1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted Report: 76561198251573166 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by U WOT M8, Apr 15, 2017.

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  1. U WOT M8

    U WOT M8 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198251573166

    Victim profile: 76561198260638008

    What happened? Description:
    I've wanted to upgrade my items, then there is this guy showed up. I thought I could trust him but NOPE.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Basically I was asking to trade with my karambit stained and I'll add keys. Then there is this guy from what I've mentioned, added me and asked for trade. It was my mistake for not checking steamrep while I thought his profile seems to be legit. He showed me some butterfly knife fade from opskins.com and some proof that he bought it (I don't know whether it's true) and he screenshot it and gave me the link below.
    Due to that, I've trusted him so I went first by depositing my karambit stained. That was like 5 in the morning and I was using my phone so I couldn't screenshot it but there's a few conversation from just now. I was looking for key seller but there's none, so I went to buy an awp lightning strike to replace the keys for the butterfly knife fade. After that, I traded him the awp lightning strike since he said he will counter offer me like what he did to "others" from what I've seen in his profile. Later on, he asked me to trade him the awp asiimov as well therefore I am dumb enough to trust him even though it's not part of the deal. Then, he unfriended me later on. I checked his inventory too that my skins are all gone and probably traded to 100 keys. He even asked me is there any real life friends of mine wanna "upgrade" or "downgrade" their skins. I've checked he's a friend of my friend, ever since I got scammed and is attempting to scam my friend as well.

    P.S. I only have part of the conversation.​

    1:52 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: just message me bro if you have buyed it already
    1:52 PM - Rin: Yea
    1:52 PM - Rin: I have it now
    1:53 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: i can't see it on your inventory bro :)
    1:53 PM - Rin: Wait
    1:53 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: okay
    1:53 PM - Rin: Sending it to me
    1:53 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: okay2 bro
    1:54 PM - Rin: Done bro :)
    1:55 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: okay
    1:55 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: ohh i see it now
    1:55 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: ill just wait for a notification with the awp and key okay?
    1:55 PM - Rin: Key is not included lol
    1:55 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: so i can send the butterfly to you right away
    1:55 PM - Rin: Only awp
    1:55 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: ohh okay :D
    1:55 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: okay2
    1:55 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: :D
    1:55 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: sorry :D
    1:55 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: i though it was included :D
    1:56 PM - Rin: Is okei :D
    1:56 PM - Rin: Nah xD
    1:56 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: so just tell me when your done sending okay?
    1:56 PM - Rin: Ok
    1:55 PM - Rin: Only awp
    1:55 PM - Rin: Is okei :D
    1:55 PM - Rin: Nah xD
    1:56 PM - Rin: Ok
    1:56 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: my mistake ^_^
    1:56 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: sorry about it
    1:56 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: :)
    1:56 PM - Rin: Is okei
    1:56 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: tell me when its done
    1:56 PM - Rin: Ok
    1:57 PM - Rin: Done
    1:58 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Fk bro the power is out
    1:58 PM - Rin: Lol
    1:58 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Im just on mobile right now
    1:58 PM - Rin: :(
    1:58 PM - Rin: Plz be fast bro
    1:58 PM - Rin: I trust you :)
    1:58 PM - Rin: Dont let me down
    1:59 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I can do it right now
    1:59 PM - Rin: Ok bro :)
    1:59 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Can i get just a screenshot to your awp asiinov
    1:59 PM - Rin: ???
    2:00 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Dont worry i need a pending offer of ypur awp asiimov
    2:00 PM - Rin: I m not trading my awp asiimov to anyone bro
    2:00 PM - Rin: Hope u'll understand
    2:00 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: So i can get a counter offer with this fade
    2:01 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: No i know its not part of our deal
    2:00 PM - Rin: Just send me the fade offer bro
    2:01 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Plsss i just trust me
    2:01 PM - Rin: Sorry bro
    2:01 PM - Rin: This awp asiimov is from my friend
    2:01 PM - Rin: I need to keep this from anyone
    2:01 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I will not going to accept your awp i just want to see a screenshot
    2:01 PM - Rin: No bro D:
    2:02 PM - Rin: Plz send me my bfk fade plz D:
    2:02 PM - Rin: I've sent u everything D:
    2:02 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Or if you dont can we continue this iwhen the current back
    2:02 PM - Rin: Sure
    2:02 PM - Rin: Dont scam me ya :)
    2:02 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Ok so tomorrow ok
    2:03 PM - Rin: Today can?
    2:03 PM - Rin: Cuz i need it
    2:03 PM - Rin: Desperately
    2:03 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I can do it in this mobile
    2:03 PM - Rin: Then just do it ba
    2:03 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: But hust send the awp so i can get a screenshot
    2:03 PM - Rin: No fam
    2:04 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Thats all
    2:04 PM - Rin: The awp isnt part of the deal
    2:04 PM - Rin: So plz :)
    2:04 PM - Rin: Send me the fade
    2:04 PM - Rin: :D
    2:04 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Don't worry i told ypu i will not going to accept it
    2:04 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Its not part of our deal
    2:04 PM - Rin: I m worried bro :(
    2:04 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I promise here
    2:04 PM - Rin: Dont plz
    2:04 PM - Rin: I got scammed before
    2:05 PM - Rin: Thats what they told me before i got scammed
    2:05 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I know plss trust me
    2:05 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I promise
    2:05 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I have the fade here
    2:05 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Just send the awp
    2:05 PM - Rin: For the sake
    2:06 PM - Rin: I trust you bro
    2:06 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I will just counter offer it with only my butterfly
    2:06 PM - Rin: Dont let me down ya :)
    2:06 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I
    2:06 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Yes
    2:06 PM - Rin: Alright i m doing it
    2:06 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: I promise
    2:06 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Thanks for trusting
    2:06 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Just relax
    2:06 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Im a good trader ok
    2:06 PM - Rin: Alright
    2:07 PM - Rin: I trust u
    2:07 PM - Rin: :D
    2:07 PM - It's me Harley Quinn: Tell me if you done so i can send this fade now
    2:07 PM - Rin: Done
    2:08 PM - Rin: So how was it?
    2:08 PM - Rin: Hello bro
    2:09 PM - Rin: Hello?
    2:09 PM - Rin: U there?
    2:10 PM - It's me Harley Quinn is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks - do keep in mind that this user is already banned/tagged..there isn't any more we can do to this user. Should you come across a user like this again(check users out soon as you say hello) it is best to just report them to Valve, delete and move on.
    Counter offer nonsense is nothing but a scam... no such thing.
    Please provide a full screen shot of your Trade Inventory History showing for sure the trade in question(NOT TRADE OFFER!!)- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.
    @U WOT M8
  3. U WOT M8

    U WOT M8 New User

    like this?
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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