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Accepted Report: 76561198344832797 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Mr.Zawberry, Feb 27, 2018.

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  1. Mr.Zawberry

    Mr.Zawberry New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198344832797

    Victim profile: 76561198258223870

    What happened? Description:
    he tried scamming me using the steam admin method which is he says he want to overpay for my items and then he warned me about duped items and calls an admin a fake one then my items would be gone but aren't because luckily I knew the scam method...​

    Provide Evidence:
    [​IMG] [​IMG] scam scam scam[​IMG]

    Never tell your password to anyone.
    27 February 2018
    Mr.Zawberry: yes?
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Hello
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Just wondering if your TF2 items is open for trade?
    Mr.Zawberry: yes
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Can i offer your Eldritch Flame Hellmet? for 34 keys?
    Mr.Zawberry: ok
    Mr.Zawberry: pure?
    Mr.Zawberry: or items?
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Yes pure keys
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: so deal?
    Mr.Zawberry: oh guddie
    Mr.Zawberry: yes
    Mr.Zawberry: deal
    Mr.Zawberry: hello?
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Srry my pc is lagging
    Mr.Zawberry: ok?
    Mr.Zawberry: so cancel?
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: No wait
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: give me a sec
    Mr.Zawberry: make it fast
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Ok
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: can you send me your Trade url or Trade offerlink?
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: so that i can send my offer?
    Mr.Zawberry: kk
    Mr.Zawberry: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=297958142&token=uNzA7y4a
    Mr.Zawberry: here
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: btw can i ask you something? before i send the offer ?
    Mr.Zawberry: yeah go ahead
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Where did you get your items?
    Mr.Zawberry: traded them
    Mr.Zawberry: as a gift
    Mr.Zawberry: cause im new and my freind gave me those
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: I just wanted to know that are not duped items or hack.
    Mr.Zawberry: ok?
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Because my last trade that i recieve is duped items and i lost $70
    Mr.Zawberry: k...
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: So that i want ot make sure its not, Hope you understand me?
    Mr.Zawberry: ok
    Mr.Zawberry: how?
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: btw, its ok to ask help from official steam admin to check our items its not dupped or hack items
    Mr.Zawberry: yeah?
    Mr.Zawberry: yeah
    Mr.Zawberry: steam admin
    Mr.Zawberry: ...
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: alright i will try to find active steam admin to help us ok?
    Mr.Zawberry: yees
    Mr.Zawberry: k
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Wait a sec...
    Mr.Zawberry: lets do this
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Here i found it : http://steamcommunity.com/id/MatthewSmithOfficial/
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: can you help me to add him?
    Mr.Zawberry: so i should add him?
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Yes
    Mr.Zawberry: he isnt responding
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Did he accept you?
    Mr.Zawberry: yes
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Ok let's talk to him
    Mr.Zawberry: mathew
    Mr.Zawberry: which is ur 2nd account
    Mr.Zawberry: and u tried scamming me
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: What?
    Mr.Zawberry: and u failed like othere
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: What do you mean?
    Mr.Zawberry: others
    Mr.Zawberry: scammer
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Omg what are you talking about?
    Mr.Zawberry: no need to do drama
    Mr.Zawberry: i have proof and pics
    Mr.Zawberry: im reporting u now
    Mr.Zawberry: go on block me
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Lol?
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔: Drama for what?
    Mr.Zawberry: nice scam sttempt
    Mr.Zawberry: failure
    Mr.Zawberry: yeah scammer
    Mr.Zawberry: go on
    Aℓucarȡ Raʋeη♔ is now Offline.

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Mr.Zawberry What steam admin? You didn't give any info on that account?
    SR profile block please as its all part of the scam so required info.
  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:

    Attached Files:

  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Mr.Zawberry Please follow up - don't abandon the report.
    Do so in next 24hours
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Accepting as is - you will be required to PM me and explain why you failed to follow up with this report prior to any new ones submitted.
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