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Accepted Report: 76561198149069564 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by P0tato, Feb 12, 2018.

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  1. P0tato

    P0tato New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Gambling] Fake gambling website
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198149069564

    Victim profile: 76561198399228924

    What happened? Description:
    >Random person added me
    >Wants to hire me to moderate his nonexistent site in exchange for 5% commission on all profits
    >Rest of the story is evident in chatlogs

    p.s. Even if he is found not guilty of scamming, he says in the chat log (page 2, line 1 of screenshotted proof) that his site has the ability to let admins/moderators manually pick the winner of the bet. This means that if he is not attempting to scam me, he is scamming other victims through his site.​

    Provide Evidence:
    Provided in screenshots of chatlog uploaded below.​

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    Monday, February 12, 2018
    P0tato: hey
    P0tato: who are you
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: i have an offer for you if you are interested in getting free skins?
    P0tato: yay another scam
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: no?
    P0tato: sure
    P0tato: whats the offer
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: i was going to ask if you want to were interested in partnering with me to create a gambling website? i have spent about 100-200 dollars on many varieties of skins but i am busy most of the day and need someone to watch over the site while i cant
    P0tato: why me
    P0tato: random person
    P0tato: and id your site works why would i need to watch over it
    P0tato: to fix bets?
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: because gambling websites are a bit sketchy with the law as it has become illegal to gamble online so i need someone who i have no affiliation with to help me. and yeah sometimes the pot gets paused and it needs to be reset and i cant be on all day to fix that everytime.
    P0tato: sure
    P0tato: how did you find my profile
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: off a friend of a friend
    P0tato: lol
    P0tato: be more specific
    P0tato: u busy messaging another potential 'website babysitter'?
    P0tato: or what
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: tbh im trying to figure out which friend i added you off of XD
    P0tato: you know how this looks like right
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: ?
    P0tato: it looks like a complete scam or phishing attempt
    P0tato: on the 1% chance youre legit ill humor your requests
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: to give you a control board and give you 5% profit from each pot?
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: how is that a scam.
    P0tato: continue?
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: you might see it as a "website babysitter" but you have access to choosing who wins and you get to choose one persons bet each game that you want the items from be it remaining 5 percent or lower but most gambles even some knives are less then 5 percent.
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: can i call you to explain more?
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: but if you arent interested i can find another, and sorry for wasting your time
    P0tato: cant call now not a good time
    P0tato: and did you find which friend of a friend you found me from?
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: tbh i added alot of people to ask so i couldnt tell ya
    P0tato: mhm
    P0tato: so
    P0tato: what do i have to do
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: tell me when youre at a good point to call and ill explain the rest. my hands are cramping up
    P0tato: so you said you need a stranger because you cant be affliated with him or smoehing like that
    P0tato: can you explain that?
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: so if you and i were to be say playing a game together and our ips got traced back to eachother through the site then we both would be under superstition. but i have a vpn and its good for steam but to play a game it traces all the way back to my real ip if that makes any sense?
    P0tato: nope
    P0tato: doesnt make sense at all
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: just tell me when you can call and ill clear it all up
    P0tato: steam doesnt give a s✿✿✿ about who oens the site, if they want to shu ta site down they ban the bots
    P0tato: simple as that
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: no it has nothing to do with steam itself.
    P0tato: k
    P0tato: explain again
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: steam is a very good platform to find random people and be able to conversate with one another as long as one has a vpn as i do. do you know what a vpn is?
    P0tato: yes i do
    P0tato: if its so easy to get a ip or vpn ip thru steam
    P0tato: why dont you tell me my ip right now?
    Your state is set to Offline.
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev] is now Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev] is now Online.
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: i dont think youre understanding what im saying.
    P0tato: [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: steam is a very good platform to find random people and be able to conversate with one another as long as one has a vpn as i do. do you know what a vpn is?
    P0tato: you said that steam is good for talking to strangers
    P0tato: assuming you have an ip
    P0tato: if not then it isnt
    P0tato: is that correct?
    P0tato: how does that relate to your 'gambling site' at all?
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: because our ips can be brought up through the website and if that match that with either of our ips then we can get kicked off of steam but if we pull it off we could be making maybe 1000 dollars a week through skins. that is if youre willing to take the risk
    P0tato: first of all
    P0tato: if your site is going to be worth anything at all
    P0tato: clients should not be able to get ips of other clients through your site
    P0tato: because requests from both sides go through you
    P0tato: second
    P0tato: the hell does kicked off steam mean lmaoa
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: vac banned
    P0tato: mhm
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: for gambling websites
    P0tato: mhm
    P0tato: show me
    P0tato: one single credible credible source
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: show you?
    P0tato: show me one single credible source
    verifying that what you said is true
    P0tato: that gambling site owners will be vac banned or caught
    P0tato: lmao
    Call from [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev] started.
    P0tato: what
    P0tato: i cant talk
    P0tato: you can if you want
    P0tato: ill type
    P0tato: can you speak up
    P0tato: yep
    P0tato: link to article?
    P0tato: i would really prefer of you typed instead of talked
    P0tato: so that I would have a text history of our interactions
    P0tato: so that if you were a scammer i could have proof to get you banned
    Your state is set to Offline.
    Call with [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev] ended.
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev] is now Offline.
    Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
    Connected again and rejoined chat.
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev] is now Online.
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: ?
    Remote end did not answer call - hanging up.
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: thought you wanted me to type?
    P0tato: sure
    P0tato: type
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: youre a very strange kid
    P0tato: do you not understand that it looks suspicious as f✿✿✿ when a stranger who cannot prove any connection to you or your friends adds you and has less than $50 of skins in his inventory. Then he tells you that it is your lucky day and you can make thousands of dollars without doing jack s✿✿✿ and having no qualifications
    P0tato: ?
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: qualifications are you have to have a vpn and be able to get on most of the day and be able to know which person to choose to win and have common sense with the probabilities and fix any problem that comes up. plus. you have to know how to code to be able to use the control board.
    P0tato: really
    P0tato: your website has no admin interface to monitor your sie?
    P0tato: really?
    P0tato: site*
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: im doing all the coding myself what do you expect?
    P0tato: and you still did provide a credible link that proves your statement about the vac bans if caught owning a gambling site
    [AN] Daddy Panda [HDev]: im just gonna move onto the next person. bye
    P0tato: k bye have a nice timw
    P0tato: time
    P0tato: go ahead and block me please
    P0tato: judging from your accent, I would assume you are american or canadian. Given that there are plenty of job oppurtunities around for minimum wage, which is much higher than what you can earn by scamming/phishing, I am not sure why you feel the need to scam
    P0tato: and you still havent provided a link at all
    P0tato: and you havent given your website name at all
    P0tato: and you havent proved that your statement of finding me off a friend of a friend's friend list is true
    P0tato: and you want to call because your hands are 'cramped' and you are not good at typing, which completely contradicts your statement where you said you coded the whole site yourself

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @P0tato Nobody here will extract a zip file - please extract all images and upload them all on next reply
  3. P0tato

    P0tato New User


    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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