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Accepted Report: 76561198111552155 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Barry Allen 3, Sep 20, 2017.

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  1. Barry Allen 3

    Barry Allen 3 New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198111552155

    Victim profile: 76561198018248847

    What happened? Description:
    Impersonation of the victim. Tried to pretend victim is his brother and attempted the steam admin scam. Played along till i got enough evidence(seen below) to show they are scammers​

    Provide Evidence:

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Shubbler: Greetings!
    Shubbler: How can I help you here.
    Barry Allen: hi, some guy aasked me to add you
    Shubbler: Alright.
    Shubbler: Is your partner is Mr.pltaco?
    Barry Allen: no
    Barry Allen: it's just pltaco
    Shubbler: I will invite you both to groupchat
    Your chat with Shubbler is now a multi-user chat.
    pltaco entered chat.
    Shubbler: Greetings Trader's.
    Barry Allen: hello
    pltaco: hi sir
    Shubbler: Hello there! How may I assist and help both of you? Please state your purposes clearly.
    pltaco: can you help me check our items if its clean or not? im willing to pay for the fees
    Shubbler: Do you agree with this matter Mr.Barry Allen?
    Barry Allen: yeah sure
    Shubbler: I am available to help as long as both traders don't have any objections. So both traders are settled?
    pltaco: yes we are ready
    Barry Allen: yeah, sure, check it
    Shubbler: Kindly tell me what are the items that is involved in the trade so that I can note it all down. Both traders are required to respond.
    Barry Allen: a harvest moon coffin kit for a spellbound hottie's hoodie
    pltaco: its about my harvest moon coffin sir
    Shubbler: Okay. I have noted the items involved in the trade. Just clarifying as I have to be strict here since your safety is my upmost priority.
    pltaco: okay sir
    Shubbler: Let me remind you traders that this conversation is been recorded for some reason like scam attempts. We are always minding your safety here and give a secured trade.
    Shubbler: Do both traders understand?
    Barry Allen: k
    pltaco: yes i understand
    Shubbler: I am going to check both of your items & offers using the "Item Database" - The tool which has the privelege and access to Steam Database for getting your items verified also to gather informations about it.
    pltaco: okay sir
    Barry Allen: ok
    Shubbler: Your items will not leave and will not be taken from your inventory. Bare in mind that our Item Database cannot accept or decline any trade offers as it is not allowed.
    pltaco: okay sir
    Barry Allen: ok
    Shubbler: As Steam Support, I will be the one who will be providing and distributing the trades for you after I and our data base have done checked and verified the items involved in the trade.
    Shubbler: Do both traders agree & understand?
    Barry Allen: yes
    pltaco: yes
    Shubbler: Okay so both traders are ready? If yes, Kindly set your status to Busy.
    pltaco: okay
    Shubbler: Just to recheck both traders status, both traders are ready?
    Barry Allen: guess so
    pltaco: me too
    Shubbler: Okay both traders, send me your offers and the items that needs to get verified here: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=438036627&token=Gc8e8Mg6
    pltaco: okay sir
    Shubbler: So that the Steam Database can check it. I will be checking both offers the same time.
    pltaco: sending it now sir
    Shubbler: Dont forget to confirm traders, And I wont be accepting any offers since it is just needed to be a pending offer.
    Shubbler: Understood?
    pltaco: yes im confirming it now

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Barry Allen: hi
    Barry Allen: can i help you
    pltaco: hi sir
    pltaco: are you trading your items?
    Barry Allen: what item?
    pltaco: its about your unusual
    Barry Allen: not unless you're offering 2k keys
    pltaco: 2 keys only? -_-
    Barry Allen: 2k
    Barry Allen: 2000
    pltaco: dont have keys right now
    pltaco: check my items
    pltaco: https://steamcommunity.com/id/pltaco/inventory/
    pltaco: check it and tell me what do you want for your items. okay?
    Barry Allen: its private
    pltaco: https://steamcommunity.com/id/pltaco/inventory/
    pltaco: there you go
    Barry Allen: the coffin kit?
    Barry Allen: :p
    pltaco: xD
    pltaco: i think its too much bro
    Barry Allen: lol
    Barry Allen: tbh i want my spellbound hottie's, i really like it
    pltaco: ohhh okay bro
    pltaco: so you wont trade it?
    Barry Allen: unless you come up with an insanely good offer
    pltaco: how about my Strange Professional Killstreak Golden Frying Pan?
    pltaco: im new in trade
    pltaco: this items was my brother's
    Barry Allen: ask your brother to trade it then
    Barry Allen: if it's not yours, don't trade it
    pltaco: he's gone dude
    Barry Allen: so sorry to hear that
    pltaco: yes
    pltaco: its okay
    pltaco: its like my sentemental value from him
    Barry Allen: but anw, i'm sorry man, unless you find a way to offer 2k keys, i'm not particularly interested
    pltaco: its okay
    pltaco: Strange Professional Killstreak Golden Frying Pan to your unusual
    pltaco: isit okay to you?
    Barry Allen: it's like 1k plus keys only
    pltaco: okay
    pltaco: how many keys?
    Barry Allen: i'm asking for 2k
    pltaco: 600 pure?
    Barry Allen: just chuck in the harvest moon coffin
    pltaco: in that case
    pltaco: you add
    Barry Allen: i have nth to add lol
    pltaco: what can you add?
    pltaco: ok
    pltaco: deal
    pltaco: give me your trade link
    Barry Allen: for?
    Barry Allen: just send me the trade offer
    pltaco: okay
    pltaco: btw, can i ask you something before we trade?
    Barry Allen: yeah?
    pltaco: how and where did you get your unusual?
    Barry Allen: bought it off another trader, it's clean
    pltaco: how can i be assure?
    Barry Allen: use bp.tf
    pltaco: i know bp
    Barry Allen: yeah
    Barry Allen: click on the unusual
    Barry Allen: see 'history'
    pltaco: but i really need to be sure
    pltaco: cna you give me a legit proof?
    Barry Allen: if it's duped it will say duped
    pltaco: would it be okay if we are going tyo ask help from official steam support to check our items if its clean or not?
    pltaco: im willing to pay for the fees
    Barry Allen: sure
    pltaco: what do you mean?
    Barry Allen: you can ask official steam support
    pltaco: can you help me add the active one?
    Barry Allen: anything
    pltaco: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SSShubler/
    pltaco: help me add him so we can ask help
    Barry Allen: i added
    pltaco: me too
    pltaco: its wait if he respond
    pltaco: okay?
    pltaco: u busy right now?
    pltaco: wow
    pltaco: he accepted me
    pltaco: he accepted me
    pltaco: hey
    Barry Allen: ?
    Barry Allen: he accepted
    pltaco: nice
    pltaco: respond mate

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2017
  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please don't copy/paste chat text in description area/box...that isn't what its used for nor can we accept it like that anyway (can be edited). We require a detailed description only and screenshots to go with the report for evidence.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:

    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

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