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Accepted Report: 76561198091629902 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Blazzered, May 2, 2017.

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  1. Blazzered

    Blazzered New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Gambling] Fake gambling website
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198091629902

    Victim profile: 76561198074515243

    What happened? Description:
    He added me, said he had a great deal for me. He told me to participate in his gambling site, where he would fix the bets so that I would win. Then he showed me he could do it.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Tuesday, May 2, 2017
    11:11 AM - Blazzered: Why you add me?
    11:14 AM - ✪zEVEN is now Online.
    11:14 AM - ✪zEVEN: hi
    11:14 AM - ✪zEVEN: i have a good offer for u
    11:15 AM - Blazzered: Okay
    11:15 AM - ✪zEVEN: I'm moderator on one huge gambling site. I can make u win in some huge pots for some benefit of it(20% is fair I guess)
    11:15 AM - ✪zEVEN: i can prove
    11:15 AM - Blazzered: Okay
    11:15 AM - ✪zEVEN: http://csgopiko.com/
    11:16 AM - ✪zEVEN: choose someone player
    tell me his name
    and i set for this player win
    11:17 AM - ✪zEVEN is now Online.
    11:17 AM - ✪zEVEN: u here?
    11:18 AM - Blazzered: Yeah im here
    11:18 AM - ✪zEVEN: u choose
    11:18 AM - ✪zEVEN: player
    11:19 AM - Blazzered: Namehard
    11:19 AM - ✪zEVEN: kk
    11:19 AM - ✪zEVEN: namehard
    won round #138392 with 43 items, had a winning chance of 10% and made $ 498.18 of profit.
    11:19 AM - ✪zEVEN: see
    11:19 AM - ✪zEVEN: it
    11:19 AM - ✪zEVEN: need once mor
    11:20 AM - ✪zEVEN: e
    11:21 AM - Blazzered: Yes, plz show me 1 more time.
    11:21 AM - Blazzered: 1 moment plz
    11:21 AM - ✪zEVEN: kk
    11:21 AM - ✪zEVEN: i wait u
    11:22 AM - ✪zEVEN: u choose
    11:22 AM - ✪zEVEN: ?
    11:23 AM - Blazzered: Okay
    11:23 AM - Blazzered: Sorry had to do something
    11:23 AM - ✪zEVEN: who?
    11:23 AM - ✪zEVEN: narc
    11:24 AM - ✪zEVEN: Narc has won the current pot containing 74 items worth $ 561.60!
    11:24 AM - ✪zEVEN: i set win him
    11:25 AM - ✪zEVEN is now Online.
    11:25 AM - ✪zEVEN: u here?
    11:27 AM - ✪zEVEN is now Offline.
    11:27 AM - ✪zEVEN is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    11:27 AM - ✪zEVEN is now Online.
    11:28 AM - Blazzered: Let me see Dedenee win this time
    11:28 AM - ✪zEVEN: kk
    11:28 AM - ✪zEVEN: u see
    11:29 AM - Blazzered: Dedenne
    11:29 AM - ✪zEVEN: Dedenne ‘︿’ has won the current pot containing 51 items worth $ 388.76!
    11:29 AM - Blazzered: Dang
    11:29 AM - Blazzered: Thats cool bro
    11:29 AM - ✪zEVEN: yeah
    11:30 AM - ✪zEVEN: put bet you and i set win for you
    11:30 AM - Blazzered: So you fix the betting?
    11:30 AM - ✪zEVEN: i can set winner for players
    11:31 AM - Blazzered: Wow thats amazing
    11:31 AM - Blazzered: So you make me win?
    11:31 AM - ✪zEVEN: yeah
    11:31 AM - Blazzered: I give items and you make me win?
    11:31 AM - ✪zEVEN: yeah
    11:31 AM - ✪zEVEN: log in site
    11:31 AM - ✪zEVEN: click deposit items
    11:31 AM - ✪zEVEN: and i set win u
    11:31 AM - Blazzered: Wow, that is awesome.
    11:31 AM - Blazzered: But there is a problem
    11:32 AM - ✪zEVEN: for what?
    11:32 AM - Blazzered: I know this is a scam. :)
    11:32 AM - ✪zEVEN: no
    11:32 AM - ✪zEVEN: bro try
    11:32 AM - ✪zEVEN: and win
    11:32 AM - ✪zEVEN: min bet 15$
    11:32 AM - ✪zEVEN: put and win jacpot
    11:33 AM - Blazzered: Why would I try lol, I know this is a scam. You have any idea how many players have came to me asking to participate in their gambling site the exact same way?
    11:33 AM - Blazzered: Every hear of a site called Steamrep?
    11:33 AM - Blazzered: Where people report scammers?
    11:33 AM - Blazzered: :)
    11:33 AM - ✪zEVEN: no report
    11:33 AM - ✪zEVEN: its no scam
    11:34 AM - Blazzered: Tis a scam, my friend.
    11:34 AM - ✪zEVEN is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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