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Accepted Report: 76561198418959347 - ([Other] Other game items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Aneyh, Jan 4, 2018.

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  1. Aneyh

    Aneyh New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [Other] Other game items

    Accused profile: 76561198418959347

    Victim profile: 76561198045120529

    What happened? Description:
    After canceling my Pioneer crate (Pubg item) from the steam market, I would assume that he found my profile through the steam market showing that I had just recently cancel the items. After he befriended me on steam, It was obvious that he wanted to trade items but he tried to act like that wasn't the case. I had my friend, Probably Dead (can send url if need) with me and we both thought that he was acting suspicious and didn't keep a consistent story. I have provided the evidence of the conversation in the pictures I've sent. However, Through out the conversation, I search his steam groups and friends and saw that all his other friends were essentially brought bots and he (assuming he own multiple alt accounts) created a group that had his other bots in it. After checking those accounts, one was trade blocked which makes me think that he brought this one because of the others did not look "clean". If you go to his comments (which he may have deleted by now) there are other profiles(bots) that commented "rep+" all within one minute. I have log the url's of the bots in the group just in case but I could be wrong on that part. I've recorded just about everything that could be evidence. If more is needed I can try and provide it. Thank you.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: hello
    Aneyh: oi, whatchu trying to buy.
    Aneyh: u der m8?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: yea
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i am here
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: do you sell pubg items?
    Aneyh: I know ye tryna catch sum of my crates, whatchu willing to give
    Aneyh: straight to buisness
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: what are you talking about man?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: can you answer shortly?
    Aneyh: ???
    Aneyh: Depends
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: are you going to sell pubg items?
    Aneyh: *Shrugs*
    Aneyh: I already made 200$ so maybe
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i can offer you 25$ for each pioneer crate
    Aneyh: how so?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i am paying with paypal and steam wallet code
    Aneyh: nah.......
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: why?
    Aneyh: Well....
    Aneyh: I dont trust the bs to frank
    Aneyh: to be frank*
    Aneyh: But
    Aneyh: 25$ is s✿✿✿ when you think about economically
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: let me explain you
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i am overpaying because i can't use steam market
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i am cash trader since 2014 year
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i am selling items in my country
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: with our mone currency
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: it's more profitabel for me
    Aneyh: mhm...
    Aneyh: well considering the "rarity" of the pioneer crates, they will only shoot up in prices eventually
    Aneyh: So 25$ is still considered s✿✿✿ in the long is what I mean
    Aneyh: in the long run*
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: how much can you offer me?
    Aneyh: like, as in crates?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: yeah
    Aneyh: hmmm...
    Aneyh: well, honestly Ill have to think about it
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: do u think more than 25$?
    Aneyh: I seem to be a pretty honest person when I look at your profile so Im sorry for being so rude but I would like to see how the crates end up pricing at
    Aneyh: you*
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: so how can i help you?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: it's private inf
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: can we make deal?
    Aneyh: possibly
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: so i can send u my trade link and u can use it to send me items
    Aneyh: Ok Stanley...
    Aneyh: What if I say 30$?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: aam
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: do you have another item?
    Aneyh: another item?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=458693619&token=q0DXacTw
    Aneyh: How do you expect to pay me?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: 85$ for all of them
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: steam wallet code
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: or paypal
    Aneyh: Steam wallet code
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: okay
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: so now i am going to buy 85$ steam wallet code
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: before send me item with my trade link
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: k?
    Aneyh: wait
    Aneyh: Im just doing one crate
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: okay
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: but why?
    Aneyh: Because they will get higher in prices eventually
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: okay if price is problem for you
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i want to buy 3 crate
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: and i can offer you 100$
    Aneyh: Nah man no deal
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: okay let's do with one crate
    Aneyh: I trust your credential man but Id just gonna wait the prices out
    Aneyh: If the prices dont go up then we can trade
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: dude i have information about pioneer crate
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: you can trust this information
    Aneyh: mhm, so whatchu have to say.
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: u know that max price of crate was 41-45$
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: and after immediately 25-15$
    Aneyh: Stanley... So I dont think you understand how supply and demand works in this particular event
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: dude it's not same as other crate
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: which cost more than 100$
    Aneyh: So what do you plan to do with the crate then?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: nothing
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i am not saving crates
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: actually i am selling items in my country
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: pioner crate price may increase 20-25$
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: not more
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: u can trust me
    Aneyh: Stanley please man.... Your giving me some red flags here
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: what flag dude?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: wait
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i will show you i bought 2 crate from one person
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: uploading on imgur
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: https://imgur.com/DcYyqr7
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: check it
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: then i have sold it immediately
    Aneyh: Nah Stanley man sorry. Imma trust myself considering Ive been in the steam market for some time now
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: how much do you want for it?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: tell me
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i need it for today
    Aneyh: These crates ARE going to raise in price man. And You know that.
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i can pay howmuch you want
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: no dude
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i swear that crate price will increase about 5-10$
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: not more
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i swear dude
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i am not saving crates
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: do u see it on phot?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: that
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i bought item on 29 Dec
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: and sold it again on 29dec
    Aneyh: So Stanley youve contradicted your prices of the crates...
    Aneyh: So tell me
    Aneyh: How would you know for sure that they will go down compared to other crates and more importantly, why its "different" from other crates?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: tell me ur price buddy
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i am cash trader since 2010 year
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: there was some period that i gave up my job
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: and now i am trader again
    Aneyh: Bruh, ya f✿✿✿ed up m8 sorry
    Aneyh: Im was pull ya leg the whole time m8
    Aneyh: Your a scammer
    Aneyh: Simple
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: what?
    Aneyh: Or close to it
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: lel
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: what are u talkinb agout?
    Aneyh: So alot of people rep you eh?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: yea
    Aneyh: Care to tell me why so many of them were within the same minute?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: dude i didn't create this account
    Aneyh: redflag
    Aneyh: Ok Stanley....
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i exchange this item to pubg item
    Aneyh: well Let me just say these PUNISHER url
    Aneyh: one sec
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: k
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: fast please
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i don't have much time
    Aneyh: Yeah.... Imma just hold on to crates, but thank you for aleast trying.
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: one crate?
    Aneyh: nah
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: 35$
    Aneyh: nah
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: reason?
    Aneyh: Theyll be 100$ soon
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: No way
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: lel
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: dude
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: there's no way
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: it is not 20$ now
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: and do u beleive that
    Aneyh: Well obviously not 100$ but around that
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: 80$
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: no way
    Aneyh: Actually
    Aneyh: Hold on
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: it will not increase 80$
    Aneyh: So your a 2010 trader?
    Aneyh: oh my bad 2014?
    Aneyh: which one?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: u can guess
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: dude i need it for today
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: only tell me ur price
    Aneyh: Guess how long youve been a trader?
    Aneyh: really dude?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: can u offer me real price?
    Aneyh: hold on, ya said you need for today, we got time
    Aneyh: how old is your account?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: this account is new
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i bought on Dec
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: dude i wasted my time for you to explaining something
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i want to buy your item
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: don't waste my time please
    Aneyh: Im sorry for wasting your time Stanley, Ill take my leave
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: 45$
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: i offer u
    Aneyh: But I think ill buy me a 100 lvl acount thats only 3 months old
    Aneyh: thats sound cool
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: it is unreal price but i want to buy your item
    Aneyh: Good day to you m8
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: 45$?
    Stanley♕ #Buying Pubg Items: wanna?

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
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