1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted Report: 76561198236003412 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by AttackOfTheMoons, Jun 22, 2017.

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  1. AttackOfTheMoons

    AttackOfTheMoons New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198236003412

    Victim profile: 76561198256501352

    What happened? Description:
    He added me and said he is buying gambling skins. I said I had only keys and he said he would buy them but he needed to wait for his dad to get home to use his paypal. 10 minutes pass and he says his dad is home. He asked how much I wanted (so that made me suspicious). I said 2.25 per key which is generally unrealistic. He agreed immediately. Next I gave him my paypal email and I received an email that said I got an invoice. This is the invoice scam so I knew I could mess with him. I proceeded to send him an invoice in the same way and he removed me.

    PS Please remove my personal info after this has been accepted. I didn't want to edit them but it has somethings like my name and email I don't want public.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Thursday, June 22, 2017
    AttackOfTheMoons: Hey you added me
    chunky cs.money: yeah im buying betting skins
    AttackOfTheMoons: I have keys
    chunky cs.money: how much?
    AttackOfTheMoons: i mean
    AttackOfTheMoons: i have 105 keys
    chunky cs.money: how much each key?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Depends
    AttackOfTheMoons: On how you buy them
    chunky cs.money: i could use my dad's paypal
    AttackOfTheMoons: and have it charged back because he doesnt want you using xd
    AttackOfTheMoons: xd no ty
    chunky cs.money: no like i would have to ask him
    chunky cs.money: but he could send it as friends and family too
    AttackOfTheMoons: How many can you buy and for what price
    chunky cs.money: i just have to wait for him to get home
    chunky cs.money: I don't know my birthday was last month so I'll probably give him the cash I have and he'll use his account
    chunky cs.money: I have $312 cash
    AttackOfTheMoons: I mean I go to sleep in like 30 min
    AttackOfTheMoons: so
    AttackOfTheMoons: tomorow maybe
    chunky cs.money: he should be home within 10 minutes
    AttackOfTheMoons: can you do 2.25 per key
    chunky cs.money: but yeah we can do tomorrow
    chunky cs.money: sleep is important
    chunky cs.money: how many can i get with 312 dollars then
    AttackOfTheMoons: I think you could buy all my keys and have money left over
    AttackOfTheMoons: use a calculator 2.25 x 105
    chunky cs.money: ok awesome
    chunky cs.money: Ill message you tomorrow then
    chunky cs.money: or u msg me whenever
    AttackOfTheMoons: if its 10 min
    AttackOfTheMoons: ill be here then
    chunky cs.money: ok ill let u know when he comes
    AttackOfTheMoons: alright
    AttackOfTheMoons: im here
    AttackOfTheMoons: Also
    AttackOfTheMoons: Do you have a cashrep
    chunky cs.money is now Online.
    chunky cs.money: whats a cashrep
    chunky cs.money: ive only sent money one other time
    AttackOfTheMoons: its a thread where you show off successful transactions
    chunky cs.money: and the guy didnt give me the bayonet
    AttackOfTheMoons: to make people trust you
    chunky cs.money: oh no i dont
    chunky cs.money: this will be my second time
    AttackOfTheMoons: So then you will go first?
    chunky cs.money: thats what i thought i was doing
    AttackOfTheMoons: O ok
    AttackOfTheMoons: Was just clarifying
    chunky cs.money: last time my dad sent it and the money was on hold for 24 hours because the money needed to change from CAD to USD and the guy told me to wait the 24 hours so we did
    chunky cs.money: and then he blocked me and didnt give me the bayonet fade ;/
    AttackOfTheMoons: If you only did one transaction how come you have Gordo on your profile saying +rep good ezy trader on paypal
    chunky cs.money: i share this with my brother
    AttackOfTheMoons: o
    chunky cs.money: its mainly his steam account
    chunky cs.money: he's 22
    AttackOfTheMoons: i see
    chunky cs.money: or wait no
    chunky cs.money: he is 21 turning 22 in august
    AttackOfTheMoons: I don't care too much his age, no offense
    chunky cs.money: oh sorry
    AttackOfTheMoons: it's alright
    AttackOfTheMoons: How old are you, you seem very young
    chunky cs.money: im 13
    AttackOfTheMoons: I see
    AttackOfTheMoons: Im 16
    chunky cs.money: i turned 13 in may
    chunky cs.money: when did u turn 16?
    AttackOfTheMoons: november
    chunky cs.money: oh so your almost 17
    AttackOfTheMoons: yea
    AttackOfTheMoons: kinda
    chunky cs.money: lucky
    AttackOfTheMoons: ?
    chunky cs.money: i want to be older
    AttackOfTheMoons: its alot of more work
    chunky cs.money: how
    AttackOfTheMoons: like people expect more from you
    chunky cs.money: why
    chunky cs.money: do you pay your own taxes?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Not like that
    AttackOfTheMoons: but things like work in school
    AttackOfTheMoons: or house work
    chunky cs.money: oh
    chunky cs.money: what grade are u in?
    AttackOfTheMoons: What do you plan to do with the keys
    AttackOfTheMoons: gamble?
    chunky cs.money: i think im going to give some to my friend
    chunky cs.money: and then bet others
    AttackOfTheMoons: That's generous
    chunky cs.money: and give some to my brother
    AttackOfTheMoons: I hate gambling most of the time
    chunky cs.money: ive lost 600
    AttackOfTheMoons: How come you don't want to stop
    chunky cs.money: my brother said keep going
    chunky cs.money: and ill make it back
    AttackOfTheMoons: lol
    chunky cs.money: he is right usually
    chunky cs.money: he is in college
    AttackOfTheMoons: I don't super agree, but you do what you want I guess
    AttackOfTheMoons: Try not to gamble too much
    chunky cs.money: i wont
    chunky cs.money: oh!
    AttackOfTheMoons: pxyh9
    chunky cs.money: my dad is home
    AttackOfTheMoons: oops
    chunky cs.money: one second
    chunky cs.money: he said ok!
    chunky cs.money: i am lucky that my dad is home a lot because he is a police man
    AttackOfTheMoons: Wow
    AttackOfTheMoons: Thats scary
    chunky cs.money: its awesome!
    chunky cs.money: hes like a superhero
    chunky cs.money: he wants to no how much he has to send
    AttackOfTheMoons: do you want to do it all at once?
    chunky cs.money: i think so
    chunky cs.money: yeah
    AttackOfTheMoons: 236.25
    AttackOfTheMoons: is 105 x 2.25
    chunky cs.money: is that in canada money?
    AttackOfTheMoons: That's us
    AttackOfTheMoons: US
    chunky cs.money: ill google how much it is for me
    AttackOfTheMoons: ok
    chunky cs.money: he says he needs an email
    AttackOfTheMoons: [email protected]
    chunky cs.money: what should he put for name
    chunky cs.money: item name sorry
    chunky cs.money: keys?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Can you put in the message this is for digital goods
    chunky cs.money: Ok
    AttackOfTheMoons: and that you will never want to charge back
    chunky cs.money: ok
    AttackOfTheMoons: cool
    AttackOfTheMoons: Let me know when you sent it
    chunky cs.money: i think he sent it
    AttackOfTheMoons: Or he sent it
    AttackOfTheMoons: I'll tell you when I see it
    chunky cs.money: he says it went through
    chunky cs.money: he got an email
    AttackOfTheMoons: I haven't seen it yet
    chunky cs.money: are you Theadoor?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Theodore
    AttackOfTheMoons: yea
    chunky cs.money: sorry
    chunky cs.money: are you from canada too
    chunky cs.money: ?
    AttackOfTheMoons: no
    AttackOfTheMoons: the usa
    chunky cs.money: why are u going to sleep so early
    AttackOfTheMoons: I live in Berlin
    chunky cs.money: berlin isnt in the USA
    AttackOfTheMoons: I am from USA
    AttackOfTheMoons: Live in berlin
    chunky cs.money: oh thats cool
    chunky cs.money: how come?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Vacation
    chunky cs.money: sounds fun
    AttackOfTheMoons: It is quite fun
    AttackOfTheMoons: Thanks
    chunky cs.money: did you get it?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Nope
    chunky cs.money: oh no
    chunky cs.money: im getting scared now
    AttackOfTheMoons: How come
    chunky cs.money: last time i got scammed
    AttackOfTheMoons: If I was a scammer I would have removed you
    chunky cs.money: it had to of sent
    AttackOfTheMoons: I mean I don't see anything
    chunky cs.money: its out of my dads balance and he got an email
    AttackOfTheMoons: Maybe its a 24 hour wait again
    AttackOfTheMoons: to convert it
    chunky cs.money: oh no
    chunky cs.money: did u get an email saying that?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Im not on my email
    chunky cs.money: oh
    chunky cs.money: how do u know it's on hold then?
    AttackOfTheMoons: I saidd
    AttackOfTheMoons: maybe
    AttackOfTheMoons: like u told me
    chunky cs.money: oh sorry
    AttackOfTheMoons: earlier
    chunky cs.money: could u check again?
    AttackOfTheMoons: its not on my paypal balance
    AttackOfTheMoons: No new activity
    chunky cs.money: can i have my dad type?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Sure
    chunky cs.money: ok
    chunky cs.money: Hey there, I'm Chase- Jared's father.
    AttackOfTheMoons: Hello
    chunky cs.money: Could you check your summary?
    AttackOfTheMoons: There is nothing there except my transaction history.
    chunky cs.money: That's weird. Did you get an email about the transaction?
    AttackOfTheMoons: I haven't checking my email
    chunky cs.money: Could you?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Alright, give me a minute
    chunky cs.money: Of course.
    chunky cs.money: Are you still here?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Yes
    chunky cs.money: Did you recieve it?
    chunky cs.money: Theodore?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Yes?
    AttackOfTheMoons: I haven't
    chunky cs.money: Did you check your email?
    chunky cs.money: Because I'm on the phone with PayPal and they said it has gone through.
    chunky cs.money: Theodore.
    chunky cs.money: bro!
    chunky cs.money: my dad left the room
    AttackOfTheMoons: Ok
    chunky cs.money: why did u make him mad?!
    AttackOfTheMoons: He has a big nose
    chunky cs.money: wtf?
    AttackOfTheMoons: and smells so so so funny
    AttackOfTheMoons: kindy
    AttackOfTheMoons: kind of
    AttackOfTheMoons: fishy
    AttackOfTheMoons: Ya know what else is fishy
    chunky cs.money: you?
    AttackOfTheMoons: Here's your invoice

    Chase Nootin sent you an invoice for $312.71 CAD

    View and Pay Invoice
    AttackOfTheMoons: LOL
    chunky cs.money: what
    chunky cs.money: ?
    AttackOfTheMoons: That's what I got
    AttackOfTheMoons: an Invoice
    AttackOfTheMoons: for me to pay
    AttackOfTheMoons: lmao
    chunky cs.money: its out of his account
    chunky cs.money: i can screenshot if u want
    AttackOfTheMoons: sure
    chunky cs.money: https://gyazo.com/ad87d84a688d1e9d2e0232bf707cbe00
    chunky cs.money: https://gyazo.com/720e8674a51368c04b84f3a6559549d8
    AttackOfTheMoons: it says
    AttackOfTheMoons: Bill to
    AttackOfTheMoons: Bill to means I am paying
    AttackOfTheMoons: not you
    chunky cs.money: he says there should be a view button on ur email to see the transaction
    chunky cs.money: oh wait
    chunky cs.money: i can click customer view
    chunky cs.money: on the email
    chunky cs.money: https://gyazo.com/bc1a3272477d3b6cfaa2195ee7da732e
    chunky cs.money: https://gyazo.com/31ade00ff41993f6f58f1e3cc5e79e90
    AttackOfTheMoons: invoice
    AttackOfTheMoons: again
    AttackOfTheMoons: An invoice
    AttackOfTheMoons: is not
    chunky cs.money: oh
    AttackOfTheMoons: sending money
    chunky cs.money: it is on hold
    chunky cs.money: it says at the bottom
    AttackOfTheMoons: Oh really
    chunky cs.money: it does
    chunky cs.money: This is a PayPal Gift (Family/Friends). This amount will take up to 24 hours to be credited on your PayPal balance due to currency conversion. This payment is non-refundable, no cancel and no chargeback.
    AttackOfTheMoons: ss that?
    chunky cs.money: he says u can see that on ur tansaction you have to click view on the email
    chunky cs.money: https://gyazo.com/31ade00ff41993f6f58f1e3cc5e79e90
    chunky cs.money: thats the screenshot of the customer view from the email
    AttackOfTheMoons: I guess I will wait 24 hours
    AttackOfTheMoons: for my money
    AttackOfTheMoons: and then
    chunky cs.money: wow
    chunky cs.money: i shouldve known
    chunky cs.money: your going to scam me just like the last guy
    chunky cs.money: why are u doing this? i didnt do anything to u
    chunky cs.money: dude!!!
    AttackOfTheMoons: Hey look
    AttackOfTheMoons: I can do the same thing you did
    chunky cs.money: what?
    chunky cs.money is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

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