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Accepted Report: 76561198374014137/ - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Lachsnacken, Jun 11, 2017.

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  1. Lachsnacken

    Lachsnacken New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198374014137/

    Victim profile: 76561198005665778

    What happened? Description:
    He wants to make sure, that I can sell my Knife on OPSkins.
    I send me the offer with this Account,

    | steamname: [OPSKINS] Bot #0799
    | steam3ID: [U:1:418919599]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:209459799
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198379185327
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/12312368688
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198379185327

    Provide Evidence:
    All evidence is in the screenshots and chat log.​

    Halten Sie Ihr Passwort geheim.
    Sonntag, 11. Juni 2017
    18:35 - Lachsnacken: hey
    18:35 - SKYRUS: Hi there
    18:35 - SKYRUS: Sorry for interrupting
    18:35 - SKYRUS: How are you?
    18:35 - Lachsnacken: No problem
    Good thanks
    18:35 - Lachsnacken: How can i help you?
    18:36 - SKYRUS: Im interested on your knife and m4a4 desolate
    18:36 - SKYRUS: Are you trading?
    18:36 - Lachsnacken: yes im open for trades
    18:37 - SKYRUS: I have my flip knife marble fade to offer for it
    18:37 - SKYRUS: Check my items on my skinstore at my profile
    18:37 - SKYRUS: Or if you have something interested tell me
    18:40 - Lachsnacken: What about you BATMAN skin?=
    18:40 - SKYRUS: batman skin?
    18:40 - SKYRUS: What is the name of that skin?
    18:41 - Lachsnacken: You should know it
    18:41 - Lachsnacken: Its your inv
    18:41 - SKYRUS: LOL?????
    18:41 - SKYRUS: dude i dont know what is batman
    18:42 - SKYRUS: ★ Butterfly Knife | Night ?
    18:42 - SKYRUS: what do you mean
    18:42 - Lachsnacken: Yes i mean the Butterfly Night
    18:42 - SKYRUS: Ohh ok so that for your knife and desolate?
    18:43 - SKYRUS: Can give it
    18:43 - Lachsnacken: yes
    18:43 - SKYRUS: Ok give me oyur trade link and i send offer
    18:45 - SKYRUS: You know how to find it?
    18:46 - Lachsnacken: yes
    18:46 - Lachsnacken: moment
    18:46 - Lachsnacken: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=45400050&token=9w_s9PHb
    18:46 - SKYRUS: Ok got it
    18:47 - SKYRUS: Btw do you know Opskins right?
    18:47 - SKYRUS: I mean by the way
    18:48 - Lachsnacken: yes i know it
    18:48 - SKYRUS: Ahh do you know How to use it cause i wanna ask you something special there before ill send an offer
    18:48 - Lachsnacken: i never used it
    18:49 - SKYRUS: ah cause i want to ask you if you can list your knife on your opskins inventory before ill send an offer to you, cause i just want to check your knife there if its sale able and get the list linked on it so i can do resell it if were done trade if its ok to you?
    18:49 - SKYRUS: Just to private list or put it on your Opskins inventory to get the list link not gonna sell it
    18:49 - SKYRUS: I can guide you there if you never used it before
    18:50 - Lachsnacken: yeah do it
    18:50 - SKYRUS: Do you have skype?
    18:50 - Lachsnacken: no
    18:50 - SKYRUS: Or you know how to send screenshot so i can easily guide you there
    18:50 - SKYRUS: cause you dont use d it before
    18:51 - Lachsnacken: screens?
    18:52 - SKYRUS: yea
    18:52 - SKYRUS: You really dont have skype?
    18:53 - Lachsnacken: nope
    18:53 - SKYRUS: Ok go to Opskins then sign in
    18:53 - Lachsnacken: okay mom
    18:53 - SKYRUS: mom?
    18:53 - Lachsnacken: moment
    18:53 - SKYRUS: aww i thought you call me mom
    18:53 - Lachsnacken: :D
    18:53 - Lachsnacken: naaa
    18:53 - SKYRUS: hahah
    18:53 - SKYRUS: kk take your time
    18:53 - Lachsnacken: done
    18:54 - SKYRUS: Done signi n?
    18:54 - Lachsnacken: yes
    18:55 - SKYRUS: Dude you need to put your email and trade link there so you can active your account to opskins
    18:56 - Lachsnacken: done
    18:56 - SKYRUS: Then you see the sell button on upper?
    18:56 - Lachsnacken: i can sell items
    18:56 - Lachsnacken: yes
    18:56 - SKYRUS: I mean you see it
    18:56 - SKYRUS: sell button my friend
    18:56 - Lachsnacken: yeah my inv is on the right
    18:56 - Lachsnacken: *lfeft
    18:57 - Lachsnacken: normally i talk to a woman :D
    18:57 - SKYRUS: You see your knife?
    18:57 - Lachsnacken: yes
    18:58 - SKYRUS: Click it
    18:58 - Lachsnacken: oka
    18:58 - SKYRUS: Put a list price 9999 then you see the deposit into my opskins inventory thing?
    18:58 - Lachsnacken: done
    18:59 - SKYRUS: Put a check on the deposit into my opskins inventory
    18:59 - SKYRUS: Then just click next button to private list it
    18:59 - SKYRUS: Dont click deposit
    18:59 - Lachsnacken: done
    18:59 - SKYRUS: You got a offer for private?
    18:59 - SKYRUS: Go to steam
    19:00 - Lachsnacken: yes
    19:00 - SKYRUS: Then accept and go to Opskins inventory
    19:00 - Lachsnacken: from a bot that is not an official
    19:00 - SKYRUS: Its just for private offer bot
    19:00 - SKYRUS: Its not for selling items
    19:00 - SKYRUS: You dont click deposit right?
    19:01 - Lachsnacken: its not a opskins bot
    19:01 - Lachsnacken: yes
    19:01 - SKYRUS: Then its ok
    19:01 - SKYRUS: Its from private opskins bot
    19:01 - Lachsnacken: no time for this
    19:01 - SKYRUS: I know all of types on Opskins my friend
    19:01 - SKYRUS: ??
    19:01 - Lachsnacken: reportet to sr
    19:01 - SKYRUS: Lol sure
    19:01 - SKYRUS: I report you too
    19:01 - SKYRUS: goodluck
    19:01 - Lachsnacken: for? :D
    19:01 - SKYRUS: MAssive report on reddit
    19:01 - SKYRUS: For scamming
    19:01 - SKYRUS: Have fun
    19:01 - Lachsnacken: :DD
    19:01 - Lachsnacken: :D
    19:01 - SKYRUS: :D
    19:01 - SKYRUS: :D
    19:02 - SKYRUS hat den Status gewechselt zu: Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    You mention a bot, said you got an offer from it but didn't prove it with a screenshot?
    @Lachsnacken Always confirm this stuff not just saying.
    Please provide a full screen shot of that trade offer- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.

    Attached Files:

  3. Lachsnacken

    Lachsnacken New User

    Here it is

    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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