1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted Report: 76561198335840508 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Baefy, May 4, 2017.

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  1. Baefy

    Baefy New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198335840508

    Victim profile: 76561198204605857

    What happened? Description:
    He added me after I bumped my trades on csgo lounge. I'll attach screenies of the steam convo. He said he had like 4.6k in OP skins, and offered to give me a butterfly slaughter fac new (like 210 on opskins) for my 150$ inventory.

    Also, please do read his "trading info" on his profile & whatnot.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    7:02 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Hello sir! Good day
    7:02 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Still open for trade?
    7:02 PM - Baefy: Yeah.
    7:02 PM - Baefy: Sup?
    7:02 PM - Baefy: Like
    7:02 PM - Baefy: Whatcha got
    7:03 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: A better knife would be nice sir?
    7:03 PM - Baefy: Hm?
    7:05 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: What do you think of a butterlfy slaughter sir?
    7:05 PM - Baefy: What wear?
    7:05 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Let me make a screenshot of your bayonet, if i like the blue maybe ill go FN
    7:06 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Sec sir, sometimes metjm loads abit slow
    7:06 PM - Baefy: Really?! Cool! I'm down for that.
    7:06 PM - Baefy: fac new butterfly slaughter?? :D
    7:06 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Yes for the knife and skins ofc xD
    7:06 PM - Baefy: yee no problem.
    7:08 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: https://s.metjm.net/fdsxjR0.jpg kinda like it. sec let me prepare the bfk
    7:08 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: You do know imgur right?
    7:08 PM - Baefy: ya y
    7:09 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: http://imgur.com/dBMc7WN which 1 do you prefer sir? you can also check on my funds if you think im here to troll you.
    7:10 PM - Baefy: one sec
    7:10 PM - Baefy: I just need to launch CS real quick
    7:10 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Sure! Take your time sir.
    7:10 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Would you like a link so you can pick for yourself?
    7:10 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: You can inspect items from OPskins.
    7:11 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: https://opskins.com/?app=730_2&exterior=fn&loc=shop_search&search_item=butterfly slaughter&sort=lh here it is.
    7:11 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Pick and link me sir :)
    7:13 PM - Baefy: I like this one a lot
    7:13 PM - Baefy: https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=115809468
    7:13 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Okay looking at this now.
    7:14 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: https://s.metjm.net/5RhxxkQ.jpg this 1 right? Really sexy.
    7:14 PM - Baefy: yaaaas
    7:14 PM - Baefy: I love it so much
    7:14 PM - Baefy: im so exited
    7:14 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: You pick well xD
    7:14 PM - Baefy: ty :3
    7:14 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Okay, so while im adding this butterfly slaughter FN, can you please read the trading rules i have in my profile so we can proceed sir?
    7:15 PM - Baefy: sure one sec
    7:16 PM - Baefy: ok I did
    7:16 PM - Baefy: so what do I need to do?
    7:16 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: http://imgur.com/TlYg08M Okay sir. Butterfly slaughter you wanted is on my cart already im just waiting for you to read and follow the rules i have in my profile so we can proceed right away.
    7:16 PM - Baefy: Just send u an offer then u send me counter offer?
    7:17 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Yes, i would just need a pending offer of the stuffs you will trade for the butterfly once I see the pending offer I will proceed and check out this bfk slaughter then make the counter offer in just a minute or less.
    7:17 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Im doing counter offer so we are going to receive both items at the same time btw sir.
    7:17 PM - Baefy: ok lemme get my moms phone and confirm it on her mobile thing
    7:17 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Uhmm you're mother has your phone?
    7:18 PM - Baefy: no
    7:18 PM - Baefy: she says im not old enough to have my own phone so I use her phone for my steam mobile authenticator thingy
    7:18 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: I see.
    7:19 PM - Baefy: ok brb
    7:19 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Okay sir, ill just wait.
    7:19 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: I suggest a lil hurry this bfk might get sold coz its damn sexy.
    7:20 PM - Baefy: Sent it!
    7:20 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: You know, it's really rude to try and scam people. Didn't your mother raise you right?! What a shame. (?) LOL
    7:21 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Do you think i'd waste my account and money for this sir? Hmm i understand you feel unsafe about the way i do trades but theres no way i wil l scam. I dont want to lose my account and money for just doing things like this.
    7:22 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: I hope you are aware, I was in the middle of processing the butterfly
    7:22 PM - Baefy: Ok one sec
    7:22 PM - Baefy: lemme show your something
    7:23 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: ?
    7:24 PM - Baefy: http://prntscr.com/f48xej
    7:24 PM - Baefy: http://prntscr.com/f48xj0
    7:24 PM - Baefy: Look! I have over a TRILLION dollars!!!
    7:24 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Okay, you know what inspect element is?
    7:24 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: But you do know
    7:24 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: if you reload that
    7:24 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: it will be gone right?
    7:25 PM - Baefy: mhm
    7:26 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Try it
    7:26 PM - Baefy: mhm means yes.
    7:26 PM - Baefy: I know when I reload the page, it's gone. The inspect element I did.
    7:27 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Okay wait me ill make a GIF
    7:27 PM - Baefy: Nah. Do a youtube video you filthy scammer.
    7:27 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: LOOOL
    7:28 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Im sure you saw my steamrep and im sure you didnt find anything, in 12,000 trades i have done i didnt have any issues lol
    7:28 PM - Baefy: DUDE
    7:28 PM - Baefy: I GET SO MANY SCAMMERS
    7:28 PM - Baefy: Here
    7:28 PM - Baefy: Lemme ask you a question
    7:28 PM - Baefy: Ok?
    7:28 PM - Baefy: Ok?
    7:29 PM - Baefy: Can I ask you a question?
    7:29 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Sure. Im not not making you change your mind, i dont really care if you dont trade anymore.
    7:29 PM - Baefy: Ok so.
    7:29 PM - Baefy: Lemme ask you this.
    7:31 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: https://gyazo.com/9e149efd98e946f625017de8d2c95e70
    7:31 PM - Baefy: With your $4,656 on OPSKINS, why do you want my inventory? And why would you overpay buy like $60 for it? You could buy my entire inventory, PLUS get a better blue % on the knife, or have it be MW rather than FT and still save money. So why my inventory?
    7:32 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Have you heard of Buying and selling?
    7:32 PM - Baefy: Indeed I have. But you're overpaying me by $60.
    7:32 PM - Baefy: You can BUY a better knife for cheaper....
    7:33 PM - Baefy: LOOK $152 and wayyy better https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=116358012
    7:37 PM - Baefy: ??
    7:37 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: I have deals
    7:37 PM - Baefy: You're not answering my question.
    7:37 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Customers first.
    7:37 PM - Baefy: Ok
    7:37 PM - Baefy: Listen man.
    7:38 PM - Baefy: Get that f✿✿✿✿✿✿ butterfly in your inventory, ill trade it rn
    7:38 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: My rules or jut remove me.
    7:38 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Go away.
    7:38 PM - Baefy: See? You're a filthy scammer.
    7:38 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: LOL
    7:38 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: You can say what you want
    7:38 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: I dont care.
    7:39 PM - Baefy: Here, make a youtube video of you refreshing the opskins account.
    7:39 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: I JUST SENT YOU EARLIER
    7:39 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: IMGUR GIF
    7:39 PM - Baefy: not good enough
    7:39 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: lol
    7:39 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: its up to you
    7:39 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: if you dont believe it.
    7:39 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: you already know if you refresh page money will be gone
    7:39 PM - Baefy: Just get the f✿✿✿✿✿✿ butterfly in your inventory?
    7:39 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: I can even skype and share ym screen but i guess this wont go anywhere.
    7:41 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins: Bye. Have a good day!
    7:41 PM - Gay Terrorist #/BuyingSkins is now Offline.

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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