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Accepted Report: 76561198374014137 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Azrub, Feb 18, 2018.

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  1. Azrub

    Azrub New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Other] Any other fraudulent behavior
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198374014137

    Victim profile: 76561198396520611

    What happened? Description:
    This guy tried to make me login on skinsinsider and he wanted to scam me with fake opskin bot's method.
    I hope evidences are enough to let him be banned for the second time.​

    Provide Evidence:
    This guy tried to make me login on skinsinsider and he wanted to scam me with fake opskin bot's method.
    I hope evidences are enough to let him be banned for the second time.​

    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: hi
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: how are you ?
    Azrub: hello
    Azrub: what do you want?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: i added you for trade
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: are you trading knife or any items ?
    Azrub: i'm looking for a trade for my knife
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Yeah okay i see
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: you have nice profile bro
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: and nice inventory aswell
    Azrub: i don't care
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: what ?
    Azrub: we are not here to discuss of my profile
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: why ?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: yeah i know bro
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: dont be mad
    Azrub: i'm here for trading, nothing more, nothing less
    Azrub: so make your offer
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: i know
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: hahahahahhahahaha
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: wtf
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: im here to discuss trade
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: that's why i added for trade
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: then if you are just mad because im interrupting you
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: You can instead remove me then
    Azrub: make an offer
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: i can do it
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: send me trade url link tnen
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: then*\
    Azrub: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=436254883&token=UXxh0oWX
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: thanks
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: may i know if what items are you looking for ?
    Azrub: any high tier knife
    Azrub: i want overpay
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: okay i see
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: But wait , how much is the Pattern index ?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: of your knfie on skinsinsider ?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Do you check it before ?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: so that i can give you a good offer or more overpay
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: just want to know if how much is the worth of Pattern index of your knife
    Azrub: it's a vanilla knife
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Yeah i know
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Like this bro https://imgur.com/a/nN7WA
    Azrub: why is it important?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: only pattern index
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: i send you a screenshot
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: send me the pattern index if how much is it
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: of your Butterfly
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: are you still there ?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: hello ?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: man ?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: im waiting
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Bro ?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Whatnow ?
    Azrub: skinsider is a scam
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Scam ?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: What do you mean ?
    Azrub: exactly what i've written
    Azrub: do you still want my knife?
    Azrub: i won't login in skininsider
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: What do you mean ?
    Azrub: excactly what i've written
    Azrub: i will NOT login in skininsider
    Azrub: do you still want my knife?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: I want ofc
    Azrub: so we can proceed
    Azrub: send me an offer
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: yes sure
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: send me trade url link then
    Azrub: i've already sent you
    Azrub: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=436254883&token=UXxh0oWX
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Okay wait
    Azrub: ok
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: But wait dude
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: what do you want from me ?
    Azrub: any high tier knife
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Okay wait
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Like karambit ?
    Azrub: yes it would be nice
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: yeah wait sec
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: let me send you an offer for a while
    Azrub: i'm waiting
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: okay cool
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: by the way Do you heard about Private listings or Depositing into OPskins inventory to get it?
    Azrub: yes
    Azrub: so?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: I mean i am a reseller on OPskins so as a reseller i need to get the list link of your knife first on OPskins before i send an offer so that i can make the profal balance and get 50%off when i will resell your knife there
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: can you get it first
    Azrub: that's fine
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: do you know how ?
    Azrub: enlighten me please
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Should i guide you there how ?
    Azrub: yes please
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Do you have a discord?
    Azrub: i don't have a discord, but i have the discord
    Azrub: but here it's fine
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: i mean
    Azrub: lol
    Azrub: here it's fine
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: can you add me so that i can easily guide you there how
    Azrub: tell me how to do it here
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: no bro
    Azrub: no, i can't
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: if you cant its ok
    Azrub: yes sorry
    Azrub: tell me how to deposit
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: No man
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: I wont do it here
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: i wanna see your screens if you are not lying
    Azrub: lol ofc because you want to be aware that your fakebot send me the trade offer perfectly
    Azrub: right?
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: what ?
    Azrub: we can proceed here
    Azrub: no discord sorry
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: Im sorry
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: If you wont
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: its ok
    Azrub: it's ok yes
    Azrub: we can proceed
    Azrub: tell me
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: no sorry
    Y∀S S> Karambit Ruby/Sapphire: cya bro
    Azrub: ciao
    Azrub: scammer

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    You do realize that once banned/tagged here there is no "second time" - one time is all we can do here. You need to avoid users already tagged to start with vs communicating with them since there isn't a thing more we can do here to them.
    I'm going to add this one last note and that's it.. any more reports against this user will be archived on the spot.
    Report them to Valve if you haven't already.
    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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