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Accepted Report: 76561198164909951 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Potato Man, Sep 5, 2017.

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  1. Potato Man

    Potato Man New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198164909951

    Victim profile: 76561198236198166

    What happened? Description:
    Added me for trade. Instructed me that for trade a middleman would be required so he links me to some list of middlemen where his fake middleman is among legitimate middlemen.

    Here's an archived version of that list in case the accused removes it - http://archive.is/1Sxjj (original link - http://steamcommunity.com/groups/csgostone/discussions/0/2132869574255832846/)

    Here's the fake middleman info block (guessing this account can also be banned):
    | steamname: Nick ♚
    | steam3ID: [U:1:224567019]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:112283509
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198184832747
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/NickServices
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198184832747

    Provide Evidence:

    Accused -
    03:34 - Crisps: What's up?
    03:34 - ✪KRAKEN✪: hello
    03:35 - ✪KRAKEN✪: im interested in your CSGO stuffs?
    03:35 - ✪KRAKEN✪: would you accepting cash offer?
    03:35 - Crisps: Sure, please send me offers
    03:35 - ✪KRAKEN✪: how much?
    03:35 - Crisps: What do you want?
    03:35 - Crisps: I don't really know prices so please just send me offers and I'll consider :)
    03:35 - ✪KRAKEN✪: ★ Karambit | Doppler
    03:36 - Crisps: What's your offer?
    03:36 - Crisps: And what payment method?
    03:36 - ✪KRAKEN✪: 2100?
    03:36 - ✪KRAKEN✪: paypal ?
    03:36 - ✪KRAKEN✪: bank ?
    03:36 - ✪KRAKEN✪: which payment do you have ?
    03:36 - Crisps: BTC is preferred if you can do that?
    03:36 - ✪KRAKEN✪: btc can do
    03:36 - ✪KRAKEN✪: btw
    03:37 - Crisps: Awesome
    03:37 - ✪KRAKEN✪: do you have any good reputations involving real money trades?
    03:37 - ✪KRAKEN✪: or any past records that you sold items before?
    03:37 - Crisps: No records, nope
    03:37 - Crisps: Why?
    03:37 - ✪KRAKEN✪: hmm
    03:37 - ✪KRAKEN✪: where you from ?
    03:37 - Crisps: UK
    03:37 - ✪KRAKEN✪: well i think much better if we use an official legit middleman for both is safe. maybe i could the transaction charges just to be sure for our deal will be secured.
    03:38 - Crisps: Sounds okay, you know how to sort that out?
    03:38 - ✪KRAKEN✪: here`s the offiicial list we can try to contact one of them. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/csgostone/discussions/0/2132869574255832846/
    03:38 - ✪KRAKEN✪: they will just takes few fees charges
    03:38 - ✪KRAKEN✪: btw
    03:38 - ✪KRAKEN✪: we half for the fees ?
    03:38 - Crisps: Sure, that's fair
    03:39 - Crisps: So what we do?
    03:39 - ✪KRAKEN✪: can i have your btc address?
    03:39 - Crisps: Sure - 172yJtgoYKx7jo7azXWu8FjCis4Cf2fcsr
    03:39 - ✪KRAKEN✪: the second guy from the offiicial list i think we can works with him | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/NickServices
    Status: ACTIVE ✔ PUBG. H1Z1, CSGO, TF2 & Dota2 Service
    03:39 - ✪KRAKEN✪: 2100USD right ?
    03:39 - Crisps: Cool, how we contact him?
    03:40 - Crisps: Yes that sounds good price
    03:40 - ✪KRAKEN✪: go add him or wrote on his profile that we needed his services.
    03:40 - ✪KRAKEN✪: and we half for the fees right ?
    03:40 - Crisps: Yes sure
    03:41 - Crisps: I added him
    03:41 - ✪KRAKEN✪: i hope he tooks to us
    03:41 - Crisps: Okay he accept me
    03:41 - Crisps: Now what we do?
    03:42 - ✪KRAKEN✪: please tell him
    03:42 - Crisps: I asked him to talk to you
    03:42 - Crisps: I don't really know much about this middleman stuff
    03:43 - ✪KRAKEN✪: he accepted me now
    03:43 - ✪KRAKEN✪: im talking to him
    03:43 - Crisps: Cool
    03:43 - Crisps: Let me know
    03:43 - ✪KRAKEN✪: 2100USD right?
    03:43 - Crisps: Yes
    03:44 - ✪KRAKEN✪: ok o
    03:44 - ✪KRAKEN✪: ok wait im talking to sir nick
    03:46 - ✪KRAKEN✪: 172yJtgoYKx7jo7azXWu8FjCis4Cf2fcsr right?
    03:46 - ✪KRAKEN✪: i am ready now.
    03:47 - Crisps: Yes that's correct address
    03:47 - ✪KRAKEN✪: i am ready now im just waiting for sir nick signal aswell.
    03:50 - ✪KRAKEN✪: 172yJtgoYKx7jo7azXWu8FjCis4Cf2fcsr please check the letters
    03:51 - ✪KRAKEN✪: so the fees is $105
    03:53 - ✪KRAKEN✪: are you in heer?
    03:54 - ✪KRAKEN✪: let me invite him in a chat so we can talk further.

    Middleman -
    03:41 - Nick ♚: Hello ?
    03:41 - Nick ♚: May i help you ?
    03:41 - Crisps: Hey, I was told to add you for a middleman for trade?
    03:42 - Nick ♚: Yes
    03:42 - Crisps: With this guy - http://steamcommunity.com/id/KrakenResell/
    03:42 - Nick ♚: You need middleman Service?
    03:42 - Crisps: Indeed
    03:42 - Crisps: Can you talk with him? I don't know much about this
    03:42 - Nick ♚: I remind to you this transaction have a few fees charges aswell.
    03:42 - Nick ♚: Middleman Fee Rates
    3% below 50$ of the Deal/Transaction
    5% above 50$ of the Deal/Transaction
    03:42 - Crisps: Yes, we agreed to cover these
    03:42 - Nick ♚: About accepting his request please tell me about the details of your deal.
    03:43 - Crisps: He wants my Ruby for $2100 BTC
    03:44 - Nick ♚: He told me he wants buy your Ruby for $2100 through BTC payments
    03:44 - Nick ♚: Its that true details?
    03:45 - Crisps: Yes true
    03:45 - Nick ♚: So you know how middleman`s work?
    03:45 - Nick ♚: Or how it works/
    03:45 - Crisps: Yes, he send you BTC
    03:45 - Crisps: and I send you knife
    03:45 - Crisps: Right?
    03:45 - Nick ♚: PROCESS to works with this Service

    1) First I check out both buyer and seller. If they seem okay, we can proceed.
    2) Both parties tell me the conditions of the trade(what is being traded, how much money, how is it happening) and both confirm it so nothing goes wrong.
    3) Seller trades the item to me, I am holding this item now
    4) Buyer sends the money to Seller.
    5) Seller confirms he has received the money
    6) I send the item to the buyer, the trade is completed!
    (Item/s will Return back to the owner once the Buyer fails to send the payments)
    (I will need Permissions from the Seller if he/she already got the payments so i can able to send the Item/s to the Buyer)
    03:45 - Nick ♚: Understood ?
    03:45 - Crisps: Yes, sounds good
    03:45 - Nick ♚: Let me know if you Already understood and tell me once you Ready.
    03:46 - Crisps: Yes I am ready
    03:46 - Crisps: Where do I send?
    03:47 - Nick ♚: Please use this link to send the item/s on sale. W6mSu
    03:47 - Nick ♚: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=224567019&token=Ww-W6mSu
    03:47 - Nick ♚: Let me know once you did so i can take screenshots aswell.
    03:50 - Nick ♚: @Seller you working on it now ?
    03:50 - Crisps: yes
    03:50 - Nick ♚: Go ahead mobile confirmation.
    03:56 - Nick ♚: @Seller Are you in here ?

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Potato Man Need to provide a FULL screenshot of the users profile while friends without covering up 90% of it with a large chat box.
    This helps show everything the user lists and provide proof of identity in the future.
    Don't need one right now for this report but future reports as I've seen your enlarging the chat boxs to cover just about everything.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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