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Invalid Report: 76561198400419601 - ([None] No items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by iDaft╰☆╮cs.money, Aug 7, 2017.

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  1. iDaft╰☆╮cs.money

    iDaft╰☆╮cs.money New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [None] No items

    Accused profile: 76561198400419601

    Victim profile: 76561198157145218

    What happened? Description:
    Please note that all the chat logs are in Romania i'll explain it short.

    So he added me 1 week ago saying he liked my profile. The next day he wrote a message to me with a link to his game shop. I looked into his shop , looked legit. So i told him i wanted to buy some games for cheap. He told me no problem and talked with his "partner" (his alt by the name and you can see it in his custom url 'wazeonyt'. Secound Account steam rep link:
    | steamname: Waze
    | steam3ID: [U:1:397247123]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:198623561
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198357512851
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198357512851 )

    I looked into his profile and his links and everything was fake
    from the 13 year old account to the Fake g2a verified account that isnt photoshoped very well you can see the difference on the photos one has the task bar one doesnt
    and the Fake Trade offer History .
    And making people thing that St4ck's Giveaway group is his.
    Imgur images uploaded down below

    i Started exposing him for the fake stuff he has on his profile and he told me that he has proof that it is real. But the proof didnt prove anything. Images below aswel

    Have a good day​

    Provide Evidence:
    All writen above and screenshot proof down below​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: Salut cu ce te pot ajuta ?
    ✪ eSpy*: Salut,imi place mult profilul tau.
    ✪ eSpy*: Si as vrea sa fiu in lista ta de prieteni daca se poate.
    ✪ eSpy*: Only today SUMMER SALE TO CS:GO / GTA V ! https://bloodv.wixsite.com/onlinegamesandscript/shop >> CS:GO = 4.96 EUROS / GTA V = 22.50 EUROS ! ONLY FOR 2 LUCKY GUYS ! MESSAGE ME BACK FOR ANY GAME / SCRIPT !
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: espy
    ✪ eSpy*: Yes?
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: vinzi csgo la 2 chei ?
    ✪ eSpy*: Stai sa imi intreb colegul.
    ✪ eSpy*: Deci mi-a zis asa,imi dai doua key,le dau botului tau,botul imi da carduri si facem asa pana la level 30,sa facem level 30 (eu si el) si primest un CD KEY ca si pe G2A cu csgo
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: pai de ce nu facem schimb direct
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: adica tu iei cheile si faci lvl din ele si tu imi dai codu de la joc
    ✪ eSpy*: Pai din 2 chei nu cred ca fac levle 30.
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: pai uitete la un bot
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: de 27:1
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: am eu unu
    ✪ eSpy*: Ba man mai am si eu o intrebare,cum rahat ai facut botul?...
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: coding
    ✪ eSpy*: Sti ca tu gen poti abuza de level?..
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: ?
    ✪ eSpy*: Tu cand faci level poti face la botul tau,nu?
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: da
    ✪ eSpy*: tu iti dai key si seturi singur si poti face level ;x
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ViwuAndYouKnow
    ✪ eSpy*: Asta-i 28:1
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: 28:1 scz
    ✪ eSpy*: Cu doua chei la botul asta pot face level 36
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: da
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: la celalalte faci sub lvl 36
    ✪ eSpy*: E botul tau?
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: nu
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: e cel mai bun
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: si mai de incredere
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: cu asta am facut eu 30 lvl
    ✪ eSpy*: Okei.
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: aveam 81
    ✪ eSpy*: Iese ceva din boturile astea? zic asa ..faci profit cu bot? ca mno tu sti ca ai bot
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: e alt tip de bot
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: brb
    ✪ eSpy*: k
    ✪ eSpy*: Am hotarat cu colegul meu ca fiind printre primele noaste incasari (a 12-a) sa iti oferim CS:GO si Next Day:Survival / Kingdoms and Castles (Una dintre aceste doua la alegere) la 4 keys.
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: o sa vad
    ✪ eSpy*: Tu alegi,noi doar am facut o oferta :D
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: nu imi place offerta
    ✪ eSpy*: Stai sa mai intreb de o oferta pe el
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: poti sa imi dai linkul lui ?
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: de steam
    ✪ eSpy*: sure
    ✪ eSpy*: imediat
    ✪ eSpy*: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198357512851
    ✪ eSpy*: Witch It + CS:GO = 8 keys . ( Witch It = 15 Euro, CS:GO = 5 Euro la oferta SUMMER SALE pana pe 9 )
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: nici witch it nu imi place
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: si nu are rost sa i-au cu 8 chei
    ✪ eSpy*: Mai intreb o data =))
    ✪ eSpy*: A zis sa te intreb cate key-uri esti dispus sa dai ca sa stie ce oferte face
    ✪ eSpy*: ?
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: 1 sec ma joc
    ✪ eSpy*: Bafta la fraguri cred
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: asi da max 3/4 chei
    ✪ eSpy*: Ok stai sa ii spun
    ✪ eSpy*: CSGO+Rust = 4 chei , CSGO+Farming Simulator 17 = 6 Chei, Sniper Elite 4 + CS;GO = 5 chei, Arma 3 + CS:GO = 5 Chei
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: ok ma gandesc
    ✪ eSpy*: Imi zici daca e ok una si discutam,daca nu il mai rog sa faca alte oferte.
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: ok
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: dar cine merge primul daca sa zicem as vrea sa cumpar
    ✪ eSpy*: Pai site-ul este verificat si gen avem sponsori ,este la fel ca si g2a dar numa' ca daca vrei sa cumperi direct de pe site trebuie sa ai un cont premium,asa ca pentru a nu va mai pune sa platiti in + pentru acel cont,se face tranzactia pe steam..deci in mod normal cumparatorul merge primul. Poti merge cu incredere pentru ca site-ul cum am mai spus este verificat.
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: as dori sa vad o evidenta
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: ca este adevarat ce spui
    ✪ eSpy*: https://i.gyazo.com/e9576fb73d4afef4b8f88109fc965317.png
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: ce dowadda e asta ?
    ✪ eSpy*: Cand te duci la CART iti apare exact la fel,poti verifica sa vezi ca poza nu este falsa.
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: https://gyazo.com/67bbfce1d3733e9b61a4543c8c0edf69
    ✪ eSpy*: Da,ti-am spus
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: ok
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: dar spune clar cine da primul tu sau eu ?
    ✪ eSpy*: Din cate am spus si mai sus,normal tu ar trebuii. Daca nu ai incredere , spune-mi oferta si iti spun cate chei dai inainte , apoi iti dau un joc,apoi celelalte chei apoi si jocul urmator,depinde de oferta.
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: nu mi se pare correct ca tot eu da primu intr-un fel
    ✪ eSpy*: Deci man noi nu obligam pe nimeni sa cumpere ceva de la noi,daca vrei sa cumperi o faci,daca nu,nu o faci..
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: am 1 intrebare
    ✪ eSpy*: Sigur ca da.
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: Waze 4 Aug @ 2:31am
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: si ai spus ca e partenerul tau
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: si
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: I'm also interested in any other skins, as long as they have something special about them.

    The Paypal transfer will happen immediately after the trade has been received.

    Good day, and happy trading!

    Ps. Don't forget to join my group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/St4ckGiveaways for giveaways and more :)
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: e grupul lui stack
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: screenshoturi fake
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: ca g2a verified
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: crezi ca nu stiu
    ✪ eSpy*: Da,cand a cumparat jocul nu ne cunosteam si apoi am vorbit pe discord si a spus ca vrea si el sa intre in "vanzarea asta" , ne-am cunoscut si am cerut niste date personale sa fiu sigur ca nu e genul de persoana si el se ocupa cu siteul mai mult
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: si trade history
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: macar pune numele tau
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: nu numa ce iteme
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: se vede ca e fake
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: mai lasate
    ✪ eSpy*: e de pe vechiul account , daca vrei iti fac ss si la asta
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: aratami
    ✪ eSpy*: imd , nu sunt tranzactii foarte mari stai calm
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: oh si countul tau nici macar nu are 13 ani
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: nici macar 1 an nu are
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: treaba ta
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: tot ai report pe steam rep
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: cu cct fake
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: si de toate
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: ori schimbi totul ori steam rep ban
    ✪ eSpy*: https://gyazo.com/ffccf29dbad7ec4d5f811d2d8ca4239f
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: te las sa te decizi 30 min
    ✪ eSpy*: https://gyazo.com/86c0455f0d64b802d142b801930ce8a5
    [BLS] iDaft╰☆╮S>Keys for PaySafe: asta nu e nimic comparat cu ce era inainte
    ✪ eSpy*: Esti prost rau coaie
    ✪ eSpy* is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    No chat/agreement thru screenshots - unable to review
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