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Invalid Report: 76561198876366433 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ♪ alfie_, Aug 4, 2020.

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  1. ♪ alfie_

    ♪ alfie_ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Gambling] Fake gambling website
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198876366433

    Victim profile: 76561198050610187

    What happened? Description:
    Accused is using fake backpack.tf / marketplace.tf style websites which require connection/login through Steam, in order to hijack victims' accounts.

    Accused adds victims via victims' backpack.tf classified or similar listing.​

    Provide Evidence:
    I note that phishing websites and scam websites are generally outside of Steamrep's purview.
    However, I feel this is an extraordinary case as the reason Steamrep generally does not look into these cases as outlined in @Horse's readme is because such accused persons are generally hijacked themselves, and are merely spreading on the scam in a viral fashion.

    This report is not the case. This scammer's responses to victims' questions are dynamic and responsive and
    and it is clear they have reached out to at least 120 possible victims in the past 7 months. I make this report in good faith, and wish to waste no one's time.

    This user is requiring victims to 'check the stats' of their hats by using a fake website to connect through Steam's login. The scammer sends a screenshot of its website (which frequently changes domains - e.g. tf2box.com, tf2mix.com, tf2get.com) to the victim via steam chat. Victims are not linked the website directly - they have to manually type in the URL per the screenshot. The fake website requires login details and thus hijacks victims' Steam accounts. View attachment 764020 View attachment 764021

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Unfortunately, SteamRep does not accept reports dealing with hijacking/phishing/hacking -Due to current Investigative Policy

    This includes anything to do with API key requests, wrong or misspelled URL's and sites requesting logins of any type in attempts to steal your credentials.
    These are phishing/hijacking attempts and are not to be reported to SteamRep!

    You can report the user to Valve instead
    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    You clearly knew we didn't review these types of cases and made the report anyway - that is highly unacceptable and could result in losing the ability to submit more reports here.
    We must have our policies followed...its one thing to not know but you knew.
    please do not submit anything to do with hacking/phishing/sites here like this in the future!
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