1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted Report: 76561198135554169 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by TZFnTZ, Jul 22, 2017.

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  1. TZFnTZ

    TZFnTZ New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198135554169

    Victim profile: 76561198401207310

    What happened? Description:
    So this scum added me on my secondary account for trading.
    He is a generic opskins scammer.The victim must list the items on opskins and he will send a fake trade from a fake opskins bot,despite the that the victim was asked not to deposit the items,only to list them.Enought said.So much evidence.I have everything you need in screeenshots.​

    Provide Evidence:
    So this scum added me on my secondary account for trading.
    He is a generic opskins scammer.The victim must list the items on opskins and he will send a fake trade from a fake opskins bot,despite the that the victim was asked not to deposit the items,only to list them.Enought said.So much evidence.I have everything you need in screeenshots.Thank you.​

    TZ: yes?
    Mirovski (Trading): hold on
    Mirovski (Trading): wife calling
    Mirovski (Trading): i need to do something
    Mirovski (Trading): hey im back
    TZ: k
    Mirovski (Trading): btw i want to trade your knife
    Mirovski (Trading): are you interested?
    TZ: yes
    TZ: what are you offering?
    Mirovski (Trading): i have enough funds on the market opskins and i can buy items having great discount to trade you on steam
    Mirovski (Trading): are you looking for specific item or another knife to trade?
    Mirovski (Trading): ?
    TZ: butterfly knife vanilla
    Mirovski (Trading): okay let me check on the market opskins and send some list for you to have a good choice.
    Mirovski (Trading): give me a second
    Mirovski (Trading): btw can you send me your trade URL
    Mirovski (Trading): so i can offer you a better knife
    TZ: you have it in my desc
    Mirovski (Trading): Oh nooooooes!
    Sorry, some kind of error has occurred:
    FnTZ is not available to trade. More information will be shown to FnTZ if they invite you to trade.
    Mirovski (Trading): ?
    TZ: hah
    TZ: the second one
    TZ: 420 IQ
    TZ: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=440941582&token=2m6998uy
    Mirovski (Trading): okay
    Mirovski (Trading): btw your ak-47 red laminate still up for trade?
    TZ: yes
    Mirovski (Trading): so your knife and ak for the butterfly knife vanilla right?
    TZ: my knife for butterfly knife
    Mirovski (Trading): so your ak not for trade?
    TZ: 4k
    Mirovski (Trading): okay so knife to knife right?
    TZ: k
    Mirovski (Trading): if you want you can go to opskins market and choice do you want to have
    Mirovski (Trading): and send me the link of your choice so i can check there
    Mirovski (Trading): okay?
    TZ: a vanilla knife
    TZ: all are the same
    Mirovski (Trading): okay wait
    Mirovski (Trading): https://opskins.com/?loc=shop_view_item&item=148903437
    Mirovski (Trading): this knife ?\
    TZ: yea
    Mirovski (Trading): i need to make sure that you will not change your mind for our deal for i will not waste money and profits on the market
    Mirovski (Trading): is this a done deal already?1:1?
    TZ: yes
    TZ: cmon
    Mirovski (Trading): alright
    Mirovski (Trading): let me set up my funds on the market opskins
    Mirovski (Trading): give me a second
    Mirovski (Trading): please double check
    Mirovski (Trading): http://imgur.com/a/eGRhc
    Mirovski (Trading): this one right ?
    TZ: wtf man all vanilla skins are the same
    TZ: what can i check?the price?
    Mirovski (Trading): ahmm
    Mirovski (Trading): ?
    Mirovski (Trading): you mean do you want to see the price of the knife right?
    TZ: just send the trade already
    Mirovski (Trading): ★ Butterfly Knife ★ Covert Knife
    Mirovski (Trading): $159.99
    Mirovski (Trading): this knife right?
    TZ: CMON
    TZ: yes
    Mirovski (Trading): do you know opskins market right?
    TZ: yes
    TZ: i buy and sell keys all the time
    Mirovski (Trading): btw i want to make sure if your knife can be listed or marketable on opskins since im going to resell it for real money then
    Mirovski (Trading): do you know how to place your knife on sale queue?
    TZ: yes
    Mirovski (Trading): just put a price like $500 or $999 so your knife will not be sold and after i see it listed you can take it back and we do the trade on steam
    Mirovski (Trading): okay?
    TZ: yes
    Mirovski (Trading): dont click deposit
    TZ: kek
    TZ: why?
    TZ: how can i list it?
    TZ: without depositing?
    Mirovski (Trading): i want to see your knife on public veiwing not private deposet category
    TZ: ok no deposit
    Mirovski (Trading): btw do you know how to list your knife on public category ?
    Mirovski (Trading): tell me if you done listing
    TZ: 888$
    TZ: it is marketable
    Mirovski (Trading): okay can you send me screenshot
    Mirovski (Trading): so i can check on the market easily
    Mirovski (Trading): so done listing?
    Mirovski (Trading): you there?
    TZ: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByrMUGlJjVKmUjlmaUx1TFZvalU/view?usp=sharing
    Mirovski (Trading): after you added to sale queue
    Mirovski (Trading): go to your steam account for opskins queue confirmation
    TZ: i didn.t click on deposit
    TZ: wtf are you doing?
    Mirovski (Trading): man you list on public category not private deposit category
    TZ: yes
    TZ: but im not depositing
    Mirovski (Trading): btw this is your first time doing list on public category?
    TZ: is this your bot?
    TZ: are account?
    Mirovski (Trading): lol
    TZ: or*
    Mirovski (Trading): opskins is a legit site
    Mirovski (Trading): all i want to see your knife can be listed on the market opskins since im going to resell it for a real money
    TZ: that account isn't
    Mirovski (Trading): after i see your knife can be listed on the market we trade on steam 1:1
    Mirovski (Trading): get my point?
    TZ: they dont have sale queue deposit
    TZ: wtf
    TZ: you are scamming
    Mirovski (Trading): man opskins is a legit site
    TZ: filthy scum
    Mirovski (Trading): im using this site for 2years
    TZ: i will ban you on steam rep
    Mirovski (Trading): lol
    TZ: so much evidence
    TZ: level up another account fast
    TZ: scum
    Mirovski (Trading): lol
    Mirovski (Trading): do you want me to send you a massive report for wasting time
    Mirovski (Trading): are you accusing me there?
    TZ: shut up scammer
    Mirovski (Trading): good luck
    TZ: you will be banned
    TZ: get a live
    TZ: life*
    Mirovski (Trading) este acum Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks - do keep in mind that this user is already banned/tagged..there isn't any more we can do to this user. Should you come across a user like this again(check users out soon as you say hello) it is best to just report them to Valve, delete and move on.

    @TZFnTZ In any event - you failed to provide any info on that bot account.. its part of the scam and now required. Do NOT crop your screenshots no more - we need FULL SCREENS that even includes windows task bar!
    I will need the SR profile block to that account and
    Please provide a full screen shot of that trade offer again- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Accepting as is @TZFnTZ You will need to contact me and explain why you abandoned this report prior to any future reports being reviewed.
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