1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted Report: 76561198125677867 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Grizzly_FTW, Apr 5, 2016.

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  1. Grizzly_FTW

    Grizzly_FTW New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198125677867

    Victim profile: 76561198284900178

    What happened? Description:
    so he said that i have to make him a offer so he can counter offer me a m9 bayonet he showed me a screenshot of an opskin site with the knife and everything seems legit but then he just accepted the trade and my knife my m4 and my ak were gone now he has them in his inventory
    i made an steam disscusion and he added me so i wantet to trade with him if my mum find that out im f✿✿✿ed my knife was worth 80€ and i had to work hard for them​

    Provide Evidence:
    whole chatlog:
    Grizzly_FTW is me
    the scammer is Charlie@opskins

    Charlie@opskins: hey
    Charlie@opskins: open for trading>?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: ye man
    Charlie@opskins: ok nice
    Charlie@opskins: so what are the current offers of your items right now?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: what do u mean with current offers
    Charlie@opskins: your offers right now
    Charlie@opskins: other guys offer for your items
    Charlie@opskins: thats what i mean
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: i just traded my awp for an hyper beast and someone i think tries to scam me
    Charlie@opskins: how?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: with an fake steamrep admin for item checking
    Charlie@opskins: no lol. just do Steam offers with the person you trading with bro
    Charlie@opskins: where did you trade your items?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: yeah i told him
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: so i bought a knife and i already traded four knives
    Charlie@opskins: ok nice.
    Charlie@opskins: so what knife or skins you preffer for your Gut?
    Charlie@opskins: or are you willing to trade upgrade knives and add skins?"
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: i would like to upgrade but i can only put in my cyrexy
    Charlie@opskins: ok sure ill check in opskins okay?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: ok
    Charlie@opskins: can you wait?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: yeah
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: i like any knife beside a gut knive flip or falchion
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: if thats ok
    Charlie@opskins: ok sure
    Charlie@opskins: wait
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: ok i hav all day long
    Charlie@opskins: so m9 bayonet stained FT can you add your cyrex and m4?
    Charlie@opskins: for 3:1
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: i want to keepy my hyperbeast so i have an m4 skin
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: i can add my knife my cyrex and all the other crap stuff
    Charlie@opskins: ok sure2
    Charlie@opskins: so if you deal im ready to prepare it now
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: so what is the trade now
    Charlie@opskins: wait a sec okay?
    Charlie@opskins: im preparing it
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: ok
    Charlie@opskins: ill send you a screenshot so you can see it
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: ok
    Charlie@opskins: so done preparing the m9 bayonet in opskins now you can check it here http://imgur.com/9cb3WTq
    Charlie@opskins: can you check my opskins balance also so you can see i can really buy the offer in opskins any time okay?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: ok
    Charlie@opskins: ok tell me if done so we can proceed
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: what should be done im rdy
    Charlie@opskins: ok so you understand how counter offer works right? so we cna proceed right now?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: no i dont
    Charlie@opskins: can you go to my artwork? and check the video? so you can see how it works?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: i know that
    Charlie@opskins: ok nice
    Charlie@opskins: so can we proceed now?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: but man thats not rly safe
    Charlie@opskins: have you understand my trade rules
    Charlie@opskins: right?
    Charlie@opskins: imagine if you have 4909$ worth opskins money and established steam trading account will you risk it for stealing a single knife or skins just
    to get banned and loose all your money for nothing? i can buy a knife just like yours in opskins if i want to but as you can see im a Buy and sell
    trader or a broker in opskins.
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: cant u just buy the knife and we do a normal offer
    Charlie@opskins: As an opskins trader i need to make sure first that the deal is closed and the person i will trade
    is 100% serious and really interested in our deal so that my money will not be wasted. because in 4 years of trading ive expirience and encounter many traders that after i buy the item they want in opskins they change their mind and cancels the deal because they are not really sure about the trade! So thanks for understanding :)
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: or i do an offer with an cheaper item and u do the counter offer
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: im sure i want to do it tho
    Charlie@opskins: bro i need to see a pending offer with the items we will trade so i will be sure that your 100% serious and interested in our deal i got 15 pages of Legit traders reps you can check it there. most of my clients send there items through trade offer so i can able to buy the items they want for 1-2 mins and
    counter offer it right after i buy.
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: cant we go in skype or anything caue i dont want to get scammed i said im only doing normal offers
    Charlie@opskins: and ive been scammed and hacked before dude and i know how it feels because we worked hard for our money just to buy an item and as you can see
    im a buy and sell trader and i worked hard everyday just to get profit in each deal. and i cannot afford to scam another people because i know
    how it feels to get scammed. i will never let you down in this deal dude.
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: why wouldnt i be serious i have the chance to get an m9 bayonet for a frckn gut knife
    Charlie@opskins: yes we can go to skype bro i will share you my screen okay so you can see decline if i will attemp to accept it. for your assurance
    Charlie@opskins: Okay?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: but u could just press accept
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: xD
    Charlie@opskins: yes thats why i will share my screen and i will just go in opskins page bro.
    Charlie@opskins: so can we go in skype now:?
    Charlie@opskins: so i can explain?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: just buy the knife and make me an offer im 100000% sure i want to proceed with the trade sir
    Charlie@opskins: ive been scammed and hacked before dude and i know how it feels because we worked hard for our money just to buy an item and as you can see
    im a buy and sell trader and i worked hard everyday just to get profit in each deal. and i cannot afford to scam another people because i know
    how it feels to get scammed. i will never let you down in this deal dude.
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: but im not scamming u i just want the m9 man
    Charlie@opskins: i cannot use my opskins money for my buy and sell trading daily.
    Charlie@opskins: if i get banned
    Charlie@opskins: for stealing
    Charlie@opskins: :3
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: yeah but i can just buy the knife and make me an offer why would i say no if u give me an m9 m8
    Charlie@opskins: i get 20% profit in each trade by buy and selling the items i have traded with you. and if i buy it already here and you cancel the deal im going to
    loose my 20% profit for quickselling it again. because im buying in opskins for 100% price and quickselling price is only 80% hope you understand that
    im only a buy and sell trader if i get banned i cannot use it for my daily income.
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: but i wont cancel
    Charlie@opskins: hope you understand i just need assurance by seeing a pending offer with your knife and skins or the item we have agreed on so i can be able to counter offer the m9 right away in opskins
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: this offer is too good
    Charlie@opskins: do i look scamming bro?
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: no
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: but i just want to make sure
    Charlie@opskins: because i cannot even afford to steal a single skin since i know we worked hard for it. and i know how it feels to be scammed
    Charlie@opskins: can i call you on steam call?
    Call from Charlie@opskins started.
    Charlie@opskins: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=165412139&token=u7B3Rb3q
    Call with Charlie@opskins ended.
    Charlie@opskins has ended the call.
    Charlie@opskins: jsut wait
    Charlie@opskins: im on opskins now
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: just hang in the call m8
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: u scammed me bro
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: wtf
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: give me my my knife man
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: im recording and im going to report u in steamrep and everywere
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: i just want my knife u can keep my other stuff
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: give me my knife man
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: dude
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: thats not cool
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: dude
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: wtf
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: wtf man give memy knife back m8
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: dude
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: im goign to report u now
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: wtf
    Grizzly_FTW CSGO777.com !!!: wtf man
    View attachment 398384 View attachment 398385 View attachment 398386

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks for report - moving to review
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  3. Develop

    Develop New User

    he added me, im sure he's gonna try that schnenigans
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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