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Archived Report: 76561198392383842 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by GLiTCheD |, Jul 10, 2017.

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  1. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198392383842

    Victim profile: 76561198173392907

    What happened? Description:
    I added Blackride this morning from csgolounge, he had recently offered me a Stattrak M4A1-S Hyper Beast, Factory New (Worth about 200$) He gave me his trade offer straight away and I stalled for a bit looking for the other M4A1-S that he was going to try to quickswitch (I already knew it was going to be a scam) I offered him the trade for the ST M4A1-S | Hyper Beast (Fac New) for the knife he asked but the trade was no longer valid, as the items were marked as unavailable (Which means he traded it away to his other account and got the battle scarred one) He then asked me to offer some other items with the knife, to which I agreed. I then exposed him and told him that the wear had changed on his weapon and he unadded me right after.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Blackride09: hey
    GLiTCheD |: Sup
    GLiTCheD |: You offered me on csgolounge?
    Blackride09: yes
    GLiTCheD |: Sure, what was your offer again btw?
    Blackride09: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=432118114&token=_QbZbKBL
    Blackride09: look at trading website
    GLiTCheD |: oh
    GLiTCheD |: a live trade offer?
    GLiTCheD |: sure
    GLiTCheD |: what was the item you offered on csgolounge btw?
    Blackride09: man u added me
    Blackride09: and dont know what u want from me?
    GLiTCheD |: Hold up lemme check
    GLiTCheD |: Lmao yeah sorry about that
    GLiTCheD |: Right
    GLiTCheD |: M4A1-S Hyper Beast
    GLiTCheD |: stattrak
    GLiTCheD |: What did you want for it?
    Blackride09: i want for it knife
    GLiTCheD |: srue
    GLiTCheD |: sure
    GLiTCheD |: I made the offer
    GLiTCheD |: my phone has no power rn
    GLiTCheD |: gonna charge it
    GLiTCheD |: Done
    GLiTCheD |: sent the offer
    Blackride09: why only knife?
    GLiTCheD |: ?
    GLiTCheD |: You told me you only wanted the knife?
    Blackride09: man knife+m4 desolate space+awp or im not interested
    Blackride09: because i have batter offer from other guy
    GLiTCheD |: ah
    GLiTCheD |: alright
    GLiTCheD |: I'll throw in all
    Blackride09: send me new offer then and add skins
    GLiTCheD |: sure
    GLiTCheD |: for that factory new m4a1-s hyper beast?
    Blackride09: man im trading only m4
    GLiTCheD |: you have a couple of keys too though
    GLiTCheD |: want to buy my lower tier items after this?
    Blackride09: man i just want to trade my m4
    Blackride09: i wont trade my kyes
    GLiTCheD |: kk
    Blackride09: send me knife+m4+awp
    GLiTCheD |: Hold on cowboy
    GLiTCheD |: just one minute
    GLiTCheD |: someone is calling me downstairs
    Blackride09: man
    Blackride09: i go accept other offer then
    GLiTCheD |: wait
    GLiTCheD |: christ, I'm going to send it
    GLiTCheD |: just wait a minute
    Blackride09: so?
    GLiTCheD |: hey
    GLiTCheD |: why is your item battle scarred now?
    GLiTCheD |: You think this wasn't obvious?
    Blackride09 is now Offline.
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @GLiTCheD | Ok this is a difficult scam to prove..what is in the pack is irrelevant - I can't tell nor can anyone else if the other item was ever there but regardless even if it wasn't the ACCUSED has to put the different item into a live trade or a trade offer sent to you - not the other way around. SO if you are sending an offer back and selecting an item that is you picking the wrong thing or something different and in no way a scam proven against the accused.
    Do you have these screenshots?
  3. GLiTCheD |

    GLiTCheD | New User

    Unfortunately no, how about going on csgoexchange and checking the item's owner history?
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Doesn't work like that - so without that as you can understand we can't review this or prove that is in fact what the user did.
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