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Accepted Report Amendment: 76561198026696976 and 76561198032095670

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ICDeadPeople, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. ICDeadPeople

    ICDeadPeople New User

    See this thread first: http://forums.gamerep.org/threads/report-76561198026696976-and-76561198032095670.350/
    I wanted to reply to the above thread but could not and was told to make a new thread to post about this guy or guys trying to rip me off again...

    steamID: ICDeadPeople
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:17850273
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197995966274
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561197995966274

    Scammer #1:
    steamID: Sniper's Up
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:33215624
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026696976
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198026696976

    Scammer #2:
    steamID: Troll Face
    steamID32: STEAM_0:0:35914971
    steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032095670
    steamrepURL: http://www.steamrep.com/index.php?id=76561198032095670
    This guy actually tried to rip me off again today...
    I guess I have "stupid" or "sucker" written somewhere on my forehead...

    A screen shot of part of the text conversation today just to back up all the text below:

    A screen shot of my trade history to prove who I gave my hat to:

    A screen shot of today's aliases of the guy I gave my hat to...this guy changes his name like the wind. I think he tries to use the same scam over and over and then to try and hide his tracks from people who do not know how to look for people with other ways than account names:

    Here is the text from todays conversation:
    Never tell your password to anyone.
    ScopeLord: hi
    ScopeLord: bro
    ScopeLord: did you got the money
    ScopeLord: i didnt got the unusual yet
    ICDeadPeople: no i did not get it...i reported both you and him on steamrep and with valve
    ScopeLord: lol
    ScopeLord: i couldnt get my money back
    ScopeLord: the middleman
    ScopeLord: said
    ScopeLord: you gaved me 400 dolalrs
    ScopeLord: i sended him 400 dollars
    ScopeLord: so he didnt send you and give me unusual
    ScopeLord: the thing we need to do is
    ScopeLord: he said ask ICDeadPeople to givwe you a unusal worth 200 dolalrs
    ScopeLord: and so i can give the money to him
    ScopeLord: cause the unusal isnt worth 400 dolalrs
    ScopeLord: understand
    ScopeLord: you should give me an unusal worth 200 dolalrs to get 400 dolals
    ICDeadPeople: i was to truting to do what I already did why on gods green earth would I trust you or him again
    ScopeLord: trust me
    ICDeadPeople: yea... right
    ICDeadPeople: not gonna happen
    ScopeLord: ?
    ScopeLord: you nned to give the guy a 200 dollar unusal
    ScopeLord: otherwise he wont give you 400 dolalrs
    ICDeadPeople: I already gave him my hat...I got a screen shot of the transaction
    ScopeLord: hmm
    ScopeLord: i know
    ScopeLord: i sende  him 400 dolalrs
    ScopeLord: so you need to givemore
    ScopeLord: the guy said
    ScopeLord: we said 200 dolals
    ScopeLord: so
    ICDeadPeople: as soon as I did he logged off and started changing his steam name
    ScopeLord: i added him
    ScopeLord: give me a unusal worth 200 dolalr so we can get our money
    ICDeadPeople: but its ok I have your and his steam 32 and 64 addys
    ScopeLord: ?
    ICDeadPeople: your steam account number and URL...I know what your is and his is...so changing account name cant hide from that
    ScopeLord: i dont change
    ScopeLord: i added you
    ScopeLord: if i was trying to get awway i would dd
    ScopeLord: add
    ICDeadPeople: you told me I could trust him, so as far as I am concenred you both worked together, or you own both accounts, and ripped me off
    ScopeLord: he didnt do anythin bad
    ScopeLord: he just had 400 dollars
    ICDeadPeople: he did not pay me the $150 you and I agreed upon, he took my hat and loffed off
    ScopeLord: i kno
    ScopeLord: he will pay 400
    ICDeadPeople: logged off
    ScopeLord: i directed 400
    ScopeLord: wrongly
    ScopeLord: you need to give me 250 dolalr worth unusual
    ScopeLord: to take 400
    ICDeadPeople: That is your problem, he could give my hat back at any time
    ScopeLord: no he is a middleman
    ScopeLord: middlemans doesnt
    ScopeLord: do like that
    ScopeLord: look
    ScopeLord: give me a unusal worth 250 dollars so we can fix
    ICDeadPeople: No, he can give the hat back
    ScopeLord: nop
    ScopeLord: first you need to give
    ScopeLord: 250 dolalr unusal
    ICDeadPeople: no way
    ScopeLord: so he will give no way
    ICDeadPeople: Dude...I am not an idiot enough to trust you guys again
    ScopeLord: ok so
    ScopeLord: you lose
    ScopeLord: i do too
    ScopeLord: but
    ScopeLord: lok
    ScopeLord: you know what
    ScopeLord: i didnt win anything
    ScopeLord: so stop balming
    ScopeLord: i lost 400 dollars
    ICDeadPeople: you told me I could trust him...he took my hat and logged off...so you are both to blame
    ICDeadPeople: as far as I am concerned
    ScopeLord: i kno
    ScopeLord: look
    ScopeLord: give me an unusal worth 20 0dolalrs and you will get money i swear
    ICDeadPeople: I spent 2 hours yesterday taking screen shots of our conversations and you and his profiles and posting them all
    ICDeadPeople: so both your account and his will get black listed on best trade servers
    ScopeLord: ok
    ScopeLord: ty
    ScopeLord: i did nothin
    ScopeLord: look
    ScopeLord: give me unusal
    ScopeLord: so i can give the money
    ScopeLord: 400 dollars
    ScopeLord: i swear im not lying
    ScopeLord: so
    ScopeLord: if you give me
    ScopeLord: you will get 400 dollars gurantee
    ICDeadPeople: aint going to happen...ever
    ScopeLord: k
    ScopeLord: you los
    ICDeadPeople: so do you if wehat you say is true...which I doubt
    ScopeLord: look
    ScopeLord: im not a b✿✿✿✿
    ScopeLord: if you give the unusual
    ScopeLord: i swar
    ICDeadPeople: never said you were
    ScopeLord: swear
    ScopeLord: il give you
    ScopeLord: the money
    ICDeadPeople: just want my hat back...and to keep you guys from ripping off others like me
    ScopeLord: yes
    ScopeLord: i dont rip off
    ScopeLord: i got ripepd off
    ScopeLord: too
    ScopeLord: 400 dollars
    ScopeLord: look
    ICDeadPeople: prove it
    ScopeLord: the guy wil lgive when he wil lget 1 more unusas
    ScopeLord: how
    ScopeLord: Start
    ScopeLord: run
    ScopeLord: cmd
    ScopeLord: type
    ScopeLord: ip (my ip) tracert
    ScopeLord: and
    ScopeLord: paypal
    ScopeLord: sry
    ScopeLord: moneydue
    ScopeLord: paypal
    ScopeLord: and
    ScopeLord: check
    ScopeLord: your ip
    ICDeadPeople: your problem...my task now is to make sure I get your account and his account black listed where I can
    ScopeLord: u cant
    ScopeLord: i got scammed once
    ScopeLord: and
    ICDeadPeople: I can make sure people know you account on trade servers, people who check
    ScopeLord: i had all proffs
    ScopeLord: nothin happened
    ScopeLord: doesnt matter
    ScopeLord: i have 3 account
    ScopeLord: ill change
    ScopeLord: account
    ScopeLord: and get all my items to there
    ScopeLord: not a big deal
    ScopeLord: ty thouh
    ICDeadPeople: so you guys can go back to trying to rip off the people that do not know, like me yesterday, but it wont happen again to me, ever
    ScopeLord: ok
    ScopeLord: i wont
    ScopeLord: give your money than
    ScopeLord: sry
    ScopeLord: you need to give me another unusal
    ScopeLord: to get 400 dolalr
    ScopeLord: I swear i wont scam
    ICDeadPeople: no way...not risking another one with you or him, ever
    ScopeLord: ok
    ScopeLord: we wil change middleman
    ScopeLord: ?
    ScopeLord: what about that
    ScopeLord: you choose
    ScopeLord: cas
    ScopeLord: ei dont want to be called scammer
    ScopeLord: i wanna help you
    ScopeLord: ok
    ICDeadPeople: that does not get me my hat back
    ScopeLord: dont worry
    ScopeLord: it will
    ScopeLord: if i talk with the guy
    ScopeLord: who works on SteamRep
    ScopeLord: it is sended to Elsewhere
    ScopeLord: if an hat doesnt get traded it gets send
    ScopeLord: its blocked there
    ScopeLord: we need to pay for it
    ScopeLord: the guy will give back if we afford 40 0dollrd
    ICDeadPeople: this whole conversation we are haing is going to get posted on steamrep also, just so you know
    ScopeLord: ok
    ScopeLord: im not a scammer
    ScopeLord: so
    ScopeLord: not a  big deal
    ScopeLord: i also lost my money
    ScopeLord: See you late
    ICDeadPeople: if you are not a cammer, then you give me a hat equal to what i gave and I will retrack what I put
    ScopeLord: good luck finding your item
    ScopeLord: i dont have any equal
    ICDeadPeople: scammer
    ScopeLord: lol
    ScopeLord: if i had
    ScopeLord: why would i offer money
    ScopeLord: we wold just traded
    ScopeLord: loook
    ScopeLord: if you really wanan a get it
    ScopeLord: im not sure
    ScopeLord: but
    ScopeLord: you should contact the
    ScopeLord: guy
    ScopeLord: who was middlemannig
    ScopeLord: he should have it
    ScopeLord: and my money
    ICDeadPeople: you mean the guys that changed his name 10 times after trading with me
    ScopeLord: i cna contect him but you need to afford 250 dolalrs
    ScopeLord: yes
    ScopeLord: i dont know if he changed
    ICDeadPeople: MaxiM who is now Troll Face
    ScopeLord: ye
    ScopeLord: so
    ScopeLord: we need to get together to get our things back
    ScopeLord: look
    ScopeLord: if you beleive me
    ScopeLord: give me the unusal worth 250 dollars
    ScopeLord: if you dont
    ICDeadPeople: and who now seems to be called GTFO. Avenger
    ScopeLord: we nened to find other ways
    ScopeLord: ?
    ScopeLord: no
    ScopeLord: thats my friend
    ScopeLord: it isnt him
    ICDeadPeople: he changed his name again
    ScopeLord: ?
    ScopeLord: no
    ScopeLord: it is mah friend
    ScopeLord: GTFO.Avenger
    ScopeLord: is my friend
    ICDeadPeople: dude, it shows the current name in my trade history
    ScopeLord: god
    ScopeLord: good
    ScopeLord: but
    ScopeLord: it isnt him
    ScopeLord: cause
    ScopeLord: the guy didnt change his name 4 months
    ScopeLord: wait
    ScopeLord: i have 2
    ScopeLord: GTFO
    ScopeLord: Avengers
    ICDeadPeople: the name doesnt mean anything anyway...its the steam account number and URL you cannot escape by name changes
    ScopeLord: ye
    ScopeLord: he cna change account though
    ScopeLord: he cant get banned
    ScopeLord: steeam doesnt ban
    ScopeLord: i tried to ban somene who scammed me
    ScopeLord: steam said you cant trust people
    ICDeadPeople: I leqarned a lot yesterday...how to track people as well as how to get ripped off by people like you guys
    ScopeLord: its your fault
    ScopeLord: nothin happened
    ScopeLord: Okç
    ScopeLord: Ok.
    ScopeLord: See you
    ScopeLord: Ill try a way to get my money back
    ScopeLord is now Offline.