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Accepted Report: 76561198815430298 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by EngiNier: Sentrymata, Mar 5, 2018.

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  1. EngiNier: Sentrymata

    EngiNier: Sentrymata New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198815430298

    Victim profile: 76561198345950552

    What happened? Description:
    Impersonation and a common "item virginity test" scam method. It already was suspicious since he added me out of nowhere and he had 9 leveling bots in his friend list and like 3-4 real people, but he didn't have his inventory private. I spoke to him and while I was talking I was in a process checking profile on steamrep, but there was nothing.
    Before reading his message where he said something about calling steam admins, I was wondering and decided to remove the "-" symbol from his custom link and so the results. ugh.
    I gave him that tiny "uh..." message so I could finish this with a punchline.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Here is proof that he was in my friends list
    View attachment 646914
    Here are pictures of his beautiful profile and the chat log: View attachment 646915
    View attachment 646916
    And here is the link to an account of person he was trying to impersonate:
    (He is a nice guy and he says he never changes his custom link and I respect that)
    Also, I would like to make this most comfortable to look at without giving "too much information" on a screenshot nor vice versa, so I want to know -
    Do you prefer window screenshots of chat (the ones where you don't have to zoom)
    or fullscreen screenshots (like these)
    I use snipping tool so it's a simple task, I am a man of comfort.​

    3:13 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: Hello possibly sentient internet capitalist on an open market
    3:14 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: What brought you to me?
    3:16 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: (sorry for broken english that was a translator)
    3:17 PM - Tetsuwan is now Online.
    3:18 PM - Tetsuwan: hello
    3:18 PM - Tetsuwan: thanks for accepting me
    3:18 PM - Tetsuwan: how are you today/
    3:18 PM - Tetsuwan: ?
    3:18 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: Just been in a hospital
    3:18 PM - Tetsuwan: what happend?
    3:19 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: Had to give them my blood
    3:19 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: because I was really sick
    3:19 PM - Tetsuwan: oohhh
    3:19 PM - Tetsuwan: by the way im just wondering if your tf2 is still up for trade?
    3:20 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: Not really, though I'm just "imagining" me upgrading my aussies to much better ones.
    3:21 PM - Tetsuwan: i have a good stuff for you
    3:21 PM - Tetsuwan: some australium dud
    3:21 PM - Tetsuwan: like my rocket louncher
    3:22 PM - Tetsuwan: you want that item ?
    3:22 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: let me see
    3:22 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: wait a minute
    3:22 PM - Tetsuwan: i give you 10% overpay dude for you
    3:22 PM - Tetsuwan: https://steamcommunity.com/id/tetsuwan/inventory/
    3:22 PM - Tetsuwan: check that link feel free to choose
    3:22 PM - Tetsuwan: i hope you okay at hospital
    3:23 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: oh that one aussie, cool
    3:23 PM - Tetsuwan: you like it?
    3:23 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: what do want for it?
    3:24 PM - Tetsuwan: for you two australium ?
    3:24 PM - Tetsuwan: deal ?
    3:24 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: yeah
    3:24 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: is that really it?
    3:24 PM - Tetsuwan: before i send my offer can i ask you something?
    3:24 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: what is it?
    3:25 PM - Tetsuwan: how and where did you get your item?
    3:25 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: I bought them from community market
    3:25 PM - Tetsuwan: ok sure but i want to make sure that your items is clean and safe for a trade is that your item is not from fraud item ?
    3:25 PM - Tetsuwan: i want to asure so that im not get tradeban item i hope you undertand my concern :(
    3:26 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: how's that possible?
    3:26 PM - Tetsuwan: ok we need a help from steam admins to supervise this transaction so that we have our both assurance for the trade ok?
    3:26 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: uh...
    3:27 PM - Tetsuwan: this my first time to contact steam admin , i hope you cooperate wait let me find an admin that are available now, wait a sec ok?
    3:28 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: are you looking for this guy? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197964782863
    3:28 PM - Tetsuwan: what do you mean ?
    3:28 PM - LantemC☂ /Sick: https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/emoticon/scKnight
    3:29 PM - Tetsuwan is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    Attached Files:

    • tet.jpg
      File size:
      244.2 KB
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