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Accepted Report: 76561197969276181 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by adapt, Aug 14, 2017.

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  1. adapt

    adapt New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Item Fraud] Misrepresenting virtual items
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561197969276181

    Victim profile: 76561198017702328

    What happened? Description:
    I added this Steam user from a group called 'Girl Gamers'.

    I agreed to trade 10 CSGO keys with this user in exchange for 2 game keys: GTA V, and Metal Gear Solid V: Phantom Pain, both Steam keys.

    So I bought the CSGO keys, and we waited a week before trying to trade today.
    I checked their account on SteamRep several times, and there were no indications of them being a scammer, however I now realise there were several warning signs. The user had been issued a previous trade ban, community ban, and the warning message was shown in Steam trade window.

    When it came to trading they refused to go first, and as I already had the keys I decided to take a risk, and I sent 5 keys in exchange for the GTA V Steam game key.

    They said to wait, and then after 5 minutes they went offline, blocked me from adding them, and then they cycled the Steam account to hide the Steam name, URL, changed the profile picture, and made the account private.

    I have reported the user on Steam, and I'm now reporting them here. I feel stupid because I could've avoided it, but I'm still upset regardless.

    I really hope they get banned because they must have scammed a lot of users this way, and I don't see Steam doing anything to stop them.​

    Provide Evidence:
    I have uploaded proof of the trade agreement, proof of the broken agreement, proof that I verified their identity through inventory history, and loading profile from chat.

    Also added a screenshot of their steamrep profile just in case.​

    14 August 2017
    10:52 AM - Ami: its 14? :D we can trade today?
    11:00 AM - adapt: yes we can :)
    11:01 AM - adapt: let me know when you're ready
    11:01 AM - Ami: when map ends?
    11:01 AM - adapt: sure 20 mins?
    11:01 AM - Ami: this is the last round
    11:02 AM - adapt: i just started a game :x
    11:02 AM - Ami: oki,no problem
    11:02 AM - adapt: it might be 15 mins if we are good
    11:23 AM - adapt: okay i finished
    11:24 AM - adapt: sorry to keep you waiting
    11:24 AM - Ami: np,i was watching videos
    11:24 AM - adapt: :)
    11:27 AM - adapt: my new keyboard has arrived :D
    11:27 AM - Ami: right now?
    11:27 AM - adapt: earlier today yeah
    11:27 AM - Ami: i hope mine things will arrive today
    11:27 AM - adapt: i hope so too :D
    11:28 AM - adapt: okay are you ready to trade now?
    11:28 AM - Ami: i am
    11:28 AM - adapt: so its 10 csgo keys, for GTA V Steam game key, and MGS V Steam game key
    11:28 AM - Ami: yes true
    11:29 AM - adapt: I think the best way to do it is send the game key for 1 game, then ill send 5 csgo keys
    11:29 AM - adapt: and then repeat
    11:29 AM - adapt: what do you think
    11:29 AM - Ami: 5 keys for gta v ?
    11:30 AM - Ami: and then 5 keys for mgs v?
    11:30 AM - adapt: sure if you want
    11:30 AM - adapt: i dont mind which order
    11:30 AM - Ami: you can send however you want,i dont know :D
    11:31 AM - Ami: as u wish i mean
    11:31 AM - adapt: okay so if you send MGS V key, then I'll send you 5 CSGO keys
    11:31 AM - adapt: then we do the same for GTA V
    11:31 AM - adapt: okay?
    11:31 AM - Ami: okay,i dont have any problem with it
    11:31 AM - adapt: okay good :D
    11:34 AM - adapt: btw did you sell that Witcher key?
    11:34 AM - Ami: i didnt
    11:34 AM - Ami: i will trade it today
    11:34 AM - Ami: i made deal
    11:35 AM - adapt: ah okay ^^
    11:35 AM - Ami: ill give it for sets
    11:35 AM - Ami: you didnt send offer?
    11:35 AM - adapt: not yet
    11:35 AM - adapt: i can do it now
    11:35 AM - adapt: you going to send the key first?
    11:36 AM - Ami: oh,i think u was saying after 5 keys i will send u mgsv
    11:36 AM - adapt: oh i meant other way around
    11:36 AM - adapt: 11:29 AM - adapt: I think the best way to do it is send the game key for 1 game, then ill send 5 csgo keys
    11:37 AM - Ami: oh
    11:37 AM - Ami: i dont know
    11:37 AM - Ami: i didnt read it well at first
    11:37 AM - Ami: :C
    11:37 AM - adapt: ohh
    11:38 AM - adapt: wait im trying to send the offer and it says theres an error
    11:38 AM - Ami: i dont know
    11:38 AM - Ami has accepted your request to trade.
    11:39 AM - adapt: it says "Other members of the Steam Community have reported Ami for attempting trade scams. Proceed with caution, and remember you will only receive the items shown in the trade window. Steam Wallet funds and CD Keys cannot be traded."
    11:39 AM - Ami: that is probably about the guy i told you
    11:39 AM - Ami: and his friends
    11:40 AM - adapt: can you send the MGS key first or you don't trust me? :p
    11:40 AM - adapt: its just this message is a red flag XD
    11:40 AM - Ami: it appeared when i traded with bots too
    11:40 AM - Ami: it shows when user is reported
    11:41 AM - adapt: yeah
    11:41 AM - Ami: Other members of the Steam Community have reported Am
    11:41 AM - Ami: if i resell back that key on g2a
    11:41 AM - Ami: then its lost money Xd
    11:41 AM - Ami: if we dont trade
    11:41 AM - Ami: idk
    11:42 AM - adapt: well i prefer if you can go first
    11:42 AM - adapt: im not gonna mess you around
    11:42 AM - adapt: and you can see i dont have any warnings or report on steamrep
    11:42 AM - Ami: i know,i don't have anything on steamrep site too
    11:42 AM - adapt: plus i bought these 10 keys just to trade it
    11:42 AM - Ami: but this happens when someone report you on steam
    11:42 AM - Ami: i got the game too xD
    11:42 AM - adapt: yeah i understand
    11:43 AM - Ami: https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/emoticon/wnangry
    11:43 AM - adapt: so you dont wanna go first?
    11:43 AM - Ami: i think i wont
    11:44 AM - adapt: okay, but you better not scam me
    11:44 AM - Ami: i wont :C
    11:44 AM - adapt: I helped you with PC build so :D
    11:44 AM - Ami: what game do you want first?
    11:44 AM - adapt: GTA?
    11:44 AM - Ami: ok,sec
    11:46 AM - Ami is now Offline.

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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2017
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please provide a full screen shot of your Trade Inventory History showing for sure the trade in question(NOT TRADE OFFER!!)- open this with a web browser, move your mouse over the users name in question so it shows up the hypertext popup URL at the bottom of the screen - take the screen shot DO NOT edit it in anyway and upload.
  3. adapt

    adapt New User

    Hello, here is the screenshot you asked for, I didn't realize it must appear that way in my initial report. Thanks

    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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