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Accepted Report: 76561198333962997 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Mr.Milky, Nov 27, 2017.

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  1. Mr.Milky

    Mr.Milky New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Trade Offer Fraud] Using Trade Offer URL fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198333962997

    Victim profile: 76561198202822808

    What happened? Description:
    He added me, offered me a karambit boreal forest for my knife. I knew it was a scam so I messed with him. He got suspicious and didn't talk to me for around 24 hours. But then today he responded and was ready to finish the scam. He asked for my trade url and had me go on opskins and "list" my keys for sale then he sent a fake bot requesting all of my keys. The bot account is already banned on steam rep but this "junk_bot" account is not

    Here is the fake opskins bot steamrep info


    | steamname: [OPSKINS] Bot #0076
    | steam3ID: [U:1:447515916]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:223757958
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198407781644
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/opskinsbot1231
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198407781644

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Junk_bot: Hi
    Mr.Milky: hi
    Junk_bot: Good day man, How are you today?
    Mr.Milky: good
    Junk_bot: Are you busy atm ?
    Mr.Milky: no
    Junk_bot: Are you trading your keys?
    Mr.Milky: yes
    Junk_bot: Can you convert it to a knife ?
    Mr.Milky: Thats what im trying to do
    Mr.Milky: im looking for a karambit boreal forest ft
    Junk_bot: oh wait
    Mr.Milky: what
    Junk_bot: Did you already checked my safe storage account ?
    Junk_bot: At the top of my profile
    Junk_bot: I have http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/10964113460/?l=english&o=76561198583778062

    Junk_bot: this one right ?
    Mr.Milky: No I didn't check it
    Mr.Milky: But I can
    Junk_bot: Okay so we have a deal now right >
    Junk_bot: ?
    Mr.Milky: Well I didn't see the inventory yet
    Mr.Milky: oh you have it
    Junk_bot: YEs
    Mr.Milky: ill trade you 44 keys for it
    Mr.Milky: send the offer
    Junk_bot: Okay, can i have your trade url ? so that i can send my offer
    Mr.Milky: sur
    Mr.Milky: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=242557080&token=HWNI1L4S
    Junk_bot: Ok wait
    Junk_bot: Btw bro do you know how to check your keys on a marketplace?
    Mr.Milky: the price?
    Mr.Milky: they're all 2.50
    Junk_bot: Do you have discord?
    Junk_bot: Or skype ?
    Mr.Milky: no i dont
    Junk_bot: Can you create one ?
    Junk_bot: I will add one knife
    Junk_bot: If you want
    Mr.Milky: fam lets just do the trade here
    Junk_bot: YEs
    Mr.Milky: send the offer
    Mr.Milky: ill accept
    Junk_bot: But i just want to make sure that your keys is not one of those casino cases
    Junk_bot: i hope you understand me bro
    Junk_bot: I can add 10 keys if you create discord or skype
    Junk_bot: okay?
    Mr.Milky: nvm then
    Mr.Milky: its ok keep you're stuff dude
    Junk_bot: Are you familiar or heared about OPskins marketplace before ?
    Mr.Milky: yeah i heard about it
    Junk_bot: Okay so we will just list your keys there then after it i can send my knife first so it will be fair okay?
    Mr.Milky: ok?
    Mr.Milky: i dont understand why though
    Mr.Milky: my keys will become sold
    Mr.Milky: so you want me to list them or what?
    Junk_bot: Can you create skype ?
    Junk_bot: So that i can explain
    Junk_bot: and guide you easily
    Mr.Milky: i feel like you're wasting my time tbh
    Junk_bot: what do you mean ?
    Mr.Milky: not trying to be rude but are you serious or not
    Mr.Milky: lets just get the trade done
    Junk_bot: lol
    Mr.Milky: skype is no different
    Junk_bot: Im serious here
    Mr.Milky: then steam chat
    Junk_bot: Do you have facebook account ?
    Mr.Milky: so what do you want me to do? send a trade for the knife
    Mr.Milky: i dont use facebook
    Mr.Milky: only social media i got is youtube and steam
    Junk_bot: you can create discord
    Junk_bot: on your browser
    Mr.Milky: forget it
    Mr.Milky: is the knife on this account
    Junk_bot: nope
    Junk_bot: That's why i have your trade url so i can send my offer
    Mr.Milky: oh
    Mr.Milky: so why opskins?
    Junk_bot: Anyway i bought my all stuffs there so i just want to check your keys there
    Junk_bot: so is it okay for you ?
    Mr.Milky: yeah
    Junk_bot: Okay so can you create discord now ?
    Junk_bot: so we can proceed in this process
    Mr.Milky: what do i do with opskins
    Junk_bot: Just follow me step by step
    Junk_bot: Create discord
    Junk_bot: And then just give me your discord name so that i can add you
    Mr.Milky: why cant you tell me here
    Junk_bot: I can guide you easily if we use discord
    Junk_bot: okay?
    Junk_bot: So just create discord now
    Mr.Milky: tell me here
    Mr.Milky: its too much work
    Junk_bot: Bro
    Junk_bot: I can add 20 keys if you want
    Junk_bot: I can wait here
    Mr.Milky: thats 50 dollars
    Mr.Milky: why would you pay that much to use discord?
    Mr.Milky: why cant we just do it herre and keep the 20
    Mr.Milky: keys
    Junk_bot: So that i can guide you easily
    Mr.Milky: guide me easily here
    Junk_bot: And after we check your keys i will send my knife and keys first so it will be fair okay?
    Junk_bot: So just create discord now
    Mr.Milky: i dont even have a microphone
    Junk_bot: its okay
    Junk_bot: you can just tyoe
    Junk_bot: type*
    Mr.Milky: so type me here
    Junk_bot: i will be the one to talk
    Mr.Milky: theres no difference
    Junk_bot: okay?
    Junk_bot: no
    Mr.Milky: should i go to opskins?
    Junk_bot: Bro
    Junk_bot: Create discord
    Junk_bot: okay?
    Mr.Milky: listen all this time you're wasteing the trade could be done right no
    Mr.Milky: now
    Mr.Milky: please
    Junk_bot: Bro
    Mr.Milky: i really want the knife
    Mr.Milky: just trade me here
    Mr.Milky: tell me what to do
    Junk_bot: Okay go to OPskins
    Mr.Milky: i dont need overpay
    Junk_bot: and tell me if you are done signing in through stea
    Mr.Milky: ok im on
    Junk_bot: steam*
    Mr.Milky: ok
    Mr.Milky: im signed in
    Junk_bot: Do you know how to send a screenshot?
    Mr.Milky: print screen
    Junk_bot: okay
    Junk_bot: just send me a screenshot
    Mr.Milky: of what
    Junk_bot: That you are done sigining in on OPskins\
    Mr.Milky: ok where do i upload the screenshot
    Junk_bot: Go to http://gyazo.com
    Junk_bot: or imgur
    Mr.Milky: when i paste it says url failed to upload
    Junk_bot: just send me the link
    Junk_bot: BRB
    Junk_bot: My mom is calling me
    Mr.Milky: https://opskins.com/
    Mr.Milky: ok
    Junk_bot: Okay so do you see sell at the top ?
    Mr.Milky: yes
    Junk_bot is now Away.
    Mr.Milky: sorry i was grabbing food
    Junk_bot: Okay. Click it
    Mr.Milky: i did
    Mr.Milky: it shows my inventory
    Mr.Milky: and it says price your item
    Mr.Milky: and your sale queue
    Mr.Milky: junk bot
    Mr.Milky: are you there fam?
    Mr.Milky: is the trade off?
    Junk_bot is now Offline.
    Junk_bot is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    Mr.Milky: .
    Junk_bot is now Online.
    Junk_bot: Hey?
    Junk_bot is now Away.
    Mr.Milky: hi
    Junk_bot is now Online.
    Junk_bot: Can we continue bro ?
    Junk_bot: Im so sorry
    Mr.Milky: yes
    Mr.Milky: why did you ignore me earlier
    Junk_bot: Can you create discord now ?
    Junk_bot: please?
    Mr.Milky: finish the trade here man
    Mr.Milky: what do i do again
    Mr.Milky: i forgot
    Junk_bot: Can i call you here in steam ?
    Call from Junk_bot started.
    Junk_bot: Answer my call
    Call with Junk_bot ended.
    Mr.Milky: i dont have a mic
    Mr.Milky: i thought i told you
    Junk_bot: its okay
    Junk_bot: you will just type
    Junk_bot: i will be the one to talk
    Junk_bot: okay?
    Mr.Milky: i cant hear you though
    Call from Junk_bot started.
    Mr.Milky: no headset
    Junk_bot: i just fixed my mic
    Mr.Milky: im getting one cyber monday
    Call with Junk_bot ended.
    Mr.Milky: i dont have a headset
    Mr.Milky: no mic
    Junk_bot: okay
    Mr.Milky: im gonna get one today though on amazon
    Junk_bot: So can you go to OPskins now ?
    Mr.Milky: yeah
    Junk_bot: Okay then just sign in through steam
    Mr.Milky: ok im on
    Mr.Milky: ok
    Junk_bot: Okay do you see sell on the top ?
    Mr.Milky: yes
    Junk_bot: Btw may i have your trade url ? so that i can send my offer directly after we list your keys?
    Mr.Milky: sure
    Mr.Milky: let me get it brb
    Junk_bot: Okay
    Mr.Milky: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=242557080&token=HWNI1L4S
    Junk_bot: okay so what do you see on sell ?
    Mr.Milky: all my keys and skins
    Mr.Milky: on the left
    Junk_bot: okay click your key
    Mr.Milky: just one?
    Junk_bot: Do it one by one
    Junk_bot: Click one first
    Junk_bot: Then after you click your key do you see list price below ?
    Mr.Milky: yes
    Mr.Milky: 2.60 it says
    Junk_bot: Okay dont forget to change it to $999 so no one will buy it
    Mr.Milky: ok
    Junk_bot: Cuz we will just listing it not selling it
    Junk_bot: Okay then after you change the list price just click next
    Junk_bot: Just do the same thing
    Mr.Milky: ok
    Junk_bot: And tell me if your all key is on the sale queue
    Mr.Milky: i did them all
    Junk_bot: Okay so just refresh your page
    Junk_bot: so it will be listed
    Junk_bot: Reload your page
    Mr.Milky: i did
    Junk_bot: Okay then go to steam
    Mr.Milky: so now they're listed?
    Junk_bot: And check if you receive an offer from Opskins
    Junk_bot: Tell me if you receive it okay?
    Mr.Milky: yes i got offer from bot #0076
    Junk_bot: Okay so just respond bro
    Mr.Milky: so accept it?
    Junk_bot: So it will be listed on your OPskins inventory
    Junk_bot: Yes
    Mr.Milky: then you will trade me karambit?
    Junk_bot: Yes
    Mr.Milky: ok
    Junk_bot: And dont forget to confirm it on your mobile
    Junk_bot: So it will be 100% listed on your OPskins inventory
    Junk_bot: Just give me an Update if your done accepting it on your mobile
    Mr.Milky: yeah im charging my ipod
    Mr.Milky: its dead
    Junk_bot: okay
    Junk_bot: hello ?
    Mr.Milky: its charging amigo
    Junk_bot: hmm okay
    Mr.Milky: its the old ipod
    Mr.Milky: it takes longed
    Mr.Milky: the 4th gen
    Junk_bot: oh okay

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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