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Accepted Report: 76561197963525015 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Carme Taika, May 30, 2017.

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  1. Carme Taika

    Carme Taika New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561197963525015

    Victim profile: 76561197998370695

    What happened? Description:
    Attempted to arrange a scam claiming a bot would auto-trade via OPskins after I posted an offer to give my knife to the offending user.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Landrick | Cs.Money: hey bro
    Landrick | Cs.Money: are you trading your knife?
    1928: hello
    1928: depends
    1928: what are you offering?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: do you prefer knife or keys? hehe
    1928: I wouldn't trade for another knife, do you have gloves?
    1928: or, in the case of keys, how many keys are you offering?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: as of now bro, im only trading knives cause the prices of the keys really went down hard
    Landrick | Cs.Money: or gloves
    1928: I'm not a trader, so I have no idea
    1928: I just want a cool cosmetic item
    Landrick | Cs.Money: do you like gloves?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: suggest a skin of a glove
    1928: and right now that's my knife
    1928: Sport Arid or Superconductor are high on my list
    Landrick | Cs.Money: oh okay. ill check it here in opskins first
    1928: with no real preference for wear
    1928: Specialist foundation, or Moto spearmint are also of interest
    Landrick | Cs.Money: okay ill check it ehre
    1928: So of the gloves that exist, I'd say one of those four, with no particular aim for float value
    1928: since they all seem to be fine even with bad wear
    Landrick | Cs.Money: check this one
    Landrick | Cs.Money: https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=130446852
    1928: hrmmm as far as that goes specifically, I'd hope to find something at 70, but it's not too bad as is.
    Landrick | Cs.Money: might aswell check this one bro
    Landrick | Cs.Money: https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=133785219
    1928: spear > cool
    Landrick | Cs.Money: https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=128616718
    Landrick | Cs.Money: that one?
    1928: the color on spear looks like it... 'pops'
    1928: as opposed to the darker cool mint
    1928: I'm not sure about the value of those gloves by comparison to my knife as I've never looked into the value of my knife.
    1928: but this pair of spearmint, if you'd value the knife the same as them, I would take in a heartbeat
    Landrick | Cs.Money: what your final choice bro?
    1928: they are way over the FV I'd expect to get
    Landrick | Cs.Money: this spearmint?
    1928: If you're willing to buy those gloves to trade for my knife, I would be down for that 100%
    Landrick | Cs.Money: yeah i can go for it bro.
    Landrick | Cs.Money: you there?
    1928: mhmm
    Landrick | Cs.Money: ?
    1928: steam overlay crashed in Guadians of Orion
    1928: I am still here, yes.
    Landrick | Cs.Money: oh okay bro
    Landrick | Cs.Money: before i'll buy and process the gloves, can you first read my trading process? for us to have a clean and smooth trade. thanks
    1928: I'm not sure I understand these
    1928: wouldn't you just trade directly with a person if we're both online?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: do you want me to buy and process the gloves first so i may be able to explain the process to you clearly afterwards?
    1928: I mean, if you're trading for my knife, and I've stated I agree to the item to be traded, although you have to obtain the item before the trade takes place, I'm not going to back out
    1928: I don't trade for gain, I trade because a cosmetic item I am interested in is offered, and in this case, gloves suit my interest more than my knife, if I can get a pair of gloves from the four types I think look good
    Landrick | Cs.Money: as what ive told you lately bro, as an official opskins trader i can overpay up to 20% cause opskins can give me less for 25% and the 5% is for my profit and i cant get my opskins official trader discount if i cant activate it on OPSKINS bot to send the offer to you that's why im doing this kind of process for me to earn my 5% of profit in every transaction i make here in opskins. i hope you understand bro
    1928: so what do you want me to do?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: ill buy and process the gloves first okay?
    1928: okay.
    Landrick | Cs.Money: okay bro this is the gloves that i already bought and processed. kindly check it first its on my opskins inventory already. its the screenshot of the transaction i made here at opskins and you will see then in the image the autotrade by OPSKINS BOT.
    Landrick | Cs.Money: http://imgur.com/pz31ucX
    Landrick | Cs.Money: check that for your assurance bro
    1928: how do I counter offer over opskins?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: you dont have to counter bro. let me explain to you the process, once i receive a pending request from you. this gloves will be offered to you at the same time. because the opskins official bot will detect and process to send it once it recognize you as my trader on autotrade. okay? just don't forget to confirm the offer of the bot on your notification box after sending offer cause
    it will appear at the same time on your notifications.
    Landrick | Cs.Money: dont forget to rep me after you have already received the knife bro. thanks
    1928: I'm curious though
    1928: if you bought the gloves
    1928: why doesn't the bot just deliver them to you?
    1928: so we can trade directly?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: cause it's an autotrade process bro. i cant get my opskins official trader discount if i cant activate it on OPSKINS bot to send the offer to you. that's why im using this trading process for me to have my income and this is my occupation
    1928: how can I setup my knife to go through a bot to match that process, then?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: once i have already received your pending offer with the knife that we agreed on, it will not be in my inventory unless you have already received the offer of the bot. the bot will offer you the gloves after you have already confirmed the pending offer. so we will receive the knife in our inventory at the same time.
    Landrick | Cs.Money: the bot is just waiting for your pending offer to me right now bro and it will immediately gift offer you the gloves as soon as it detects your pending offer to me right now. don't worry, we will receive the items at the same time like a trade
    1928: I've never heard of this before
    1928: I just want to trade my item for your item
    Landrick | Cs.Money: this is the bot that is activated for the trade bro. check it's inventory. that bot is just waiting
    Landrick | Cs.Money: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198184526762/inventory/#730_2_10310549015
    1928: I can see that it's in a bot's inventory
    Landrick | Cs.Money: yes bro. it's just waiting for your confirmed pending offer to me right now and it will immediately offer you the gloves at the same time. dont worry, offers of the bot will arrive in just 10 secs.
    1928: how would the bot know that I offered you an item via steam?
    1928: bots are just a basic user account on steam with an automated script running on the computer they're logged in to.
    Landrick | Cs.Money: cause it is activated for the trade bro. check my screenshot again for you to see that it is really activated
    Landrick | Cs.Money: http://imgur.com/pz31ucX
    Landrick | Cs.Money: it's an official opskins bot for the trade bro and it is verified by opskins, valve and steam. you dont have to worry cause it's reliable and safe.
    1928: that's not the problem here
    1928: the problem is I see nothing in OPSkin's FAQ or any articles that suggest this is a method of conducting trade
    http://OPSkins.com can detect the report of a dealer if he/she abuses his position (He can easily get PERMANENT TRADE BANNED on STEAM and SUSPENDED that he/she will lose all his/her money in his account and the item he received from trade will be returned to the owner directly)
    1928: That's not in their terms of service
    Landrick | Cs.Money: dont worry bro. i wont risk my 13 years of service in steam account and all my funds in opskins just for a single trade. it's clearly not worth
    Landrick | Cs.Money: bro, the activated bot is just waiting right now.
    1928: it doesn't have feelings, it's a script on a computer
    Landrick | Cs.Money: can we proceed cause i still got a trade to make and i need to complete this trade for me to do an auto-trade again
    1928: I expect when I trade an item for another item, to do so directly.
    1928: nowhere in the user FAQs or any other documentation does this offer for offer thing show up
    1928: and no clause that a stolen item would be returned to its rightful owner exists on OPskins
    1928: in fact the opposite is written
    Landrick | Cs.Money: bro that's why opskins can return the item cause an opskins official bot is involved as well as steam and the official opskins site. Steam and opskin management together with steam rep is together working, so if ever you feel risky you are free to record our transaction or take a screenshot of our conversation
    1928: yeah but I'd still be out my knife if as I suspect, this is not how OPskins operates
    Landrick | Cs.Money: bro you can check my steamrep and my account if you're doubting me. if you dont want to do it, it's okay. i wont force you though. it seems so hard to explain everything to you cause youre so sceptical about me. are you doubting me of stealing something from you?
    1928: yes
    1928: because the process you are describing is impossible
    Landrick | Cs.Money: it's clearly offensive cause ive been doing this kind of process for years and all my traders went through the same thing
    1928: trade offers between steam users isn't publicly viewable
    1928: the bot wouldn't be able to see the offer
    Landrick | Cs.Money: it is bro. that's why ive provided you a screenshot for your assurance that there is a trade going on
    1928: https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=134106823
    1928: I will instead offer an alternative
    1928: I have lost my killcount for doing so
    1928: but you can buy the knife and I will spend the money on a pair of gloves
    1928: I can change the price so long as my cut ends up being enough to buy one of the four kinds of gloves I previously mentioned
    Landrick | Cs.Money: what are you talking about bro? did you just backed out of this trade?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: ive quickbought the gloves for you
    Landrick | Cs.Money: and i activated it on opskins just for you
    Landrick | Cs.Money: how can you do this bro?
    1928: There is no such feature on OPskins
    1928: You cannot post a trade offer to someone directly without the mobile authorization being entered
    1928: people cannot see an un-authenticated trade offer being put up
    1928: so if I send you an offer for nothing and confirm it, you take it and that's that
    1928: the bot cannot see a trade offer between steam users
    1928: the bot is just a regular steam user
    1928: alternateively
    1928: you can buy my knife using your OPskins wallet for a price which will allow me to buy one of the kinds of gloves I previously mentioned
    Landrick | Cs.Money: bro, scamming is really bad. i have a daughter to raise and i believe in karma.
    1928: since that will guarantee the trade works
    1928: then why are you trying to scam me?
    1928: people aren't stupid, mate.
    Landrick | Cs.Money: trying to scam you?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: lol
    Landrick | Cs.Money: how can i scam you bro?
    1928: by receiving my knife as a gift trade for free
    1928: which would be a legit trade by steam's standards
    Landrick | Cs.Money: you can literally cancel the trade if you havent receive the offer of the bot after 10-20 secs
    1928: as I would have agreed to the transactin
    Landrick | Cs.Money: i guarantee you
    1928: you cannot guarantee me, because you are lying
    Landrick | Cs.Money: then, im a lier now?
    1928: the feature you are proposing does not exist
    Landrick | Cs.Money: wow. thanks for accusing
    1928: and you want me to give you my knife
    Landrick | Cs.Money: give? no bro, trade
    1928: request those gloves into your steam account and trade them directly
    Landrick | Cs.Money: as what ive told you lately bro, as an official opskins trader i can overpay up to 20% cause opskins can give me less for 25% and the 5% is for my profit and i cant get my opskins official trader discount if i cant activate it on OPSKINS bot to send the offer to you that's why im doing this kind of process for me to earn my 5% of profit in every transaction i make here in opskins. i hope you understand bro
    1928: that's not a thing
    Landrick | Cs.Money: if you dont want to,
    Landrick | Cs.Money: then dont
    Landrick | Cs.Money: it's not my loss anyways :)
    1928: it's not my loss, because I'm not giving my knife away on the promise that I will receive gloves
    Landrick | Cs.Money: well, okay lol
    1928: I will sell you my knife for a price on OPskins, which will allow me to buy the gloves
    1928: or you can trade the gloves for the knife directly
    Landrick | Cs.Money: what if i buy you a dildo to stick it up on your ass?
    Landrick | Cs.Money: assface
    Landrick | Cs.Money: dumbf✿✿✿ trade
    Landrick | Cs.Money is now Offline.

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

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