1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted Report: 76561197964116279 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Niggles, May 10, 2017.

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  1. Niggles

    Niggles New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Other cash fraud (webmoney, bitcoin, etc)
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561197964116279

    Victim profile: 76561198221406504/

    What happened? Description:
    The guy Friended me on steam. I go to check his backpack, and of course, it's private. I then go on his profile. There's this link that says storage, which leads into the person he's impersonatings backpack. He then messaged me a couple hours later, telling me that he was going to pay me on opskins.com. I follow his instructions, and the "bot" sends me an offer. I, being paranoid, decide to check the bots profile. He's in a group with 180 members, and all of the comments are of the members calling out the bot on being a scammer. I tell him about this and his impersonation, and he ingores me, telling me to hurry with the trade. He quickly tries to switch the groups of his bot, but when i call him out on that, saying i have screenshots, he unfriends me.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Evidence is all in the screenshots below.​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Tuesday, May 9, 2017
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: tell me if done confirm your mail
    Niggles | trade.tf: There
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: done?
    Niggles | trade.tf: wait
    Niggles | trade.tf: just a little more
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: done?
    Niggles | trade.tf: almost
    Niggles | trade.tf: there
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: so done
    Niggles | trade.tf: ye
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: so did you see sell on the top
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: Sell
    Niggles | trade.tf: Im doing it rn
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: ok click it
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: so what did you see now?
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: canadian taxes
    Niggles | trade.tf: What is the price?
    Niggles | trade.tf: %) bucks?
    Niggles | trade.tf: 50
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: so you can see your inventory now?
    Niggles | trade.tf: ye
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: ok click youru nusual
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: unusual
    Niggles | trade.tf: ok
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: and change list price into 9999$
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: ok
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: tell me if done
    Niggles | trade.tf: ok
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: done
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: just follow me ok dont try to sell you just need to list it
    Niggles | trade.tf: ok
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: so done change list price
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: ?
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: make sure 9999$ so no one will buy it ok
    Niggles | trade.tf: alright
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: ok so did you see add to sale queue, click it but do not click deposit ok cause you are not selling your unusual
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: you just need to list it so just click add to sale queue ok
    Niggles | trade.tf: ok
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: done
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: ?
    Niggles | trade.tf: done
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: done?
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: ok
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: so posibble you got a queue offer from opskins righy
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: right* go back on your steam
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: check if you recived 1 notification at opskins ok
    Niggles | trade.tf: ok
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: you got an offer now
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: ?
    Niggles | trade.tf: yeah
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: ok cool so respond to the offer man
    Niggles | trade.tf: alright
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: tell me if done confirm it so i can check it at opkins site ok
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: and once i can see your unusual i will send you my offer ok
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: im waiting?
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: done
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: what now man
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: still there
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: hello
    Niggles | trade.tf: Can i ask you something?
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: yes
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: what
    Niggles | trade.tf: What do you think steam rep wpuld do if they saw this chat, YOUR trade offer, and this "bots" groups' comments? c:
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: why?
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: any problem
    Niggles | trade.tf: No
    Niggles | trade.tf: c:
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: bot sending you a warning right?
    Niggles | trade.tf: Yeah, nice fake bot
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: lol that is only a warning
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: what do you mean fake bot
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: opskins sending fake bot?
    Niggles | trade.tf: Dude i went to the group and almost every single comment says scammer
    Niggles | trade.tf: Theres only like 100 people in it
    Niggles | trade.tf: Also
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: scam?
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: what do you mean
    Niggles | trade.tf: Nice impersonation
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: can you link to me the bot?
    Niggles | trade.tf: Yeah, hold on
    Niggles | trade.tf: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Swizimoni
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: that is my profile
    Niggles | trade.tf: Wrong buddy :)
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: im waiting you to list your unusual man
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: so i can send you my offern ow
    Niggles | trade.tf: hold on pal
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com: what ow
    Niggles | trade.tf: Dude you know changing groups for your fake bot wont mean anything since I already have screenshots?
    Herbob cs.money csgosell.com is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Niggles Ok you clearly show a bot info...so another account was involved yet you didn't give any info on that bot/account.
    I'll need the FULL SR profile block to that account and if you got a trade offer - follow the next set of instructions.
    Please provide a full screen shot of that trade offer again- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.

    Attached Files:

  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Niggles Please follow up - don't abandon reports
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Accepting as is - @Niggles You will need to explain before submitting another report here why you didn't follow up to this one.
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