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Accepted Report: 76561198320009574 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by AttackOfTheMoons, Aug 7, 2017.

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  1. AttackOfTheMoons

    AttackOfTheMoons New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198320009574

    Victim profile: 76561198256501352

    What happened? Description:
    He added me. He said he had a weird question and proposed I help him scam. I went along with it to find out what he wanted to do and so I could warn whoever he planned on us scamming. He ended up just wanting me to give him my skins so we could scam someone. I think this is proof enough​

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    8:08 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: ?
    8:08 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Hi
    8:09 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: What's up
    8:09 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Well i want to ask you a weird question
    8:10 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok?
    8:10 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: sure
    8:12 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: so what is it?
    8:12 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Well im a very good scammer i got 3000$ in 2 weeks and i nees someone to help me do you want to?
    8:13 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: What do you do
    8:13 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: What do I have to do
    8:13 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: There is a scam i do on op skins
    8:13 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: like verify the item
    8:13 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: and you send them a fake offer/
    8:13 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: ?
    8:15 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: I post the item on op skins for half price and then i get alote of offers on steam and then i send a link that when they click on it it accepts whatever trade i sent them
    8:17 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: oh woah
    8:17 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: How
    8:17 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: I can teach you
    8:17 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: How do they add you I mean
    8:17 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: if you post it on opskins
    8:17 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Or csgo lounge
    8:17 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Csgolounge is better for this
    8:18 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: okay
    8:18 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: What about mobile authenticator
    8:18 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: It automaticly accepts it its realy good
    8:18 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: How
    8:19 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Thats the idea of the link
    8:19 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: oh
    8:19 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: What do I have to do
    8:19 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Well help me and be the bank
    8:19 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: What do you mean bank
    8:20 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: You keep all the items
    8:20 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok?
    8:20 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: okay?
    8:21 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Want to start?
    8:22 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Dude?
    8:22 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: sorry
    8:22 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Im playing a game
    8:22 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: league of legends
    8:23 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: So maybe i should start
    8:24 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: okay
    8:25 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ummm can you send me something to scam with
    8:27 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: no ty
    8:27 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Why?
    8:27 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: u just said ur a scammer lul
    8:27 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: I want us to start earning money
    8:27 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Dude your my partner now
    8:28 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Ill do it on my own
    8:28 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: or
    8:28 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: i wont be gay
    8:28 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: You dony know how
    8:28 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: lmao
    8:29 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Dude why dont you want to start we will earn alote
    8:30 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: or
    8:32 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: ?
    8:33 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: We will earn thousands of dollars and split 50/50
    8:34 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok?
    8:34 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Who are we getting first
    8:34 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: What?
    8:35 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: I didnt understand
    8:35 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Who are we scamming first
    8:36 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Whoever offers me on csgolounge
    8:37 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok?
    8:38 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Listen the idea is that you give me skins i use them to scam whatever i get you keep and then give me again and we will get thousands of dollars
    8:38 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok?
    8:38 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Ill do it on lounge
    8:38 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Give me the link
    8:39 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: But you dont know how to make the link
    8:39 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: You need to make it yourself
    8:40 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: If you want we can both do it at the same time and i will guide you
    8:40 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok?
    8:42 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Are you there?
    8:42 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: im
    8:42 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: waiting to make the link
    8:42 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok we will do it at the same time and ill guide you
    8:44 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Maybe i will use your ak and you will use the ump?
    8:44 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok?
    8:45 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Are you there?
    8:45 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Dude?
    8:46 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: ....
    8:46 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Dude?
    8:48 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Send me ur knife ill do it with ur knife
    8:49 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: You dont know how to do it
    8:49 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: yea but we can do at the same time
    8:49 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: You dont know how to make tje link
    8:49 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Ill send u the knife back with half the profit
    8:49 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: after we scam someone
    8:49 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: And the knife is to much we need 30$ skins
    8:50 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: my ump wont work then
    8:50 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: or my ak
    8:50 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: ak is like 50$
    8:50 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: and ump is 16$
    8:50 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: :(
    8:50 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Well the ak is still good
    8:51 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: what about your awp?
    8:52 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Its 12$
    8:52 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: yea that can work
    8:52 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Ill offer ur awp + my ump
    8:52 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ya
    8:52 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: That's like 30$
    8:52 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: okay send me the awp
    8:52 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Send the ump and i can do it
    8:52 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: I thought we can do at the same time
    8:53 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ya but ill do first and then wr can do together
    8:53 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: It will take me 15 minutes max
    8:54 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: okay
    8:55 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: I sent offer
    8:55 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Lol
    8:56 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Dude send the ump and ill get 60$ with my awp and then you can also do it
    8:57 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Send the ump...
    8:57 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: I did
    8:57 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: For my knife...
    9:02 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Are you sending?
    9:04 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Im in game
    9:04 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: wait
    9:04 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok
    9:33 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg is now Online.
    9:33 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Did you finish?
    9:33 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: yea
    9:34 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Well can you send me the ump so we can start m8
    9:35 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: ?
    9:35 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Are you there!
    9:35 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: ?
    9:37 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: ?
    9:38 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Can you send me the ump
    9:38 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: So we can start?
    9:38 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: give me the knife
    9:38 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: or i will remove u
    9:39 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Remove what?
    9:39 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Im jot giving the knife
    9:41 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Send the ump and you will get 30$ back in 15 minutes and then we can scam together
    9:42 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: GIVE ME THE KNIFE
    9:44 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: No
    9:44 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: If you want give me the ump and it will take me 15 minutes
    9:45 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: give me awp
    9:45 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Awp for ump?
    9:45 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: okay
    9:45 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ill send
    9:46 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: dont worry i sent
    9:46 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: The ump blaze....
    9:47 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: No this one is worth 16
    9:47 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: the ump is 20
    9:47 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: look at their floats
    9:47 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ill check
    9:47 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Its 26 cents
    9:47 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Lol
    9:48 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: No it has a rare float
    9:48 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: look it u[
    9:48 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Dude stop
    9:53 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: no
    9:53 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: u
    9:53 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: hahahahaha
    9:56 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Dude
    9:56 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: BRO
    9:56 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: I just eant to work with you
    9:56 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: GIVE ME THE KNIFE REALLY QUICK
    9:56 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: Wait
    9:56 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: work with me
    9:56 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: You will be my helper
    9:56 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: for what
    9:57 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: What do you want to do
    9:57 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: I forgot
    9:57 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: I closed chat
    9:57 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Use your ump to scam pepole and earn me and you alote of money
    9:57 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: oh you want to scam people
    9:57 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: and u want me to help
    9:57 PM - AttackOfTheMoons: OKAY
    9:57 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ya
    9:58 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: And we will split 50/50
    9:59 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok?
    9:59 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Lets do it
    10:00 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Listen if you give me your ak i can get us 200$ in 30 minutes
    10:00 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: And ill give you back 150$
    10:00 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ill only take 50$
    10:00 PM - Jonathanturbotrades.gg: Ok?

    Attached Files:

  2. AttackOfTheMoons

    AttackOfTheMoons New User

    Also, how do I get past "New User"
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
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    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

    Please try to make sure you get a FULL screen of users profiles WHILE friends too
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