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Improper Format Report a long time scammer

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by nOvae* LoiPonG, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. nOvae* LoiPonG

    nOvae* LoiPonG New User

    Hey there,
    first i will explain you how i meet this guys! I m in a team of friend ( nOvae) and powa wanted to join us. Yhs guy is pretty smart and nice in the first but after i wathcing him, i can see that he s scamming young people all days long, my first probleme with him, was taht he steal a bud to my friend http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197973124825/
    We can t report him because he do not do screen, but we report him in tf2 outpost and do ticket with valves.

    Today, a friend of powa show me this

    Powa do this screen himself to show how he is a great scammer , but he never thought that his "friend" will show me this. and he shows too a screens

    -CM-Mamba: Powa: http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=365956ScreenShot044.png
    nOvae* LøøpinG mix: c t kan ca ?
    -CM-Mamba: rien ne l'arretera
    -CM-Mamba: pas longtemps
    nOvae* LøøpinG mix: merci
    -CM-Mamba: je sais que tu tien a te venger
    -CM-Mamba: xD
    -CM-Mamba: trololololol
    -CM-Mamba: une autre : Powa: http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=975850ScreenShot045.png
    nOvae* LøøpinG mix: il m a rien fait a moi mais j te remercie ca va nous aider, vraiment
    -CM-Mamba: sa reste entre nous !
    -CM-Mamba: Powa: je peut te faire rage ? Dit je peut ?
    -CM-Mamba: oui
    Powa: tu voulais savoir comment je scam ?
    -CM-Mamba: bah oui
    Powa: On va commencer par les bases
    Powa: Chapitre I : Les pigeons
    -CM-Mamba: trololol
    Powa: tu rigoles ?
    -CM-Mamba: sa commence fort
    Powa: Tu rigoleras moins avec les screens suivant !
    Powa: ( 5 sec , sa upload x)
    Powa: Screen HD oblige yuknow
    Powa: Donc pour commence
    Powa: Mettre le pigeon en confiance
    -CM-Mamba: pk pas stea mscreen
    Powa: Lui demande quel classe il aime
    Powa: quel arme il aime le plus
    Powa: PUIS
    Powa: faire l'offre adéquate à ses demande
    Powa: et attendre de voir son offre
    -CM-Mamba joue actuellement à

    It s in french but you can easily translate it.

    |steamID: Powa
    |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:56112834
    |steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198072491396
    |customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Powa-
    |steamrepURL: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198072491396

    Please do something with this guys, he s really a bad personn.
  2. AcesGamer

    AcesGamer User

    Je ne comprend pas l'arnaque ici. Tout ce qu'il a fait c'est acheter un chapeau Inabituel pour un prix très bas.
  3. nOvae* LoiPonG

    nOvae* LoiPonG New User

    T es serieux là?!
    Ce que tu ne comprend surement pas ce que ce mec fait ca toute la journéeIl a des logiciel payant pour scam, il a meme baisé un de mes amis.
    Ecoute j ai 30 ans j ai pas que ca a faire non plus mais ce genre de mec je les déteste rééllement.
    Si pour toi acheter un hat qui vaut 2 buds ( 54 clés) contre 2 ref n est pas du scam j espere que tu n es pas un admin ici !
  4. Mino | Mix

    Mino | Mix New User

    Hi there,
    I come here in order to report Powa for scamming people,
    I don't have screenshots, that's why i didn't come here before, but since looping has found screens to prove it, i want to support this demand.
    Powa stole me about 1 bud (worth 26 keys or 30€) that i had given him because i thought we were friend, we knew each other for about 5 months and also because he was a "good" trader and could have bought me an unusual hat.
    But, one day, he just deleted all his friendlist and went away with all the items some had given him (yes, in our community, we all trust each other).

    So, i'm not posting here because i want my bud back, it is also my fault if i lost it, but i want to make sure it won't arrive to anyone else in 2 weeks because only by deleting his friendlist and blocking us on steam he can escape and repeat his acts. Please take note of this post, he possibly scammed dozens of persons and may continue if you don't stop him.

    Thanks for reading it...