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Accepted Report: 76561198288213274 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by ThunderThunder, Dec 19, 2017.

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  1. ThunderThunder

    ThunderThunder New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198288213274

    Victim profile: 76561198056657724

    What happened? Description:
    The usual OPSkins scam, told me he'd pay 18 keys for my unusual, but first he had to "check" if it was marketable, then I got a trade offer from the "OPSkins bot" for my unusual. He's impersonating https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197980039952 I guess.​

    Provide Evidence:
    The bot info:
    | steamname: [OPSKINS] Bot #0080
    | steam3ID: [U:1:452794907]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:226397453
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198413060635
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198413060635

    Kazzaster: hello
    Thunder: hey
    Kazzaster: I added you for trade
    Kazzaster: i willing to overpay
    Kazzaster: interested?
    Thunder: wait i ll talk to you after this game ok
    Thunder: ill tell you when im done
    Kazzaster: okay
    Kazzaster: just check my backpacktf man https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561197980039952
    Kazzaster: so that you can see my expensive items there ok
    Kazzaster is now Looking to Trade.
    Kazzaster: how long does it takes?
    Kazzaster: hey
    Thunder: hello
    Thunder: ok im done
    Kazzaster: okay
    Thunder: what can you offer man
    Kazzaster: do you want pure keys for your unusual?
    Kazzaster: or unuusal's overpay?
    Thunder: anything u prefer
    Kazzaster: how bout pure keys?
    Thunder: yea
    Thunder: how much
    Kazzaster: I offering 18 pure keys for your unusual is that okay?
    Thunder: yea sure man
    Kazzaster: okay
    Kazzaster: so i will be the one to send you an offer only ok
    Thunder: ok send it
    Kazzaster: btw man before i will send my offer can i ask something first?
    Thunder: go ahead
    Kazzaster: have you heard about opskins or used it before?
    Thunder: no, what about it?
    Kazzaster: Oh okay i just want to know that we're good to deal cause I don’t want to experience the same thing that has happened to me last time
    Because last time i traded with a 21 unusauls which is not marketable on opskins that means can't be sold over there and that got me f✿✿✿ed up
    Thunder: oh damn that sucks.. :/
    Thunder: but mine is markatble so..
    Kazzaster: And im currently buying and reselling items on opskins so i just want to confirm that your items is currently marketable on opskins before we trade unusual:pure keys, if that would be alright?
    Kazzaster: And we don’t need to sell your unusual we just trying to list it or post it, once I saw your unusual on the opskins then I will start to send you my offer okay?
    Kazzaster: hope you understand
    Thunder: ok, what I gotta do to know if its marketable?
    Kazzaster: yes and we just need to listed it or post it only not to sell it so that i can assure your unusual is it 100% marketable or sellable on opskins and once i saw it your unusual on opskins then i will send my offer okay
    Kazzaster: just follow my instruction so that i can guide you easily on opskins okay?
    Thunder: sure thing :)
    Kazzaster: can i call you on steam?
    Thunder: no sorry
    Kazzaster: ok i will type it only
    Kazzaster: so go to http://opskins.com now
    Kazzaster: then tell me if you are there
    Thunder: .. its for csgo?
    Thunder: what is this
    Kazzaster: opskins is all game from steam
    Thunder: oh yeah i see tf2 now
    Kazzaster: okay
    Thunder: do i click it?
    Kazzaster: so are you on opskins right?
    Thunder: ya
    Kazzaster: okay
    Kazzaster: sign in/register
    Kazzaster: but you can just sign in through steam ok
    Thunder: ok done
    Thunder: what now
    Kazzaster: and don't forget to set up your acc on opskins you just need to put your tradelink and confirm it on your email so that you can sign in through opskins okay?
    Thunder: yea i did it
    Kazzaster: okay
    Kazzaster: so did you see sell on the top?
    Thunder: yea
    Kazzaster: okay
    Kazzaster: click it
    Kazzaster: then tell me what did you see now on your screen after you click sell on the top?
    Thunder: it puts my csgo items
    Kazzaster: yes
    Kazzaster: click tf2
    Thunder: ah yes
    Thunder: then ?
    Kazzaster: ok
    Kazzaster: did you see your unusual there?
    Thunder: yep
    Kazzaster: okay click your unusual
    Thunder: so that means its marketable right?
    Kazzaster: then tell me how much the List Price of your unusual
    Kazzaster: remember we are not selling your unusual on opskins we just try to listed it or post it only okay not to sell it
    Thunder: ok it says 23.9
    Kazzaster: okay change the List Price into 9999$ so no one will buy your unusual ok
    Kazzaster: and after that man then click next but dont click deposit ok
    Thunder: ok
    Thunder: done
    Kazzaster: cause we are here to listed it or post it your unusual only so that i can assure your unusual is it 100% marketable or sellabe on opskin
    Kazzaster: so just click next only for the listing item ok
    Thunder: ya i did
    Thunder: now what
    Kazzaster: so after you click next wheres your unusual now on the left side or right side?
    Thunder: ya its on left
    Kazzaster: okay
    Kazzaster: so click your name on opskins
    Kazzaster: then click manage sales
    Thunder: then
    Thunder: it says No entries were found.
    Kazzaster: yes
    Kazzaster: then go back on your steam
    Kazzaster: check if you receive 1 notification from opskins for the listing item ok
    Kazzaster: then tell me if you got 1 so that i can explain it to you okay
    Thunder: yes its there
    Kazzaster: ok listen
    Kazzaster: i will explain it to you about listing item
    Kazzaster: Can you respond the offer from the bot so that if the bot accept your offer then i will check your unusual through opskins once i saw your unusual through opskins then you withdraw your unusual then i wll send you offer
    Kazzaster: okay?
    Thunder: please do, this seems kinda shady :/
    Thunder: hmmm, are you sure?
    Kazzaster: yes don't worry man
    Thunder: is opskins trusted?
    Kazzaster: yes
    Kazzaster: don't worry man you are not trading it to the bot your just listing it only okay
    Thunder: oh man
    Kazzaster: once i saw your unusual on opskins then i will send my offer okay
    Kazzaster: hope you understand
    Thunder: sad to say, but this is the second time that a Kazzaster impersonator tries to scam me :/
    Kazzaster: i just want to make it sure first your unusual is it 100% marketable or sellable on opskins okay
    Thunder: thanks for the evidence
    Thunder: good bye
    Kazzaster: what
    Kazzaster: i will send my offer as i said
    Kazzaster: once i saw your unusual on opskins
    Kazzaster: I will make my offer into 20pure keys so that you can trust me here
    Thunder: lol also, aren't you the guy that threatned me before?
    Thunder: i'm still here mofo
    Kazzaster: what do you mean
    Thunder: hahahahahahahahahaha gg bro
    Kazzaster: lol
    Thunder: have a good one :]

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  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.

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