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Accepted Report: 76561198267113481 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by SHADOW ANTRAX, Feb 28, 2017.

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    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198267113481

    Victim profile: 76561198241107714

    What happened? Description:
    Added me to trade for my items and asked for the price while had nothing equal in value in his inventory to trade for them and upon cancelling the trade again sent me trade request asking to buy my items using steam wallet code !! Asked me to give him the items first to which i refused since he had negative trust rating on backpack.tf then we agreed on doing the trade and i warned him that if he tried something he'd get banned on steamrep !!
    gave the wrong code and asked to confirm the trade and upon asking said he knew i would scam him so he gave the wrong code !! Chat Logs and screenshot provided below !!​

    Provide Evidence:
    ever tell your password to anyone.
    7:24 PM - Atom | trade.tf: talk here
    7:24 PM - JustARandomGuy: ok?
    7:24 PM - Atom | trade.tf: what is ur offer then ?
    7:24 PM - JustARandomGuy: i just had 100$ thats all and some cosmetics
    7:25 PM - Atom | trade.tf: you can have the demoman cosmetic too then with it
    7:25 PM - Atom | trade.tf: for 100$ code
    7:26 PM - JustARandomGuy: how much was the demoman hat?
    7:26 PM - Atom | trade.tf: 22 something
    7:26 PM - Atom | trade.tf: 21.5
    7:26 PM - JustARandomGuy: keys right
    7:26 PM - Atom | trade.tf: yea
    7:27 PM - JustARandomGuy: i dont feel like thats fair
    7:27 PM - Atom | trade.tf: a key is over 20
    7:27 PM - Atom | trade.tf: 2$
    7:27 PM - Atom | trade.tf: and u dont have pure too
    7:27 PM - JustARandomGuy: ill see
    7:27 PM - Atom | trade.tf: add me again if u wanna trade cya
    7:27 PM - JustARandomGuy: lemme see
    7:27 PM - Atom | trade.tf: ?
    7:27 PM - JustARandomGuy: let me see
    7:28 PM - JustARandomGuy: 1004 is 50 keys
    7:28 PM - JustARandomGuy: 100*
    7:29 PM - Atom | trade.tf: nopes key is kinda over 2$
    7:29 PM - Atom | trade.tf: and if u bp the value of the ambass
    7:29 PM - Atom | trade.tf: its 23 keys
    7:29 PM - Atom | trade.tf: the unu is
    7:29 PM - Atom | trade.tf: 21.5
    7:30 PM - JustARandomGuy: fine
    7:30 PM - JustARandomGuy: promise its not a scam
    7:30 PM - Atom | trade.tf: yea it isn't
    7:30 PM - Atom | trade.tf: after the trade
    7:31 PM - Atom | trade.tf: gimme a trust rating on backpack.tf
    7:31 PM - Atom | trade.tf: and i'll give you one too
    7:31 PM - Atom | trade.tf: +trust
    7:31 PM - JustARandomGuy: ok
    7:31 PM - Atom | trade.tf: not on steam , on backpack.tf
    7:31 PM - JustARandomGuy: alright
    7:31 PM - Atom | trade.tf: u have the code ?
    7:32 PM - JustARandomGuy: ill write the code here
    7:32 PM - Atom | trade.tf: okie
    7:32 PM - Atom | trade.tf: ?
    7:32 PM - Atom | trade.tf: code ?
    7:33 PM - JustARandomGuy: trade first plz
    7:33 PM - JustARandomGuy: or the same timee
    7:33 PM - Atom | trade.tf: code first , after trade ur just gonna remove and run
    7:33 PM - JustARandomGuy: time*
    7:33 PM - Atom | trade.tf: yea i can do same time if the code works
    7:33 PM - Atom | trade.tf: now
    7:33 PM - JustARandomGuy: ready
    7:33 PM - Atom | trade.tf: code ?
    7:34 PM - JustARandomGuy: its laging for me
    7:34 PM - Atom | trade.tf: what is lagging ?
    7:34 PM - JustARandomGuy: the trade
    7:34 PM - JustARandomGuy: 1 sec
    7:35 PM - JustARandomGuy: confirm
    7:35 PM - Atom | trade.tf: code first , my account has bp.tf automatic so as soon as i make trade u get the items
    7:36 PM - JustARandomGuy: ok
    7:36 PM - JustARandomGuy: confirm the same time i write the code ok
    7:36 PM - Atom | trade.tf: okie
    7:36 PM - Atom | trade.tf: write it up
    7:36 PM - JustARandomGuy: 1TH3HT13
    7:37 PM - JustARandomGuy: confirm?
    7:37 PM - Atom | trade.tf: wrong code
    7:37 PM - Atom | trade.tf: now get ready to get another ban
    7:37 PM - JustARandomGuy: wait
    7:37 PM - JustARandomGuy: sorry
    7:38 PM - JustARandomGuy: i wrote the wrong code because i knew you were going to scam me
    7:38 PM - Atom | trade.tf: nah , i have proof now :)
    7:38 PM - Atom | trade.tf: check ur steamrep profile in some time
    7:38 PM - JustARandomGuy: im also banning you
    7:38 PM - Atom | trade.tf: sure :)
    7:43 PM - JustARandomGuy is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
    View attachment 525288 View attachment 525289

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Don't copy/paste chat text in description field - that isn't what it sfor nor can we accept it like that.
    what is bp.tf automatic?


    bp.tf automatic automatically accepts trade requests on phone , you just need to make the trade on computer and all confirmation gets accepted automatically instantly !! Its kind of a bot that accepts trade listings on backpack.tf classifieds too !!
    Here - https://bitbucket.org/srabouin/backpack.tf-automatic
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Ok thanks

    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
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    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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