppas: no
    that was the first chat with the accused and the chat with the scammer and "steam admin"is below
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Hello there.
    [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Ho can i help you?
    [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Mr.King?
    KingOfTheChoppas: item checking
    [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Do you have partner in this process, Mr.King?
    KingOfTheChoppas: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198325495244/
    [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: I got him now,
    [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Okay. I am going to make a groupchat now so that i can start to process both of your items. Understood?
    KingOfTheChoppas: y
    Friday, February 9, 2018
    3:00 PM - Your chat with [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope is now a multi-user chat.
    3:00 PM - Uirimo entered chat.
    3:01 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Hello there both of you. I am [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope of Valve Official Item Validation Process. How may I assist and help both of you? Please state your purposes clearly.
    3:01 PM - Uirimo: hello sir its about checking items verification sir
    3:01 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Do you agree with this matter Mr.King?
    3:03 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Mr.King, Still there with me?
    3:03 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: yes
    3:04 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Just follow my instructions carefully cause i don't want to waste my time in here. I have many transactions to handle and to be assisted. Understood?
    3:04 PM - Uirimo: understood sir
    3:04 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    3:05 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: I am going to check both of your items & offers using the "Item Database" - The tool which has the privelege and access to Steam Database for getting your items verified also to gather informations about it.
    3:05 PM - Uirimo: okay sir
    3:05 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    3:06 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Let me remind you traders that this conversation is been recorded to serve as an evidence for both of your safety. We are always minding your safety hereand give a secured trade and both of you here can rely on me. Okay?
    3:06 PM - Uirimo: okay sir
    3:07 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    3:08 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Okay so both traders are ready? If yes, Kindly turn on your ?? Steam Mobile Authenticators to connect on Steam.
    3:08 PM - Uirimo: okay sir let me get my phone now
    3:09 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Traders status, both traders are ready?
    3:09 PM - Uirimo: yes sir
    3:10 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: yes
    3:10 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Okay both traders, send me your offers and the items that needs to get verified here: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=846217599&token=Y_w_P5th
    3:11 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: So that the Steam Database can check it. I will be checking both offers the same time.
    3:11 PM - Uirimo: okay sir let me send my offer now
    3:11 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Both traders, keep me update if all done send the item offers, don't forget to confirm it into your Mobile Authenticator. Understood?
    3:12 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    3:12 PM - Uirimo: done sir
    3:13 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: I received (1) pending offer here from Mr.Uirimo, I'm waiting for other offer to proceed.
    3:13 PM - Uirimo: okay sir
    3:14 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Mr.King, Still there?
    3:15 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: yes
    3:15 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Don't forget to confirm into your Mobile, Okay?
    3:16 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: And keep me updated, if you done. Understood?
    3:18 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Are you done Mr.King?
    3:18 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: almost
    3:19 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Don't forget to confirm into your Mobile Mr.King, Understood?
    3:20 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: yes
    3:21 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Trader's tell me the name of the items that you need to check. Okay?
    3:21 PM - Uirimo: my 25 keys sir
    3:22 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: killer solo
    3:22 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: You sent wrong item Mr.King
    3:23 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: just testing to see if the system works
    3:23 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Okay send me the following item now.
    3:23 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Dont waste my time here cause i have a lots of clients to entertain, Understood?
    3:24 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: ok
    3:25 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Are yuo
    3:25 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Are you done sending Mr.King?
    3:27 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: yes
    3:28 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Just make it sure Mr.King!
    3:30 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Mr.King?
    3:30 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: yes?
    3:31 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Just sent it now. Dont waste my time here.
    3:32 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: i have changed my mind
    3:32 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: ?
    3:32 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: You waste a lot of my time here.
    3:32 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: I think you are trolling me.
    3:33 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: no
    3:33 PM - KingOfTheChoppas: i would never do a thing like that
    3:33 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Kbute
    3:34 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: Ok have a good dayt
    3:34 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope: I have to go now.
    3:34 PM - [TF2OP] Sir Bob Hope left chat.
    3:34 PM - Uirimo left chat.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2018
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @king of the choppas
    Please don't copy/paste chat text in description area/box...that isn't what its used for nor can we accept it like that anyway (can be edited). We require a detailed description only and screenshots to go with the report for evidence.
    Do keep in mind that this user is already banned/tagged..there isn't any more we can do to this user. Should you come across a user like this again(check users out BEFORE you accept friend request) it is best to just report them to Valve, delete and move on.
    I'm adding this final note to this user and to the other user - be sure to report both to Valve if you haven't already
    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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