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Accepted Report: 76561198147783585 - ([DOTA2] Dota2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by kayamAn, Mar 29, 2017.

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  1. kayamAn

    kayamAn New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [DOTA2] Dota2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198147783585

    Victim profile: 76561197997735080

    What happened? Description:
    Met this guy at D2L, nice rep, nice trade history, good talk. I was looking to trade couriers for wallet codes, he said he was the man. I saw he already had some invalid reports , but decided to trade anyway. It's my fault, I got scammed because I was stupid, but that doesn't mean you guys can't do something. He should be tagged as the f✿✿✿✿✿✿ scammer he is here on SteamRep, and his profile is still normal.​

    Provide Evidence:

    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so what now ?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: im here now
    kayamAn: hi there
    kayamAn: I'm at work lol
    kayamAn: but we can talk
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: we can still trade man even you`re at your phone
    kayamAn: let me install Steam on my work machine
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: i can pay 90-100$ for that
    kayamAn: just a minute
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: okay
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: tell me if done
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: u only want to sell that courier ?
    kayamAn: nope
    kayamAn: check my profile
    kayamAn: I'm willing to sell/trade all those couriers
    kayamAn: maybe for CS items
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: sure man , did u read my customer info before u comment ?
    kayamAn: you interested in other couriers besides rosh?
    kayamAn: yes I read it all
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so u agree ?
    kayamAn: with what exactly? I was thinking of trading item for item
    kayamAn: or items for one item
    kayamAn: like gloves or something
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: i can only buy items for real money or steamwallet code man
    kayamAn: oh
    kayamAn: I see
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so u wanna sell ?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so ? because i can also buy your arcana and other items
    kayamAn: I see
    kayamAn: the thing is... I already got scammed this way, giving item first
    kayamAn: dude gave me invalid steam wallet codes
    kayamAn: dude named SNOOP
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: man , im not like them u can trust me , thats why i let you check my everything and my steamrep
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: oh that guy is a scammer on d2l
    kayamAn: he scammed me for 160$ gloves
    kayamAn: ofc I was stupid
    kayamAn: but nevertheless
    kayamAn: so I'm cautious
    kayamAn: these items are all I have
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: man im not like that , u can check my steamrep sir
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: u wanna see my steamrep link ?
    kayamAn: I already saw, it's fine
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: oh okay
    kayamAn: I used to play dota 2 for a long time, now I'm mostly playing cs
    kayamAn: so I'm selling dota items to get nice cs items
    kayamAn: that's the thing
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: i can offer you steamwallet code tho so u can buy directly a csgo items to the market
    kayamAn: yes
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: i can buy everything your high value items then if u want
    kayamAn: I'm interested in selling only items showing on my profile
    kayamAn: items up for trade
    kayamAn: how much can you pay for all that?
    kayamAn: if it is of your interest of course
    kayamAn: smeevil looks like s✿✿✿, but he's full unlocked full effect
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: your roshan = 90 + cm arcana = 26 + navi courier = 19$ + war dor courier = 16$ + geniune wyvernguard = 15$ + geniune shagbark = 15$ + geniune nyx dagon = 15$ + unusual drywiz = 13$ + geniune dragon sword = 12$
    kayamAn: noo lol
    kayamAn: only the items showing on profile
    kayamAn: these other items... maybe I'll play dota again one day
    kayamAn: I'd like to have them
    kayamAn: I used to have all arcanas
    kayamAn: now I only have cm
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: u mean the 5 couriers ?
    kayamAn: exactly
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: its 138$ for 4 couriers
    kayamAn: ok, so how should we proceed?
    kayamAn: I give you items, you give me wallet codes?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: yep
    kayamAn: because I'm really worried about getting scammed, I'm sure you realize it's not a personal thing
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: and btw can u add 12$ item ? so it will become exactly 150$ ?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: yep im not like that u dont need to worry about that
    kayamAn: can you spot a 12$ item on my inv?
    kayamAn: one that you'd like
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: geniune nyx dagon or geniune axe wyvernguard weapon
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so ?
    kayamAn: I'm thinking lol :(
    kayamAn: you have other accounts with items? what you do with them?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: i will resell them man , dont worry man just think positive
    kayamAn: think positive lol
    kayamAn: I'm trying, but I have a proposition
    kayamAn: maybe you can think about
    kayamAn: as I am thinking about yours
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: yep man im thinking about it of course
    kayamAn: 150$ is not bad value, even though is not 90%
    kayamAn: but
    kayamAn: since you have wallet codes, right?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: yep of course
    kayamAn: nevermind, my idea won't work because of 7 days steam market lock
    kayamAn: s✿✿✿
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: what u mean that man ?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so u dont deal with me ?
    kayamAn: no man, I want to make a deal
    kayamAn: I'm just worried you know
    kayamAn: you live off this, I understand
    kayamAn: but these items are all I have
    kayamAn: you like in the US, 150$ is a lot of money in BR
    kayamAn: you know?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: man i know and i cant do that because im not scammer and i have a mercy and i know karma is real
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: for me 150$ is not so lot man , easy to find money here if u know how to make little business
    kayamAn: many people get anxious like this when selling items? just out of curiosity
    kayamAn: yeah I get that
    kayamAn: that's what I am trying to say, 150$ is not a lot of money for you, but for me it's like all I have
    kayamAn: on my inv
    kayamAn: all other items are not worth so much
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: it depends man if u trust the person
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: yep i know dont worry even i get your items u will get the steamwallet code
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: u just need to think positive
    kayamAn: alright
    kayamAn: I think I'm ready lol
    kayamAn: what website you use to check prices?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: lol
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: steam.tools
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so ? lets start now ?
    kayamAn: ok so
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: okay so send me steam offer now and tell me if done so i will give u the code
    kayamAn: baby rosh + weaselcrow + war dog + garran + dagon = 150$
    kayamAn: that's it?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: yah
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so what now sir ?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: man what now ? i cant wait so long
    kayamAn: I don't think I'm ready to give items first, sorry for taking your time
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: lol
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: just lol
    kayamAn: you have archived reports on steamrep man
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: im waiting so long then u cant deal
    kayamAn: I lost 160$ earlier this month
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: nope man , they are just my f✿✿✿✿✿✿ haters
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: check it man they dont have chat agreements
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: if u want lets start with roshan then 150$ then other items
    kayamAn: I have many screenshots of everything we are talking about, but then what?
    kayamAn: you have to understand is not about you specifically you know
    kayamAn: if I get scammed you just get new profile
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: well go report me if i will scam you
    kayamAn: buy rep and that's it
    kayamAn: and then I'm 150$ short
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: not like that man
    kayamAn: you know?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: of course
    kayamAn: of course I will report, but that's not the main thing
    kayamAn: but I like your idea
    kayamAn: we can do rosh first
    kayamAn: then the other items
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: u will report me then we dont deal? lol
    kayamAn: no lol
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: i mean roshan and the nyx
    kayamAn: if you scam me ofc I will report
    kayamAn: but what I am trying to say is that this is not very important for me
    kayamAn: because even if you scam me and I report you
    kayamAn: I'm still 150$ short
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: sure man
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: sure man
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so lets start with roshan and nyx now ? and other items ?
    kayamAn: you have 100$ and 50$ codes?
    kayamAn: which are your codes? because roshan + nyx is more than 100$ right
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: i think rs and nyx is just 100$
    kayamAn: hmmm
    kayamAn: 17.66 - 15% = 15 and rosh you said 90
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: yep but its just 5$ lol
    kayamAn: we are trading couriers anyway right
    kayamAn: so I give you rosh and garran for 100$
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: yep
    kayamAn: and if we legit
    kayamAn: we make more trades
    kayamAn: ok?
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: just roshan and nyx okay ? because i better easy to resell the nyx
    kayamAn: hm
    kayamAn: alright man
    kayamAn: I'm trusting you
    kayamAn: let's do this
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: okay go send me steam offer
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: okay man
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: so ?
    kayamAn: sending now
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: okay
    kayamAn: sent
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: yah
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: accepting
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: wait let me check the effect
    kayamAn: sure
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: wait man im scratching the code
    kayamAn: nice
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: okay this is the code now sir
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕: T5QU8-5TH12-1GC32
    ♕ Luffy | $ BUYER UP ♕ is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @kayamAn Well normally I'd mark this invalid cause we don't accept code reports...however it would appear the accused isn't smart enough to NOT use the same code for each user he scams.
    So we got him this time.

    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
    kayamAn likes this.
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