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Accepted Report: 76561198407312442 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by eMSi, Oct 24, 2017.

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  1. eMSi

    eMSi New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198407312442

    Victim profile: 76561198090087343

    What happened? Description:
    OPSkins.COM item verification scam.
    He wants me to list the item on opskins so he could see if it's "marketable". Also he doesn't have any items on his account but on his STORAGE ACCOUNT (So funny...).
    Anyways, I don't know if I filled the right info (My nickname is eMSi#21 so if I made a mistake let me know xd)


    Provide Evidence:

    16:21 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1 is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
    16:21 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: Hello?
    16:21 - † eMSi#21 † SKINSJAR.COM has changed their name to † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME.
    16:21 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1 is now Looking to Trade.
    16:21 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: hello
    16:22 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: Why did you add me?
    16:22 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: interested to trade or sell skins ?
    16:22 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: i will overpay if we have a good deal
    16:23 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: If you are interested in trading for my skins, send me an trade offer and I will take a look at it.
    16:23 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: I'm not selling my skins.,
    16:23 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: ok
    16:23 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: can we talk first the skins
    16:23 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: that we will tarde
    16:23 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: Send me an trade offer, I will look at it and if I like it I will accept it
    16:23 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: you know opskins right ?
    16:24 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: If you are interested in trading for my skins, send me an trade offer and I will take a look at it.
    16:24 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: I'm not doing anything other than steam.
    16:25 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: So are you interested in trading or?
    16:25 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: can i assurte that your skin is marketable in opskin s ?
    16:26 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: Why would I need to do anything with opskins? They are not affiliated with ValvE
    16:26 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: If you go to my inventory and click on my knife you will se the text "Tags: Knife, Karambit, ★, Covert, Field-Tested, Tradable, Marketable"
    16:26 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: inopskins
    16:26 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: As you can see it's Tradeable and Marketable so we don't need to do opskins.
    16:26 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: because imselling and buyying skins there
    16:27 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: you will just do it for 5mins
    16:27 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: Okay as you can see, if you search my knife (Karambit | Safari Mesh FT) you will se that it sells for $89.00 and by that I assume that it's fully marketable and you can sell it over there.
    16:29 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: can you just list it then i will buy it for $120
    16:29 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: If you are interested in trading for my skins, send me an trade offer and I will take a look at it.
    16:29 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: I'm not selling my skins.
    16:29 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: yes
    16:29 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: but you can buy knife there
    16:29 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: So I don't even want to talk about selling anything on any website.
    16:29 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: Only trade offers.
    16:30 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: i mean you just need to list it
    16:30 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: then get it back
    16:30 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: I'm doing trading only on Steam platform.
    16:30 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: ok
    16:30 - ByNoGame ByRobot 1: let me think something
    16:33 - † eMSi#21 † CSOFFER.ME: Okay sure

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @eMSi Just the user saying that isn't always enough to verify a report - keep that in mind - ALWAYS get us a full screen of the users profile too while friends.

    Attached Files:

    eMSi likes this.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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