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Accepted Report: 76561198170075601 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by nick.liam, Feb 1, 2018.

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  1. nick.liam

    nick.liam New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Gambling] Fake gambling website
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198170075601

    Victim profile: 76561198108296244

    What happened? Description:
    He added me randomly and then he tried to lure me into a fake gambling site (https://skinsplatform.com/) by giving me coins. The site however requires a "£10 deposit" before withdraw.​

    Provide Evidence:

    15:26 - NoobSlayer5000: hello?
    15:44 - DestroyeR is now Online.
    16:20 - DestroyeR: hi dude
    16:20 - DestroyeR: you here?
    16:20 - NoobSlayer5000: yeah
    16:20 - DestroyeR: you good predictor?
    16:20 - NoobSlayer5000: what do u mean
    16:21 - DestroyeR: you help me predict color?
    16:21 - DestroyeR: i have 147$
    16:21 - DestroyeR: go raise me? i give you knife
    16:22 - NoobSlayer5000: umm i am not sure what you mean, but alright tell me what to do
    16:22 - DestroyeR: predict me colors on double game?
    16:22 - DestroyeR: i bet money
    16:22 - DestroyeR: and give you %
    16:22 - DestroyeR: understand?
    16:22 - NoobSlayer5000: sure, thats generous of you, or if u want i can do it for free
    16:23 - DestroyeR: I like to pay for help
    16:23 - DestroyeR: Maybe you know this site?
    16:23 - DestroyeR: skinsplatform . com?
    16:23 - DestroyeR: go here
    16:23 - NoobSlayer5000: umm 2 sec ill check it
    16:24 - DestroyeR: its legit site
    16:24 - DestroyeR: i withdraw this site 350$
    16:24 - NoobSlayer5000: okay
    16:24 - DestroyeR: go double game
    16:24 - NoobSlayer5000: yeah
    16:24 - DestroyeR: 1 sec ok?
    16:25 - NoobSlayer5000: yeah
    16:25 - DestroyeR: i deposited)
    16:25 - DestroyeR: i have 200$
    16:25 - DestroyeR: its 20k coins
    16:25 - DestroyeR: go predict me color?
    16:25 - NoobSlayer5000: umm orange
    16:25 - DestroyeR: i bet next
    16:25 - DestroyeR: dont have time
    16:26 - DestroyeR: ok?
    16:26 - NoobSlayer5000: ok
    16:26 - DestroyeR: i bet orange 50$
    16:26 - DestroyeR: i hope
    16:26 - DestroyeR: i pray)
    16:26 - NoobSlayer5000: fingers crossed
    16:26 - NoobSlayer5000: yay
    16:26 - DestroyeR: nice
    16:27 - DestroyeR: you best
    16:27 - DestroyeR: 25k
    16:27 - DestroyeR: color?
    16:27 - NoobSlayer5000: oragne again?
    16:27 - DestroyeR: 5k
    16:27 - NoobSlayer5000: :/
    16:27 - DestroyeR: ok go again
    16:27 - NoobSlayer5000: lets go black
    16:27 - DestroyeR: it happens
    16:28 - DestroyeR: 100$
    16:28 - DestroyeR: on black
    16:28 - DestroyeR: i hope for you
    16:28 - DestroyeR: thx
    16:28 - DestroyeR: thx
    16:28 - NoobSlayer5000: yay
    16:28 - DestroyeR: i love you
    16:28 - DestroyeR: 30k
    16:28 - DestroyeR: road to 40k?
    16:28 - NoobSlayer5000: just wondering, might be worth to cash out and take the profit xD (ps i dont need a cut im jsut guessing)
    16:28 - NoobSlayer5000: but if u want im guessing black
    16:29 - DestroyeR: i want 40k
    16:29 - DestroyeR: go say me
    16:29 - NoobSlayer5000: lets go black then i guess
    16:29 - DestroyeR: 2k purple
    16:29 - DestroyeR: and 8k black
    16:30 - DestroyeR: maybe doublepurple
    16:30 - NoobSlayer5000: that would be good
    16:30 - NoobSlayer5000: damm
    16:30 - DestroyeR: wow
    16:30 - DestroyeR: 48k
    16:30 - DestroyeR: i stopped
    16:30 - DestroyeR: thx
    16:30 - DestroyeR: i give oyu
    16:30 - DestroyeR: 8900
    16:30 - DestroyeR: refresh site
    16:30 - NoobSlayer5000: thanks :D
    16:30 - DestroyeR: and check balance
    16:31 - DestroyeR: thx i love you
    16:31 - DestroyeR: i deposited 60$
    16:31 - DestroyeR: and win 400
    16:31 - DestroyeR: THX
    16:31 - NoobSlayer5000: thx to u too
    16:31 - DestroyeR: its my first 400$
    16:31 - DestroyeR: i max raise 350
    16:31 - NoobSlayer5000: nice
    16:31 - DestroyeR: yep
    16:32 - DestroyeR: i withdraw this site 350$
    16:32 - DestroyeR: 12.01.2018
    16:32 - DestroyeR: )
    16:32 - DestroyeR: easy money
    16:32 - DestroyeR: i love you
    16:32 - DestroyeR: i go play in yard
    16:32 - DestroyeR: ok?
    16:32 - NoobSlayer5000: yeah sure, just wondering, how can you send coins, I want to send soem to my friend
    16:33 - DestroyeR: yeah sure, just wondering, how can you send coins, I want to send soem to my friend
    16:33 - DestroyeR: srry
    16:33 - DestroyeR: Transfer of coins opens after deposit
    16:33 - NoobSlayer5000: alright no problem
    16:33 - DestroyeR: i deposited and i can transfer
    16:34 - DestroyeR: i can give coins your friend
    16:34 - DestroyeR: give me link
    16:34 - NoobSlayer5000: heard of the site steamrep.com?
    16:34 - NoobSlayer5000: just wondering
    16:35 - DestroyeR: no
    16:35 - DestroyeR: i can give coins your friend
    16:35 - DestroyeR: if he wants
    16:35 - DestroyeR: i dont mind
    16:35 - NoobSlayer5000: ow thats a shame, never mind then
    16:35 - NoobSlayer5000: ^no its fine
    16:35 - DestroyeR: :)
    16:36 - NoobSlayer5000: thanks :)
    16:36 - DestroyeR: okay no problems
    16:36 - DestroyeR: address
    16:36 - NoobSlayer5000: thanks, im busy doing something, ill deposit later and then jsut give a share of my prizes, u can keep your coins :)
    16:37 - DestroyeR: wow
    16:37 - DestroyeR: nice
    16:37 - DestroyeR: good luck
    16:37 - NoobSlayer5000: thanks :)
    16:39 - DestroyeR: bye
    16:39 - NoobSlayer5000: bye
    16:44 - DestroyeR is now Online.
    16:44 - DestroyeR: hi:D
    16:44 - DestroyeR: i need info again
    16:44 - NoobSlayer5000: info on what?
    16:44 - DestroyeR: colors
    16:44 - NoobSlayer5000: umm orange?
    16:45 - DestroyeR: 5k
    16:45 - DestroyeR: black ;(
    16:45 - NoobSlayer5000: :/
    16:45 - DestroyeR: go again i bet 13k next
    16:45 - DestroyeR: say next
    16:45 - NoobSlayer5000: umm lets go on black
    16:45 - DestroyeR: ok
    16:46 - DestroyeR: i bet
    16:46 - NoobSlayer5000: yay
    16:46 - DestroyeR: nice
    16:46 - DestroyeR: 56k
    16:47 - DestroyeR: refresh
    16:47 - NoobSlayer5000: wow thanks
    16:47 - DestroyeR: i dont mind)
    16:47 - DestroyeR: go info
    16:47 - NoobSlayer5000: orange
    16:47 - DestroyeR: 6k
    16:48 - DestroyeR: nice
    16:48 - DestroyeR: ?
    16:48 - NoobSlayer5000: black
    16:48 - DestroyeR: 5k
    16:48 - DestroyeR: you best predictor
    16:49 - NoobSlayer5000: thanks :)
    16:49 - DestroyeR: maybe go i bet on classic?
    16:49 - DestroyeR: ii bet 29%
    16:49 - DestroyeR: you open classic?
    16:50 - NoobSlayer5000: yeah
    16:50 - DestroyeR: f✿✿✿ i lose
    16:50 - NoobSlayer5000: :/
    16:50 - DestroyeR: 168$
    16:50 - DestroyeR: check my bet
    16:50 - DestroyeR: ifi lose
    16:51 - DestroyeR: i bet all in
    16:51 - NoobSlayer5000: alright gl
    16:51 - DestroyeR: pray for me pls
    16:51 - DestroyeR: xD
    16:52 - DestroyeR: i bet all
    16:52 - DestroyeR: its gg
    16:52 - NoobSlayer5000: good luck
    16:52 - DestroyeR: thx
    16:52 - DestroyeR: if i lose
    16:52 - DestroyeR: i rip
    16:53 - DestroyeR: 86% pls
    16:53 - DestroyeR: i win?
    16:53 - NoobSlayer5000: hopefully
    16:53 - DestroyeR: i hope and pray
    16:54 - DestroyeR: omg
    16:54 - DestroyeR: omg
    16:54 - NoobSlayer5000: nice
    16:54 - DestroyeR: f✿✿✿
    16:54 - DestroyeR: nice
    16:54 - DestroyeR: refresh
    16:54 - NoobSlayer5000: thanks
    16:55 - DestroyeR: pls
    16:55 - DestroyeR: i stopped before
    17:05 - DestroyeR: man you can help me withdraw?
    17:05 - NoobSlayer5000: how?
    17:06 - DestroyeR: I deduced a lot and I can not bring out let me give you all my coins?
    17:06 - DestroyeR: you withdraw me?
    17:06 - NoobSlayer5000: umm, later atm im just talking to my friend, and he would find it rude if i continue to do other stuff
    17:07 - DestroyeR: Okay

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @nick.liam ALL evidence must be hosted here to the report not imgur or any other 3rd party hosting site.
    Update report here on next reply with images hosted here.
  3. nick.liam

    nick.liam New User

    Sorry I didn't know, I uploaded all the evidence below

    Attached Files:

  4. nick.liam

    nick.liam New User

    the screenshots are on the message above (sorry i forgot to quote)
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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