1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted Report: 76561198125677867 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by OlleJustin | stonefire.io, Apr 19, 2016.

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  1. OlleJustin | stonefire.io

    OlleJustin | stonefire.io New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198125677867

    Victim profile: 76561198061065962

    What happened? Description:
    He told about 2h to me that he is legit Opskins trader. And ye me dumbass I did want he wanted. He told me that he buy and sell skins on OPskins and he showed me screenshots of his OPSKINS account with ~5000$ money on it and yeah I should send him first 29 keys and then I get the knife because he have to be safe. And me dumbass send him the 29 keys and he accepted and goes offline. (Short form)

    He told me his other steamrep reports are not his because there was a confusion.

    I want to warn the other players dont trust him! no matter what he says!​

    Provide Evidence:
    19:59 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: Can u send me any other trades ?
    19:58 - Tyroo@Opskins: what?
    19:59 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: proofs
    19:59 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: just asking
    19:59 - Tyroo@Opskins: ok sure wait
    19:59 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: ok ok
    20:01 - Tyroo@Opskins: wait can you check my butterfly full fade FN trade
    20:01 - Tyroo@Opskins: its 0.001 FV
    20:01 - Tyroo@Opskins: adn awp asssimov
    20:01 - Tyroo@Opskins: http://prntscr.com/au9sa4
    20:03 - Tyroo@Opskins: bro?
    20:03 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: ye?
    20:03 - Tyroo@Opskins: so have you check
    20:04 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: yes but can u explain
    20:04 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: what happens
    20:04 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: after I send u the 14 keys
    20:04 - Tyroo@Opskins: i counter offer the m9 Okay? and you will be the one who acept it
    20:04 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: you accept the 14 keys first or what?
    20:04 - Tyroo@Opskins: no i counter offer and not accepting 14 keys
    20:05 - Tyroo@Opskins: okay
    20:05 - Tyroo@Opskins: because im not doing the same thing like on the 15 keys :3
    20:06 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: can u show me a screen somehow that u are able to buy the knife?
    20:05 - Tyroo@Opskins: ok
    20:05 - Tyroo@Opskins: wait
    20:06 - Tyroo@Opskins: ill purchased it but ill not get the items yet on opskins
    20:07 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: ?
    20:07 - Tyroo@Opskins: wait
    20:07 - Tyroo@Opskins: so check
    20:07 - Tyroo@Opskins: http://prntscr.com/au9voe
    20:07 - Tyroo@Opskins: :3
    20:07 - Tyroo@Opskins: im ready to get it.
    20:07 - Tyroo@Opskins: hope no questions now
    20:08 - Tyroo@Opskins: so we can make this happen
    20:09 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: 1 question ok ?
    20:09 - Tyroo@Opskins: yes one last
    20:09 - Tyroo@Opskins: and we make this deal
    20:10 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: How u doing profit out of that?
    20:09 - Tyroo@Opskins: good point but im thinking that i have explained it
    20:10 - Tyroo@Opskins: ill do short explain
    20:12 - Tyroo@Opskins: i buy the offer in opskins to my trader and after it i got 2 options i sell directly to my buyer the items i got or 2nd option i turn it into keys or downgrade it to keys. but most of the time i do item to keys trade because my buyer buys the keys for stable price and the price of the items is not stable so it changes everytime
    20:12 - Tyroo@Opskins: so after he buy.
    20:12 - Tyroo@Opskins: i put the money in opskins so i can do buy and sell again
    20:12 - Tyroo@Opskins: Understand?
    20:14 - Anruf von Tyroo@Opskins wurde initiiert.
    20:14 - Anruf mit Tyroo@Opskins wurde beendet.
    20:14 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: wait
    20:13 - Tyroo@Opskins: so are you sending the offer now?
    20:13 - Tyroo@Opskins: so i can go in opskins
    20:15 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: ok I take the risk
    20:15 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: I send u soon
    20:15 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: I am short afk ok?
    20:15 - Tyroo@Opskins: nah
    20:15 - Tyroo@Opskins: im going away
    20:15 - Tyroo@Opskins: in 5
    20:15 - Tyroo@Opskins: min
    20:15 - Tyroo@Opskins: just want to do this deal
    20:16 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: ok ok
    20:16 - Tyroo@Opskins: so
    20:16 - Tyroo@Opskins: can you send now?
    20:16 - Tyroo@Opskins: so i can counter offer right away
    20:17 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: yup I really hopy that I can trust you for future trades :eek:
    20:18 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: I send you now 14 keys that you send me a counter offer for the M9 Bayonet Stained Field Tested you send me then a counter offer right?
    20:18 - Tyroo@Opskins: yes
    20:18 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: ok
    20:18 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: I trust you
    20:18 - Tyroo@Opskins: ok so can we do the bayonet trade if you trust me?
    20:18 - Tyroo@Opskins: since im going away in 5 min?
    20:19 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: First complete m9 trade ye?
    20:18 - Tyroo@Opskins: hope you really trust me now
    20:19 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: because then Im not scared anymore
    20:19 - Tyroo@Opskins: :3
    20:19 - Tyroo@Opskins: k
    20:20 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: okay
    20:21 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: I send u 14 keys that u can send me the counter offer
    20:21 - Tyroo@Opskins: can we do the bayonet trade?
    20:21 - Tyroo@Opskins: as you promised
    20:21 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: after we did the m9 trade succsesfull yes
    20:22 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: or you withdraw the bayonet also and
    20:22 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: you add the 51 keys
    20:23 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: really...
    20:23 - Tyroo@Opskins hat den Status gewechselt zu: Offline.
    20:27 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: Dont do s✿✿✿
    20:30 - Tyroo@Opskins hat den Status gewechselt zu: Online.
    20:31 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: Hello?
    20:31 - Tyroo@Opskins: im back.
    20:31 - Tyroo@Opskins: so ill counter offer now?
    20:31 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: you accepted trade
    20:31 - Tyroo@Opskins: wait
    20:32 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: http://prntscr.com/aua9br
    20:35 - OlleJustin | stonefire.io: so?
    20:37 - Tyroo@Opskins hat den Status gewechselt zu: Offline.​

    Attached Files:

  2. advicebanana

    advicebanana SteamRep Moderator Friend Community

    Hello @OlleJustin | stonefire.io,
    Please provide two screenshots of your inventory history, as follows. First one, take in your browser. Follow the steps:

    1. Go to your trade history from in your web browser. https://steamcommunity.com/my/inventoryhistory
    2. Scroll down to the trade in question. It may be on a different page, but that's fine; just open the page which has this particular trade.
    3. Hover your mouse over the name of the person who received your item(s).
    4. With your mouse still over the name from step 3, take a full, uncropped screenshot, and save it to your desktop without making any edits.
    5. Right-click the name of the person who received your item(s) from the trade history page, and select Copy Link Address (Chrome), Copy Link Location (Firefox), or Copy shortcut (Internet Explorer).
    6. Upload your screenshot from step 4 as an attachment.

    Second required screenshot (inside Steam client):

    - Open the Steam Browser by double clicking the steam icon in the tray in lower right corner of your screen.
    - On top left, open menu STEAM and select SETTINGS.
    - On the new Settings dialog box, select INTERFACE and enable the tick in front of: Display Steam URL address bar when available.
    - Click OK to close the Steam Settings dialog, applying the setting.

    How to make the screenshot(s) and add them to the reply here:
    - In the Steam Browser, go to your Inventory, by clicking your Nickname in the top middle and selecting INVENTORY.
    - On top right, click the MORE button that is shown above the game labels for the various inventories you have, and select VIEW INVENTORY HISTORY.
    - Seek the trade that relates to this on the number of pages you have (look below for the requirements).
    - Go to the start menu and type in the seek box SNIPPING, you will find in Vista and later the SNIPPING TOOL, click it to start it. It directly wants to make a screenshot. Select the full window EXCLUDING the very top of the steam browser window where your LOGIN name is shown. But INCLUDE the Nickname, the steam URL bar fully, both sides and full bottom of the steam browser.
    - Click the DISK icon, or click FILE and then SAVE AS.. , and save it to your desktop.
    - Come back here and make a reply.
    - Drag the image into the reply on the forum from the desktop.

    Requirements of the screenshot(s):
    - Exclude the Login name and steam wallet amount that is on the very top right.
    - MUST show the Steam URL in top left.
    - MUST show the NICKNAME in top middle.
    - MUST show the Steam window fully from left side to the right side of the window.
    - MUST show the related trade from the day before to up to at least 2 days after the trade or current date if that is earlier.
    - MUST show to the bottom of the steam browser window.
    - You are NOT to edit the screenshot, and NOT to blank out anything.
    - If you are using a custom skin, we will require you to redo this with the default Steam skin.
    For an example, click this screenshot: http://files.steamrep.com/1/2014-10/2014-10-12_20-16-58.png
  3. OlleJustin | stonefire.io

    OlleJustin | stonefire.io New User

    Here you have it:

    Attached Files:

  4. advicebanana

    advicebanana SteamRep Moderator Friend Community

    Hello @OlleJustin | stonefire.io,
    in case the other user has blocked you, please also upload a screenshot of you trying to add him in your Steam client.
  5. OlleJustin | stonefire.io

    OlleJustin | stonefire.io New User

    here u are

    Attached Files:

  6. advicebanana

    advicebanana SteamRep Moderator Friend Community

    Thanks! Moving to review.
  7. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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