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Invalid Report: 76561198343659961 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by \ShAd0w/, Mar 9, 2017.

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  1. \ShAd0w/

    \ShAd0w/ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Gambling] Fake gambling website
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198343659961

    Victim profile: 76561198106111023

    What happened? Description:
    I was messaged by a guy on csgolounge.com to check out this website (http://best-exchanger.tech). Basically this site is a scam. It is a trading website.

    I didn't desposit anything so I wasn't scammed at all, but I have enough evidence that this website is a scam, that their bot should be banned...​

    Provide Evidence:
    Now to the evidence:
    I am pretty good in programming so I wanted to check if I could find anything scam related on their website:

    Their website uses a JavaScript-File: http://best-exchanger.tech/assets/script.js

    If you 'beautify' the JS code you can see the whole code for the depositing, withdrawing etc.

    Basically: I tried withdrawing an item with the free balance and got an error while 'sending the offer'...

    The crucial method in the JS file that is doing this is the following:

    function prepareoffer() {
        var _0x8a15x1d = 0;
        var _0x8a15x1e = '';
        var _0x8a15x1f = 'ste1';
        waitwith = 1;
        checkerr = setInterval(function() {
            _0x8a15x1e = document['getElementById'](_0x8a15x1f)['innerHTML'];
            if (_0x8a15x1e['indexOf']('...') != -1) {
                _0x8a15x1e = _0x8a15x1e['replace']('...', '.')
            } else {
                if (_0x8a15x1e['indexOf']('..') != -1) {
                    _0x8a15x1e = _0x8a15x1e['replace']('..', '...')
                } else {
                    _0x8a15x1e = _0x8a15x1e['replace']('.', '..')
            document['getElementById'](_0x8a15x1f)['innerHTML'] = _0x8a15x1e
        }, 1000);
        document['getElementById']('ste1')['innerHTML'] = 'GET OFFER.';
        _0x8a15x1d = Math['floor']((Math['random']() * 10000) + 3000);
        setTimeout(function() {
            _0x8a15x1f = 'ste2';
            document['getElementById']('ste1')['innerHTML'] = 'GET OFFER...OK';
            document['getElementById']('ste1')['style']['color'] = '#3aa50e';
            document['getElementById']('ste2')['innerHTML'] = 'VALIDATION OFFER.';
            _0x8a15x1d = Math['floor']((Math['random']() * 10000) + 3000);
            setTimeout(function() {
                _0x8a15x1f = 'ste3';
                document['getElementById']('ste2')['innerHTML'] = 'VALIDATION OFFER...OK';
                document['getElementById']('ste2')['style']['color'] = '#3aa50e';
                document['getElementById']('ste3')['innerHTML'] = 'SEND OFFER.';
                _0x8a15x1d = Math['floor']((Math['random']() * 10000) + 3000);
                setTimeout(function() {
                    document['getElementById']('ste3')['innerHTML'] = 'SEND OFFER...ERROR';
                    document['getElementById']('ste3')['style']['color'] = 'red';
                    var _0x8a15x1d = Math['floor']((Math['random']() * 3) + 1);
                    if (_0x8a15x1d == 1) {
                        document['getElementById']('ste5')['innerHTML'] = 'An error has occured sending your trade offer, please try again later.'
                    if (_0x8a15x1d == 2) {
                        document['getElementById']('ste5')['innerHTML'] = 'The selected items unavailable.'
                    if (_0x8a15x1d == 3) {
                        document['getElementById']('ste5')['innerHTML'] = 'Steam is not now available. Try again later.'
                    document['getElementById']('ste5')['style']['display'] = '';
                    waitwith = 0
                }, _0x8a15x1d)
            }, _0x8a15x1d)
        }, _0x8a15x1d)
    The funny thing are the last ~10 lines...
    after the 'VALIDATION OFFER...OK' (see screenshot) it tries to send an offer. But after trying that. It does the following:
    var _0x8a15x1d = Math['floor']((Math['random']() * 3) + 1);
    This generates a random number (1, 2 or 3) and saves it into a variable. Then it checks if the variable is 1, 2 or 3 and sends an error messages of 3 different messages . After that nothing ever happens, so it is just there to generate an error but nothing else, it NEVER withdraws ANYTHING!

    I hope this is enough evidence.

    Hiro Fushikar​

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Not enough evidence linking this account to no good.
    We wouldn't be able to accept scripting like you gave - can be altered.
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