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Accepted Report: 76561198197875973 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Lakarak, Sep 20, 2017.

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  1. Lakarak

    Lakarak New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] Steam Wallet fraud
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198197875973

    Victim profile: 76561198282954165

    What happened? Description:
    A person going with the name as "Pickel Rick" added me for business. He said he was doing a some kind of tutorial video on trading or some kind of video for proof if I scam him. After some talking we agree on that he buys my item for 80 USD. He sends me a trade offer claiming it will send me money if I accept because he has 150 USD in his Steam wallet.​

    Provide Evidence:

    See video above for proof.

    Trade offer text:

    "Pay: 80.00$Registration number: B10980MVAT ID: LU32517912IBLT Number: 55519714--------------------------©Valve Corporation (?)"​

    16:18 - Lakarak: oh boy
    16:18 - Lakarak: here we go again
    16:18 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: ?
    16:18 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Away.
    16:18 - Lakarak: why did you add me
    16:19 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Online.
    16:20 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: I've got a proposition for you. we can get along well I record everything
    16:20 - Lakarak: what
    16:20 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Online.
    16:20 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: I buy knives
    16:20 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Away.
    16:20 - Lakarak: oh you want me do go on opskins huh?
    16:21 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Online.
    16:21 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: No
    16:21 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Away.
    16:21 - Lakarak: no?
    16:21 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Online.
    16:21 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: what kind of payment you use?
    16:21 - Lakarak: paypal
    16:21 - Lakarak: swish
    16:23 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Online.
    16:23 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: Cool. we can make an appointment. Immediately transfer to your account and buy one of your knives
    16:23 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Away.
    16:23 - Lakarak: appointment? lmao you want to do a meetup?
    16:25 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Online.
    16:25 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: I can pass my money through steam. I can not speak English well. this tutorial i record on youtube. this is my first movie
    16:25 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Away.
    16:25 - Lakarak: why are you doing a tutorial with me
    16:26 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Online.
    16:26 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: so are you entering this? I'm also recording to have proof when someone cheats on me
    16:26 - Lakarak: cheats
    16:26 - Lakarak: we arent in a relationship sorry
    16:26 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: Man i want to buy your knive
    16:26 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: How much do you want?
    16:27 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: I got 150$ on my account
    16:27 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Away.
    16:27 - Lakarak: give me 80 dollars
    16:28 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Online.
    16:29 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: ok wait till i make the transfer. will send you a confirmation in exchange offer
    16:29 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Snooze.
    16:29 - Lakarak: okay
    16:29 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Online.
    16:31 - Lakarak: HAHA LOL
    16:31 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: sent money should be transferred after acceptance
    16:31 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: why lol?
    16:31 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: yep?
    16:32 - Lakarak: dont act smart you s✿✿✿
    16:32 - Lakarak: Please try a different scam on me
    16:32 - Lakarak: come on try
    16:32 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: I've already paid my money, everything is recording
    16:32 - Lakarak: If you manage to scam me perfectly
    16:32 - Lakarak: I will give you the knife
    16:32 - Lakarak: the f✿✿✿ does the recording even have to do with this
    16:32 - Lakarak: proof that you're an scammer?
    16:34 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: If you are so confident then give me a knife first, then I will send you money
    16:34 - Lakarak: haha try another one
    16:34 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY: f✿✿✿ off
    16:34 - Lakarak: No you
    16:34 - Lakarak: you're wasting your life on this
    16:34 - Lakarak: not my fault
    16:35 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is now Offline.
    16:35 - Lakarak: :)
    16:35 - Pickle Rick CS.MONEY is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    16:35 - Lakarak: enjoy

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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