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Accepted Report: 76561198370242882 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ErkanCevik, Mar 11, 2017.

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  1. ErkanCevik

    ErkanCevik New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198370242882

    Victim profile: 76561198162822629

    What happened? Description:
    He has tried scam me with fake bot account. He's using opskins bots name and try to scam people. He's using a fake acc inventory to scam people. He have to get ban, please ban it!​

    Provide Evidence:
    He has tried me scam with fake opskins bot account. He created a fake account http://steamcommunity.com/id/BBGMelanieGalupo
    | steamname: [OPSKINS] Bot #026
    | steam3ID: [U:1:338944273]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:169472136
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198299210001
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/BBGMelanieGalupo
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198299210001
    View attachment 530475 View attachment 530476 View attachment 530477 View attachment 530478 View attachment 530479 View attachment 530480

    10 Mart 2017 Cuma
    Joe: hello
    ErkanCevik: hi
    Joe: about your knife ?
    Joe: hey
    ErkanCevik: hey
    Joe: about your knife ?
    ErkanCevik: what do u want?
    Joe: do you want to trade your knife ?
    ErkanCevik: what would u give to me?
    Joe: check my stuffs here http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198336029776/inventory/
    Joe: just tell me what items do you want forit
    Joe: im willing to overpay here
    ErkanCevik: what can u give me to me?
    ErkanCevik: skins or knifes?
    Joe: okay
    Joe: just tell me what items do you want for it so i can think about it
    Joe: hello
    Joe: so what do you want ?
    ErkanCevik: dragon lore
    ErkanCevik: lol
    ErkanCevik: just kidding
    ErkanCevik: ★ Butterfly Knife | North Forest?
    Joe: are you serious
    ErkanCevik: and why do u want my knife?
    Joe: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/8693635108/?l=turkish&o=76561198336029776

    Joe: this one
    Joe: it is oka y
    ErkanCevik: yep
    Joe: so deal ?
    ErkanCevik: its this right for u?
    Joe: yes i do for your knife and skins ?
    ErkanCevik: i can only trade my knife
    Joe: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/8498918490/?l=turkish&o_url=erkan2034

    Joe: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/7640068059/?l=turkish&o_url=erkan2034

    Joe: you give me ?
    Joe: for my Butterfly Knife | Forest DDPAT Mw
    ErkanCevik: mw?
    Joe: Minimal Wear ?
    ErkanCevik: wait pls
    Joe: okay
    Joe: ★ Butterfly Knife | Forest DDPAT
    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
    ★ Covert Knife
    SteamOverviewPrice: $101.61 (3 sold in 24h)
    Number owned: 2
    Exterior: Minimal Wear
    Joe: http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/8693635108/?l=turkish&o=76561198336029776

    ErkanCevik: okay, i accept this
    Joe: yes of course
    Joe: but did you enable your mobile authenticator already ?
    ErkanCevik: yep
    Joe: okay can i have your trade offer link ?
    ErkanCevik: wait
    ErkanCevik: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=202556901&token=jaNbYTTw
    Joe: before i send the offer can i ask something ?
    ErkanCevik: ask
    Joe: do you know opskins ?
    ErkanCevik: yeah i used it
    Joe: cause im currently buying and reselling items on opskins so i just want to confirm that your knife are 100% marketable on opskins okay?
    Joe: just want to be sure
    ErkanCevik: yes i checked it
    Joe: can we check first ?
    ErkanCevik: i did it
    ErkanCevik: i selled something on opskins
    ErkanCevik: so i checked it 1 month ago
    Joe: i just want to be sure
    ErkanCevik: okay what do u want?
    Joe: can you go to http://Opskins.com ?
    ErkanCevik: yep
    Joe: done ?
    Joe: can you sign in ?
    ErkanCevik: yep
    Joe: can you click sell on the top ?
    ErkanCevik: wait
    Joe: listing me okay
    ErkanCevik: https://skingator.com/ssdd.PNG
    Joe: okay click your knife and AK-47 and put high value on the list price like 9999$ so no one will buy it okay
    ErkanCevik: okay they sent trade offer
    ErkanCevik: no problem
    Joe: so that we can trade ok ?
    ErkanCevik: yep do u use twitch?
    ErkanCevik: twitch. tv / erkancevik u can come and watch, i'm trustable trader
    Joe: okay then click add to sale queue but dont deposit okay
    Joe: done ?
    ErkanCevik: yep done
    Joe: okay now go to your steam and check if you recieve 1 notification from opskins
    Joe: do you recieved ?
    ErkanCevik: yes dude
    Joe: just accept that offer from Opskins so that i can make an offer with my knife
    Joe: after you accept go back to Opskins site
    ErkanCevik: stop here dude
    ErkanCevik: come to my twitch channel
    ErkanCevik: and watch it
    ErkanCevik: i dont accept opskins's offer
    ErkanCevik: if u wanna trade with me, come to live
    Joe: i just want to make sure
    ErkanCevik: and u can trsut me
    ErkanCevik: if u cant sell it
    Joe: im watch you https://www.twitch.tv/erkancevik
    ErkanCevik: i can give back it to u
    Joe: yes
    ErkanCevik: so just start a trade offer
    ErkanCevik: then trust me
    Joe: i just want to check it in live dude
    Joe: i send it after i check your knife in Opskins ?
    Joe: okay ?
    ErkanCevik: no way trust me
    ErkanCevik: start a trade offer
    ErkanCevik: then u'll get knife and ak47
    Joe: okay accept that and after you accept that go back to opskins site?
    ErkanCevik: try to sell it in opskins
    Joe: so that i can check it ?
    ErkanCevik: no i wont accept opskins's offer
    ErkanCevik: i dont give it to bot sry
    ErkanCevik: if u wanna trade
    Joe: why ?
    Joe: he is online
    ErkanCevik: start a trade then i'll accept ur trade offer
    ErkanCevik: u can check it
    ErkanCevik: if u can't sell it
    Joe: listen me please
    Joe: okay
    ErkanCevik: i can get it back
    ErkanCevik: and give ur knife back to u? ok
    Joe: dont worry
    Joe: i will not ruin my name here
    Joe: okay im not force you here if you did not like my offer okay
    ErkanCevik: if u dont trust me, there's no offer okay?
    ErkanCevik: i dont give my knife and ak to opskins
    Joe: what do you mean ?
    ErkanCevik: just start a trade offer with ur knife and my skin and knife
    ErkanCevik: i'll aceept it, u'll check its
    Joe: he is online [OPSKINS] Bot #026 ?
    Joe: yes
    ErkanCevik: oh f✿✿✿
    ErkanCevik: u dont understand me
    Joe: why f✿✿✿ me
    ErkanCevik: listen me okay?
    ErkanCevik: start a trade with ur main acc
    Joe: if that bot trying to scam you i will make an offer with my knife for free
    ErkanCevik: ur knife to my skin and knife
    Joe: thats why you dont need to worry here
    Joe: you have my words here man
    ErkanCevik: stop here
    Joe: i just want to check it in live dude
    ErkanCevik: listen
    Joe: listen please
    ErkanCevik: no u listen me
    Joe: i just want to make sure that your knife is 100% marketable
    Joe: accept it and check it in opskin if your knife is 100% marketable okay?
    Joe: you can trust me here
    Joe: i assure you okay
    ErkanCevik: i cant
    ErkanCevik: i dont wanna use 3rd party sites
    Joe: yes i do me
    ErkanCevik: listen me now
    ErkanCevik: start a trade offer
    ErkanCevik: okay?
    Joe: your not understand me ?
    ErkanCevik: i understood u
    Joe: why no listen me ?
    ErkanCevik: i dont wanna use opskins
    ErkanCevik: and give my knife and ak47 skin okay?
    ErkanCevik: they are my life
    Joe: im give my Butterfly Knife | Forest DDPAT Minimal Wear for your knife and ak-47
    Joe: so can you send from [OPSKINS] Bot #026
    Joe: okay ?
    Joe: Don't be scared you can rely on me here i will accept any tip or fees for this transaction and for my effort it this deal went smoothly ?
    ErkanCevik: add me friend with ur main acc
    Joe: what do you mean ?
    ErkanCevik: ADD ME from ur MAIN acc
    ErkanCevik: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198336029776
    Joe: no
    Joe: your no send from [OPSKINS] Bot #026 ?
    ErkanCevik: why no
    Joe: so can you confirm your mobile From [OPSKINS] Bot #026 ?
    Joe: okay ?
    ErkanCevik: are u admin of opskins?
    Joe: who admins ?
    ErkanCevik: are u bot?
    Joe: the admins he is scammer ?
    Joe: no
    ErkanCevik: why should I send it to bot?
    Joe: he is 2 account ?
    Joe: are you still there ?
    ErkanCevik: yep
    Joe: so can you accept from [OPSKINS] Bot #026 ?
    ErkanCevik: i disagreed it
    Joe: i send it after i check your knife and ak-47in Opskins ?
    Joe: okay
    ErkanCevik: ahahahahahahashfdhsa f✿✿✿ urself
    Joe: lol ?
    Joe: fake ?
    ErkanCevik: yah f✿✿✿✿✿
    ErkanCevik: go and kill urself
    Joe: are you kids?
    Joe: kill you self ?
    ErkanCevik: ahahaha
    Joe şu an Çevrimdışı.
    ErkanCevik: u're using fake name

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    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2017
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    I removed the code tags around the bots block - you can't search it like that.
    The bot is already tagged - not touching it again.
    This account is pretty much a throw away - brand new only a few weeks old.
    Marking though.
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    Attached Files:

    ErkanCevik likes this.
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