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Accepted Report: 76561197967686216 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Panda 13, Jun 20, 2017.

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  1. Panda 13

    Panda 13 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561197967686216

    Victim profile: 76561198090738675

    What happened? Description:
    This guy randomly added me and after I asked for reason of add, he said that he want to trade. As always his inventory was private and he proposed me to choose an item from "his" second account. And after all he wanted to check if my knife is marketable on opskins. I knew that he is a scammer but he had not been reported yes so I decided to go through.
    As he wanted I went to opskins.com and placed my famas for sell with price of 9999 and get message on opskins that my trade link is incorrect but a trade offer from "opskins bot" came. BTW "Opskins bot" wasn't even in group of opskins bot or smth like that. See detailed evidence in screenshots.

    Fake Opskins Bot Info Block:
    | steamname: [OPSKINS] Bot #0082
    | steam3ID: [U:1:340889231]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:170444615
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198301154959
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/548579800sdasd
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198301154959

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Panda: Hi. Why did u add me ?
    Merritt Rodriguez: for trade?
    Panda: oh
    Panda: you can offer me
    Panda: but i see that your inv is private
    Merritt Rodriguez: it is on beside my profile picture
    Merritt Rodriguez: did you see it?
    Merritt Rodriguez: which one would you take?
    Panda: where ?
    Merritt Rodriguez: beside on my profile picture
    Panda: is this your acc ? http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198583756185/inventory/
    Merritt Rodriguez: yes ofc
    Merritt Rodriguez: i just want your trade link
    Merritt Rodriguez: so that i can send you the offer
    Merritt Rodriguez: sorry forgot to tell you
    Merritt Rodriguez: i have 2 acc :)
    Panda: oh
    Merritt Rodriguez: and first of all
    Merritt Rodriguez: i wont add any people there
    Panda: i sent you friend offer
    Panda: oh
    Panda: ok
    Merritt Rodriguez: cuz i dont want any people can imporsonate it
    Merritt Rodriguez: even me we are not friends
    Merritt Rodriguez: im awaring punshing links :/
    Merritt Rodriguez: so did you already see i t/
    Merritt Rodriguez: ?
    Panda: what do u want for ? http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/10073923633/?l=english&o=76561198583756185

    Panda: or http://steamcommunity.com/economy/item/730/2/10703168596/?l=english&o=76561198583756185

    Merritt Rodriguez: i can preffer gut
    Panda: my bayo for gut ?
    Merritt Rodriguez: is that you want also?
    Merritt Rodriguez: yea thats fine
    Panda: yes maybe
    Merritt Rodriguez: give me your trade link
    Merritt Rodriguez: do you know what is the float value of your knife?
    Panda: it's in my profile
    Panda: yes
    Merritt Rodriguez: what is it?
    Panda: 0.9002991914749146
    Merritt Rodriguez: cool :O
    Panda: :)
    Merritt Rodriguez: btw is your knife marketable on opskins?
    Merritt Rodriguez: i just want to sure first that it is
    Merritt Rodriguez: cuz after our trade im planning to sell it thee
    Merritt Rodriguez: there*
    Merritt Rodriguez: and i hope it had a good market ware
    Panda: yes should be marketable
    Merritt Rodriguez: are you familiar with opskins?
    Panda: a bit
    Merritt Rodriguez: ook mate, i just dont want to recieve useless items. im trading and making profit okay? im buying or selling any item. must be sellable on any market. :/ hope you understand.
    Panda: okok
    Merritt Rodriguez: can you check it for awhile?
    Merritt Rodriguez: just take a look there
    Panda: ok, no problem
    Merritt Rodriguez: would you mind if i ask you on a voice chat? just want to make sure if your items are can be sell on the market.
    Panda: sorry, i am on my work now
    Merritt Rodriguez: its okay :)
    Panda: and i have no headset or mic
    Merritt Rodriguez: okok
    Merritt Rodriguez: did you go to opskins?
    Panda: not yet
    Merritt Rodriguez: do you have any browser there?
    Merritt Rodriguez: like google chrome?
    Panda: yes
    Merritt Rodriguez: can you open it?
    Panda: chromium
    Panda: yes
    Panda: opened
    Merritt Rodriguez: and search
    Merritt Rodriguez: http://opskins.com
    Panda: I am on opskins already
    Merritt Rodriguez: then on the upper base you can see sign'in and regester
    Merritt Rodriguez: just click sign in trough steam
    Panda: signed in
    Merritt Rodriguez: did you already done all?
    Panda: yes
    Merritt Rodriguez: did you see the sell on the top
    Merritt Rodriguez: what did you see after clicking the sell
    Merritt Rodriguez: ?
    Panda: done
    Merritt Rodriguez: what did you see after clicking sell?
    Panda: deposit items
    Merritt Rodriguez: noo
    Merritt Rodriguez: dont click deposit
    Merritt Rodriguez: lol
    Merritt Rodriguez: we are not giving opskins for free
    Panda: ok
    Merritt Rodriguez: do you know how to sell and withdraw items on opskins?
    Panda: no
    Merritt Rodriguez: we can just try with your FAMAS | Sergeant
    Merritt Rodriguez: that is a cheap skin right?
    Merritt Rodriguez: after we sell it i will teach you how to get it
    Merritt Rodriguez: thats why we will try FAMAS | Sergeant
    Merritt Rodriguez: first
    Panda: ok
    Merritt Rodriguez: did you see the list price?
    Merritt Rodriguez: on the center?
    Merritt Rodriguez: "List Price"
    Panda: yes
    Merritt Rodriguez: what is writen there?
    Panda: nothing
    Merritt Rodriguez: list price?
    Merritt Rodriguez: nothing?
    Merritt Rodriguez: did you click your FAMAS | Sergeant?
    Panda: now 0,38
    Merritt Rodriguez: okay okay , did you see the next?
    Panda: yes
    Merritt Rodriguez: click next and go to item explorer on the top
    Merritt Rodriguez: just tell me if you already click it
    Merritt Rodriguez: so we can have a look on opskins
    Panda: clicked
    Merritt Rodriguez: okay once you click the next theey will give you a notification on your steam
    Merritt Rodriguez: and accept it then i will just tell you first how to get it back
    Panda: ok
    Merritt Rodriguez: okay
    Merritt Rodriguez: you have mobile authenticator right?
    Panda: no
    Panda: i have incorrect trade link
    Panda: where can i correct it on opskins ?
    Merritt Rodriguez: what?
    Merritt Rodriguez: go to your steam
    Merritt Rodriguez: did you recieve a notification?
    Merritt Rodriguez: then accept it
    Merritt Rodriguez: when you already accept it then i will tell you how to get it back
    Panda: dude
    Merritt Rodriguez: /
    Merritt Rodriguez: what?
    Merritt Rodriguez is now Offline.
    Merritt Rodriguez is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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