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Accepted Report: 76561198128649872 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by kathyy, Sep 24, 2017.

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  1. kathyy

    kathyy New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198128649872

    Victim profile: 76561198395034485

    What happened? Description:
    He wanted to trade 2 knifes with 2 of my very low priced (compared to the knifes) items.

    But he wants to verify my items before. Verification should be done by adding another Steam-User irish (Banned): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960885725

    He deleted me instantly after I asked, why he just can't send me a Steam trade offer.​

    Provide Evidence:

    Halten Sie Ihr Passwort geheim.
    21:32 - kathy: why u added me
    21:32 - CSGOReaper (items): hello
    21:33 - CSGOReaper (items): good day
    21:33 - CSGOReaper (items): thanks for the accept
    21:33 - kathy: well accepting is not the problem
    21:33 - kathy: staying on my list is more the problem :)
    21:34 - CSGOReaper (items): well im a trader
    21:34 - CSGOReaper (items): and i comment on your profile why i added.
    21:36 - CSGOReaper (items): i want to trade my knife`s for your selected skins only
    21:36 - CSGOReaper (items): i can give a overpayed trade on it.
    21:36 - kathy: im searching a m9 bayo slaugther or crims web
    21:36 - kathy: what knife you have
    21:37 - CSGOReaper (items): okay ii have some knife`s m9 knife here is my safe acc inevntory http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198290641270/inventory// please take a look at it.
    21:37 - CSGOReaper (items): i can give overpayed trade on it
    21:38 - kathy: but no m9 bayo slaughter /cw ;)
    21:38 - CSGOReaper (items): i want your awp light ning strikes m4a4 dragon king m4a1 decimator and ak neon
    21:38 - CSGOReaper (items): but i have gamma dopler
    21:39 - kathy: well i would trade awp lightning and ak neon
    21:40 - CSGOReaper (items): hmm i can give a 2knife for it. im overpricing here since im looking for your items
    21:40 - CSGOReaper (items): okay
    21:40 - CSGOReaper (items): that 2skins only.
    21:41 - kathy: ok just send me trade offer i will look it after the game
    21:41 - CSGOReaper (items): so may i know what items do prefer for it?
    21:41 - CSGOReaper (items): i must know mate .
    21:41 - CSGOReaper (items): :/
    21:41 - kathy: Gamma Doppler sounds nice
    21:41 - CSGOReaper (items): wait im in the middle of the trade
    21:41 - CSGOReaper (items): since you are in game :/
    21:42 - CSGOReaper (items): i will reserved it for you.
    21:42 - kathy: i cant change it, im in MM game
    21:42 - kathy: no cancelation possible
    21:42 - kathy: but you can send me a trade offer in the mean time
    21:43 - CSGOReaper (items): i will reserved it for you mate
    21:43 - CSGOReaper (items): take your time
    21:44 - CSGOReaper (items): tell me when you are vacant.
    21:48 - kathy: soon
    21:57 - CSGOReaper (items) hat den Status gewechselt zu: Online.
    22:07 - kathy: ok
    22:10 - kathy: are u there ?
    22:11 - CSGOReaper (items): wait mate
    22:11 - CSGOReaper (items): 2min
    22:13 - CSGOReaper (items): are you vacnt now
    22:14 - CSGOReaper (items): heyt?
    22:14 - CSGOReaper (items): hey?
    22:14 - kathy: i am here
    22:15 - kathy: hey!
    22:15 - CSGOReaper (items): so what items do you want for it mate?
    22:16 - CSGOReaper (items): im vacant now
    22:16 - CSGOReaper (items): what items do prefer for?
    22:16 - CSGOReaper (items): i can give 2knife
    22:17 - kathy: well I can trade my AK neon and AWP Lightning
    22:17 - CSGOReaper (items): yes
    22:17 - CSGOReaper (items): its ok
    22:18 - kathy: and your gamma doppler m9 bayo looks nice
    22:18 - CSGOReaper (items): okay
    22:18 - CSGOReaper (items): im preparing it now
    22:18 - CSGOReaper (items): pls wait mate i hope i can help for it
    22:18 - CSGOReaper (items): btw where are you from?
    22:19 - CSGOReaper (items): im from england ive been 3yrs in trading they calling me god in trading because im just helping traders.
    22:19 - kathy: i am not from england
    22:19 - CSGOReaper (items): lately i trade my dlore on random person just for his 2 knife`s
    22:19 - kathy: i think you can see it on my English
    22:20 - CSGOReaper (items): im a seller and buyer and im a busines investor.
    22:20 - CSGOReaper (items): how old are you?
    22:20 - kathy: old enough :D
    22:20 - CSGOReaper (items): ok i have the offers now mate
    22:20 - kathy: just send me steam offer ;)
    22:20 - CSGOReaper (items): but before i accept it may i know where did you buy your skins?
    22:21 - kathy: yes
    22:21 - CSGOReaper (items): sorry for asking because im just avoiding some items that came from fake gambling sites and isnt appear in any inventory.,
    22:21 - kathy: im not a fake gambling site
    22:22 - CSGOReaper (items): ohh mate i have 1 favor for it. since im overpricing here and i added the karambit lore fn on the offers please take care of them .. but i would like to validate first our both items into a steam works i just want to assure that our both items are clean and legit in trading aswell i want to prove to you that my items are legit aswell im done this several times since i lost my howl and d lore to keep have my security and safe in trading aswell yours.. after we done validate our both items i will send it to you first and alone it will took only 2min to validate it ... the steam works is not involved in our trade we were just go validating it.
    22:22 - CSGOReaper (items) hat den Status gewechselt zu: Online.
    22:23 - CSGOReaper (items): it will take only 2min to validate it and im ready now so that i can send it to you i will go first so you can follow.
    22:24 - CSGOReaper (items): so can we validate our both items now mate?
    22:24 - kathy: why u want to give me that knife for that 2 items
    22:25 - CSGOReaper (items): yes i can give a overpayed trade on it since ive reach my highest profit in trading this month i give some give aways . but i want your 2skins.
    22:25 - CSGOReaper (items): so can we validate our both items now mate? so that we can proceed and i can send my offer?
    22:26 - CSGOReaper (items): they calling me god in trading mate since im helping traders.
    22:26 - CSGOReaper (items): so can we validate our both items now?
    22:26 - kathy: so you promise me to give me a m9 bayo gamma doppler for that 2 items
    22:27 - CSGOReaper (items): yes after we done validate it mate .. i will go send my items to you first alone and directly.
    22:27 - CSGOReaper (items): so can we validate our both items now? im ready so that i can send my items now.
    22:28 - CSGOReaper (items): i added my karambit lore fn M9 gamma doppler and bayonet doppler
    22:28 - kathy: just add to steam trade, its very simple :)
    22:29 - CSGOReaper (items): yes mate i will send my offer after we done validate it
    22:29 - CSGOReaper (items): can we validate our both items now?
    22:29 - CSGOReaper (items): all i want is to validate it so that we can have safe and legit in trading mate.
    22:29 - kathy: my inventory is open
    22:29 - kathy: you can check it
    22:30 - CSGOReaper (items): mate if you dont want to validate it i cant force maybe i will take a look some other traders.. all i want is to have a secure trading since i lost my items before.
    22:30 - CSGOReaper (items): can we validate it now into a steam valve assistance?
    22:30 - kathy: how
    22:31 - CSGOReaper (items): ok i will used my steam valve coupon here to hire and call a steam valve assistance now
    22:31 - CSGOReaper (items): pls wait.
    22:31 - kathy: :D
    22:31 - CSGOReaper (items): ok mate help me added the vacant steam valve assistance now here is the link of hers http://steamcommunity.com/id/IrishNicolee/
    22:31 - CSGOReaper (items): help me added http://steamcommunity.com/id/IrishNicolee/ and tell to validate our both items
    22:31 - CSGOReaper (items): help me added .
    22:32 - CSGOReaper (items): help me added http://steamcommunity.com/id/IrishNicolee/
    22:32 - kathy: ?
    22:32 - kathy: :D
    22:32 - CSGOReaper (items): help me added the steam valve assistance now
    22:32 - CSGOReaper (items): http://steamcommunity.com/id/IrishNicolee/
    22:33 - CSGOReaper (items): she will validate our both items bro
    22:33 - kathy: how
    22:34 - CSGOReaper (items): here click her profile
    22:34 - CSGOReaper (items): http://steamcommunity.com/id/IrishNicolee/
    22:34 - CSGOReaper (items): click that
    22:34 - CSGOReaper (items): and add her as friend
    22:34 - CSGOReaper (items): she will help us to validate our items
    22:35 - kathy: ok one thing boy
    22:35 - kathy: if you are serious, where is the problem to send a steam trading offer
    22:36 - kathy: like everyone else is doing it
    22:36 - CSGOReaper (items): lmaaaaaaaaaooooooo dili diay emaaaaw bambambam badi`3x bambaam despacto sabadisabiwanchanito badi`4x bambambambam
    22:36 - CSGOReaper (items) hat den Status gewechselt zu: Offline.

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:

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  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
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