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Accepted Report: 76561198371760177 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by pile of leaves, Aug 2, 2017.

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  1. pile of leaves

    pile of leaves New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198371760177

    Victim profile: 76561198388038691

    What happened? Description:
    saw he was banned on sr f✿✿✿ed with him for a little while then said i knew about sr and how he was banned although his bot wasnt so im just gonna get that banned now
    heres his fake bots block
    | steamname: [OPSKINS] Bot #00019
    | steam3ID: [U:1:350767632]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:175383816
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198311033360
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198311033360

    Provide Evidence:

    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: hello
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: is your unusual up for atrade?
    pile of leaves: mhm
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: do you sell it?
    pile of leaves: for cash?
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: keys
    pile of leaves: oh sure
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: how many keys for it?
    pile of leaves: 23
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: Noble Amassment of Hats right?
    pile of leaves: mhm
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: can you make it 20?
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: still there mate?
    pile of leaves: yeah im here
    pile of leaves: and i guess
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: alright
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: i will check first the history ok?
    pile of leaves: k
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: by the way man are you using opskins or heard it before?
    pile of leaves: no what it is it sounds like a porno
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: its an csgo selling site im currently buying and reselling items on opskins so i just want to confirm that your unusual are 100% marketable on opskins okay?
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: still there mate?
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: did you already sell it?
    pile of leaves: no i sent it to a friend one sec
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: okay
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: can you list it on opskins?
    pile of leaves: sure
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: alright but get first your unusual
    pile of leaves: got it
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: can you go to http://opskins.com
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: and sign in thro steam
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: tell me when you already logged in
    pile of leaves: done
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: already logged in?
    pile of leaves: mhm
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: what now?
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: do you see sell on top?
    pile of leaves: mhm
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: ..
    pile of leaves: now what?
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: do you see sell on top?
    pile of leaves: yes
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: now click sell on the top and click your Amassment of Hat
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: tell me what you see next
    pile of leaves: i see it
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: what you see after clicking your unsuual?
    pile of leaves: list price our cut and your cut
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: and put high value on the list price like 9999$ so no one will buy it okay
    pile of leaves: ok
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: then click add to sale queue but dont deposit okay ?
    pile of leaves: kk
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: tell me when you already added to sale quueue
    pile of leaves: done
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: ok , so by now you should have receieve an notifications from opskins.
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: did you get it?
    pile of leaves: yeah i see it
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: does it have a security token?
    pile of leaves: mhm
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: kindly copy or memorized it because you will used it later on to access your opskins inventory and to retrieve your Amassment
    pile of leaves: ok one sec i need to s✿✿✿ first im dying XDE
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: okok
    pile of leaves: back
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: already copy it?
    pile of leaves: yep
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: now accept the notifications offer so that it will be posted on opskins marketlist and then we would know it is marketable and tradable at the same time . then use the security token given to you by opskins site to access your opskins inventory to retrieve you Noble Amassment
    pile of leaves: kk
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: tell me when you accepted it so that I can view the item you posted and then I will send you a trade offer
    pile of leaves: ok its there
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: let me check
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: i cant see it
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: did you click deposit?
    pile of leaves: mhm
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: i said dont click deposit because it will not be posted at the opskins marketlist
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: by depositting it will just transfer on your opskin inventory
    pile of leaves: i think you should make a new account this ones banned on steamrep XD
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf: ?
    pile of leaves: oh well got you and your fake bots sr block enjoy the ban
    ColAps*Marketplace.tf is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

    • s.PNG
      File size:
      458.5 KB
    • t.PNG
      File size:
      1.5 MB
    • u.PNG
      File size:
      693.8 KB
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks - do keep in mind this user is already banned/tagged- nothing more we can do to them.
    You should be checking users out before accepting friend requests - you would see this and then its best to just report them to Valve, delete and move on.
    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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