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Accepted Report: 76561197963551503 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by TheEngineer, Apr 16, 2017.

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  1. TheEngineer

    TheEngineer New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Trade Offer Fraud] Using Trade Offer URL fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561197963551503

    Victim profile: 76561198050865091

    What happened? Description:
    A guy added me and wanted to buy my knife. After that he attempted to scam me by using a fake OPskins bot.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Our chat window: https://gyazo.com/6dfbf0d60bc42ed38f3ae65937dc9d34
    Fake opskins bot: https://gyazo.com/33d45296554b00d099c48eda77e9701f
    These screenshots are also attached​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    lauantai 15. huhtikuuta 2017
    23.53 - Metsie: hi
    23.54 - Specter: Can you wait for a few minutes
    23.54 - Metsie: yea
    23.55 - Specter: thanks
    sunnuntai 16. huhtikuuta 2017
    15.42 - Specter: Hello?
    15.42 - Metsie: hi
    15.43 - Specter: Im trading my knive's and skins and im willing to overpay
    15.43 - Specter: are you trading your knfie and some of your skins?
    15.43 - Metsie: i could sell my knife for overpay
    15.43 - Specter: By paypal right?
    15.44 - Metsie: i dont do paypal
    15.44 - Specter: What price?
    15.47 - Metsie: like 150 keys
    15.47 - Metsie: or so
    15.49 - Specter: so 150keys for your Bayonet autotronic?
    15.49 - Metsie: yea
    15.50 - Specter: okay send me your trade URL:
    15.50 - Metsie: why? you can just send me a trade offer through my steam
    15.50 - Specter: Cause the other keys is on my safe accouint
    15.50 - Metsie: ok
    15.50 - Specter: so i need your trade link to sent them all
    15.51 - Metsie: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=90599363&token=LlHCivyc
    15.52 - Specter: Okay give me time to send
    15.54 - Specter: Btw are you fammiliar with opskisn?
    15.54 - Metsie: yea
    15.55 - Specter: cause im currently buying and reselling items on opskins right now so i just want to make sure first that your knife are 100% marketable on opskins dont worry i can help you how its just easy okay ?
    15.56 - Metsie: if it's not we can do a trade back
    15.57 - Specter: Do you have skype?
    15.57 - Metsie: no
    15.57 - Specter: okay jsut follow what i want you to do okay?
    15.57 - Metsie: ok
    15.58 - Specter: Okay now go to http://opskins.com
    15.58 - Metsie: ok
    15.58 - Specter: Are you on opskins site now?
    15.58 - Metsie: yea
    15.58 - Specter: Are you signed in already?
    15.58 - Metsie: yea
    15.59 - Specter: Okay do you see the sell selection on the top?
    15.59 - Metsie: yea
    15.59 - Specter: Okay click sell
    15.59 - Specter: tell me if done
    16.00 - Metsie: yea im there
    16.00 - Metsie: it shows my cs and other steam items
    16.00 - Specter: So you see your inventory?
    16.00 - Specter: right?
    16.00 - Metsie: yes
    16.00 - Specter: Okay click your knife
    16.00 - Specter: then put into 9999$ on the list price
    16.00 - Specter: Okay?
    16.00 - Specter: tell me if donee
    16.00 - Metsie: ok im done
    16.01 - Specter: Okay now click add to sale queue
    16.01 - Metsie: ok done
    16.01 - Specter: Now go to your steam
    16.02 - Specter: Did you check your steam?
    16.02 - Metsie: yea i got a tradeoffer
    16.02 - Specter: okay accept it then go back to opskins site
    16.02 - Specter: Dont forget to confirm to your mobile app
    16.03 - Metsie: it's funny how you think I'd fall for a scam of this level
    16.03 - Specter: what do you mean?
    16.03 - Metsie: you think sending a fake opskins bot to me is gonna work?
    16.03 - Specter: I dont understand
    16.03 - Specter: What do you mean bro?
    16.04 - Metsie: you know exactly what i mean but there is no point in continuing this
    16.04 - Specter is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @TheEngineer ok? you didn't mention anything about what the fake bots info is yet its clearly involved.
    Need to do a better job at giving all information regarding a scam when reporting here.
    I'll need the FULL SR profile block to that fake bot posted here please and...
    Please provide a full screen shot of that trade offer again- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.

    Attached Files:

  3. TheEngineer

    TheEngineer New User


    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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