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Accepted Report: 76561198379532629 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by GLiTCheD |, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Trade Offer Fraud] Using Trade Offer URL fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198379532629

    Victim profile: 76561198173392907

    What happened? Description:
    Joe added me for a trade, saying that he wanted my entire inventory for one select knife in his inventory. I tried going on his inventory by normal means as in clicking on the inventory tab on his profile but it was private, and on his Information box was linked a completely different inventory with a bunch of knives and an inventory worth over 10k$. (Which I don't think belongs to him, (That profile doesn't show up on the steamrep website, which was weird to me)
    He may be trying to impersonate the Joe with the valuable inventory) I then asked for the Karambit Fade that the valuable account had and he accepted the offer (Which is absolutely absurd, my inventory is worth maybe only a few more than a 100 and I asked for a 700$ knife).
    After he agreed he asked me if my items were 100% marketable on the market (Presumably opskins) I told him that they were but he wanted confirmation that my items were "Marketable". (I presume he was going to impersonate an opskins bot too but I never got to that point with him) I then questioned him about the validity of his profile because I noticed that they were 2 different profiles and asked him if the knife profile was his vault account. He said yes. I then asked for another screenshot of the trade he was going to send me and noticed that the name had changed on his profile (The vault had only "Joe" and the screen he sent me had Joe plus /Spphr/, etc.) I then told him that I knew that this was a scam and we parted ways.​

    Provide Evidence:


    The inventory that was linked on his profile:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: hi
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: how are you?
    GLiTCheD |: Good
    GLiTCheD |: Want to trade?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: nice
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: yes, you still trading your skins right?
    GLiTCheD |: yeah.
    GLiTCheD |: What are you offering?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: ah you didnt see my inventory yet?
    GLiTCheD |: lemme check ;
    GLiTCheD |: ;p
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: kk sure
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: take your time first :D
    GLiTCheD |: what ar eyou interested in btw?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: your whole inventory to my 1knife :D
    GLiTCheD |: Which knife?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: well, you can choose there :)
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: but not too much XD
    GLiTCheD |: Any knife?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: yes bro, but not too much XD
    GLiTCheD |: ah
    GLiTCheD |: You want the keys in my inv too right?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: yes :)
    GLiTCheD |: cool cool, how bout the karambit fade?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: sec
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: uhm bro, i can give you that one but...
    GLiTCheD |: hmm?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: can you please dont tell this to anyone? because you are the one i give a veryvery high overpayment bro
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: please?
    GLiTCheD |: uh
    GLiTCheD |: sure?
    GLiTCheD |: You can change the item if you wish btw
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: but dont tell this to anyone okay?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: please?
    GLiTCheD |: uhh ok?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: you want the kara right?
    GLiTCheD |: yeah?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: okay thank you bro
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: can i have your trade url rn?
    GLiTCheD |: it's on my profile
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: kk
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: ]sec
    GLiTCheD |: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=213127179&token=i8Zewa_U
    GLiTCheD |: it's that btw
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: thnk you
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: sec
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: check first my screenshot of my offer bro
    GLiTCheD |: ?
    GLiTCheD |: you didn't send a screenshot
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: http://imgur.com/a/NCN6y
    GLiTCheD |: ah
    GLiTCheD |: I see
    GLiTCheD |: alright
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: http://imgur.com/a/WSPSP
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: you see it now?
    GLiTCheD |: yeah
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: okay sec i will send my offer
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: btw bro, is your skins is 100% marketable? if be able to put in any marketplace?
    GLiTCheD |: mhm
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: is it bro?
    GLiTCheD |: yeah
    GLiTCheD |: I think so atleast
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: can we first double check it, before i do send my offer? because this is what happen to me last we trade with my trading partner, and after we trade i try to sell his knife in the market and it cannot be able to sell or sold, so it means not 100% sure marketable
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: because after we trade i will sell your skins
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: i just need assurance first,
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: i dont want to lost my knife and i dont want to get scam again
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: hope you understand my situation very well my friend :/
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: its fine with you?
    GLiTCheD |: yeah it's fine
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: okay bro, thank you :)
    GLiTCheD |: So we'll do the standard opskins market at 999$ to see if marketable right?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: uhm btw, im using skype so that i can be able to see it on my own eyes and be able to see it in live
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: do you have skype right?
    GLiTCheD |: nope
    GLiTCheD |: any other way?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: can you add me first? dont worry you dont need to talk well
    GLiTCheD |: '
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: im using only skype, so that i can be able to see it bro :/
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: you dont have skype? :/
    GLiTCheD |: nope ;/
    GLiTCheD |: Is there any other way?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: why bro? :/
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: im only using skype my friend :/
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: can you creat skype? just for me bro please?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: https://www.skype.com/en/
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: dont worry im willing to wait for you
    GLiTCheD |: kk
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: thank you bro :)
    GLiTCheD |: btw, why is your inventory private?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: as i've said a while ago bro, i got scam and i keep them all for my own safety
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: but you see my offer right? its already prepared
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: after you add my on skype, i will throw my offer
    GLiTCheD |: kk
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: just tell me if your done
    GLiTCheD |: wait hold on
    GLiTCheD |: That profile on your inventory
    GLiTCheD |: it's different
    GLiTCheD |: Is it some kind of vault account?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: yes, i keep them all bro for my own safety
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: yes
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: but you see my offer right?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: i give you screenshot
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: and its not fake ;/
    GLiTCheD |: can you resend another one btw
    GLiTCheD |: I closed out the chat accidentally
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: kk
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: sec
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: here
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: http://imgur.com/a/fMUwl
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: http://imgur.com/a/k7CJN
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: just check it
    GLiTCheD |: eh
    GLiTCheD |: Can I have some additional proof
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: what?
    GLiTCheD |: I don't really believe in screenshots anymore
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: add me on skype
    GLiTCheD |: I don't have one
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: i will share my screen to you
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: so that you can see my offer
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: and you can see my inventory
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: jsut tell me if your done
    GLiTCheD |: Can you give me proof that the inventory with all the knives is yours?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: yes bro, why should not
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: i can share my screen on skype
    GLiTCheD |: No need for that, just take a screenshot of you in the account with the knives on the front steam page and hover over your icon with your mouse to display the url in the corner
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: what? i can't understand you
    GLiTCheD |: Go on steam
    GLiTCheD |: Logged into that vault account
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: and?
    GLiTCheD |: Then put your cursor over your own steam icon
    GLiTCheD |: In the corner (top right)
    GLiTCheD |: And just take a screenshot from there
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: http://imgur.com/a/NqCYG
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: you can see it
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: im only
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: with the same name
    GLiTCheD |: ?
    GLiTCheD |: But that's the account I'm talking to right now
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: what?
    GLiTCheD |: Hover over your icon so I can see the link in the bottom corner
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: you make it complicated bro :/
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: why?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: just add me on skype
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: and you can see its my real vault account
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: what now?
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: you can add me or what?
    GLiTCheD |: I'm sorry, but this is probably a scam
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: okay sure
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: i can't force you
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: its your own decision
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: thank you for your time
    Joe /Spphr/Dlore/Ruby/Howl: you can remove me in your friend list
    GLiTCheD |: Alright

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Yes the other profile they link to is NOT theirs.

    Attached Files:

    • joe.jpg
      File size:
      154.9 KB
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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