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Accepted Report: 76561198133554691 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-, Jul 1, 2017.

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    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Quick-switch trade scam or attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198133554691

    Victim profile: 76561198058972396

    What happened? Description:
    This user with cooperation from this user http://steamcommunity.com/id/LaurayPablo_AssistanceMod/
    attempted to do the "trade verification/authenticator bypass" scam on me and another friend by offering items of MUCH higher price than the ones requested and that it's possible to remove the 15 day trade hold because I don't have an authenticator.

    The profile of the accused is an impersonator of the original successful TF2 trader here http://steamcommunity.com/id/Purplicious93?tscn=1498928937
    and has been using his profile for 3 years of impersonation...​

    Provide Evidence:
    View attachment 576448 View attachment 576449 View attachment 576450 View attachment 576451 View attachment 576452 View attachment 576453 View attachment 576457 View attachment 576458 View attachment 576459 View attachment 576448 View attachment 576449 View attachment 576450 View attachment 576451 View attachment 576452 View attachment 576453 View attachment 576457 View attachment 576458 View attachment 576459 View attachment 576448 View attachment 576449 View attachment 576450 View attachment 576451 View attachment 576452 View attachment 576453 View attachment 576459 View attachment 576458 View attachment 576457 View attachment 576453 View attachment 576448 View attachment 576449 View attachment 576450 View attachment 576451 View attachment 576452 View attachment 576453 View attachment 576457 View attachment 576458 View attachment 576459 View attachment 576458 View attachment 576459

    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: hello again
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: hello mate
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: how are you ?
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: bit pissed cuz r6
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: ohh
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: can i ask you something ?
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: your item up for tradE ?
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: my profile description
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: did you read it?
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: ohhh
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: you've added me in the past anyway
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: and i still said no
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: but i have a good offer mate
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: i don't care
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: it's a sentimental meaning to me
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: more than just items
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: but oh well
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: if you're up for tf2 im up
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: i offer to you my golden pan mate
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: a golden pan for what?
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: for your 2 item mate
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: which ones?
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: Strange Professional Killstreak Australium Medi Gun and Orbiting Fire Physician's Protector
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: i offer my golden pan mate
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: can I finish this game
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: before we talk more?
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: okay mate
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: there's only one problem though
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: what mate ?
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: i have no mobile authenticator
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: if we do this trade
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: it will have a 15 day hold
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: naahh
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: but have a friend mate that they know how to remove trade hold
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: that's impossible
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: noone has managed that
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: he is the STEAM OFFICIAL you liek to talk to him ?
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: steam official what?
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: hes is LaurayPablo Assistance MOD
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: gimme 5 mins will ya?
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: add him to help you about your trade hold
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: alright, patch him
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: okay wait
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: wait a sec mate
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: http://steamcommunity.com/id/LaurayPablo_AssistanceMod/
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: add him mate
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: so a steam developer
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: only has 4 hours on tf2?
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: IDK mate
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: but i know he can help you
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: i added him
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: waiting
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: so, what exactly is the process here
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: okay tell me if done mate
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: how can he help me here?
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: well looks like he ain't accepting anytime soon
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: add him again
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: i have
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: like 4 times
    -».•´Purplicious`•.«-: wait a min
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: Your profile wasn't private last time
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: hello?

    This was from his assistant(?)
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Hello there Mr.Anaspan
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: How may assist you why you adding me?
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: apparently purplicious says you can remove auth restrictions
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: hello?
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Ok
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: So you wan't to fix you Steam Account right?
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: my steam account is fine
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: i just don't have a mobile auth
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Alright
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Can you file this
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Realname:
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Age:
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Location:
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Steam E-Mail:
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: i already have those associated with my account, last representative I talked to already knew them
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: So why you adding me?
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: because purple told me to
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: he said you're close friends
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: so maybe you had some connections?
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: not really
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: anyway
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: can you guide me through the process
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Ok just do my command Mr.Anaspan
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: well im gonna need to know the whole process
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: and please you don't need to be that formal
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: No i'm not
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: you're not what?
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Just put your Realname , Age , Location , Steam E-Mail.
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: Papathanasiou Georgia 29 Thessaloniki, Greece, [email protected]
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Ok can you send me Code in your E-mail?
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Yes in you're E-mail.
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: my email has no "code" in it
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: what do you mean?
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Can you log in your E-mail.?
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: im looking at it
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: You receive the code?
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: In others
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: "change your login credentials?
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: [email protected]
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: You log in that E-mail?
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: I resend the new code
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: i got the code
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: the code says it's for changing my credentials
    LaurayPablo Assistance MOD: Send me the code
    -ANASPAN NEVER DIES-: You think I'll fall for that, don't you? You've already been reported by 11 people from my friends list. Steam representatives don't talk that creepily and never make spelling mistakes. You're already banned from SteamREP!

    Attached Files:

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    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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