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Accepted Report: 76561198128282041 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by IceCrystal, Mar 7, 2018.

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  1. IceCrystal

    IceCrystal New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198128282041

    Victim profile: 76561198138126547

    What happened? Description:
    I got added by someone named "TroLL Pumpkin". He then insisted that I added a middle man (Joel Hatfield) A fake profile and impersonator. He has impersonated that he is an official on steam, which is obviously fake. "TroLL Pumpkin" has also been banned by Steam Rep already, so I'm making a report for his scam friend.​

    Provide Evidence:
    These first pictures is the chat log of TroLL Pumpkin, in which he added me to trade for my unusual iron bomber. (I decided to play along). He then insisted that I added a valve official (The fake impersonator) and make him the middle man.

    View attachment 647394 View attachment 647395 View attachment 647396 View attachment 647397 View attachment 647398 View attachment 647399 View attachment 647400 View attachment 647401 These second pictures represents the group chat we were in all together. As you can see he is pretending to be an official steam impersonator. (I played along). As you can see he has indentified himself as an official, which is fraud. You can also see how they wanted me to trade with the "Official", so he can be the "Middle Man"
    View attachment 647392 View attachment 647393 I had to report this, as I do not want anyone else to be scammed. Unfortunately some people may fall for this. Here is the link to TroLL Pumpkin's Steam Rep Profile for the proof of the ban:

    Thank you again, and I hope to get rid of these scammers. This is my first time reporting an scam/impersonation, and I believe that it had to be done to protet others. I do believe that the victim was myself, so I added my self as the victim. I believe that I have submitted this correctly.​

    Joel Hatfield: Hello trader!
    IceCrystal: Hello
    Joel Hatfield: How may i help you?
    IceCrystal: Yes, me and a friend wanted to make you the middle man for my trade with him
    Joel Hatfield: Alright.I can help you but before anything else, please keep in mind that I am a Official in Steam and I do not want any trollers or any form of scam attempts on my watch.Please refrain from doing so and waste my time.Just follow my instruction and let do my job.Understand?
    IceCrystal: Okay
    IceCrystal: How's Gabe Newell?
    Joel Hatfield: Can you please invite the other trader here in our chat? So we can proceed.
    Your chat with Joel Hatfield is now a multi-user chat.
    Joel Hatfield has been invited to chat.
    TroLL Pumpkiin™ has been invited to chat.
    TroLL Pumpkiin™ entered chat.
    Joel Hatfield: How may I assist and help both of you? Please state your purposes clearly.
    IceCrystal: We want you to be the middle man
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: we are here to check and verify both our items
    Joel Hatfield: Do you agree with this matter Mr.IceCrystal?
    IceCrystal: I'm a girl
    Joel Hatfield: Kindly tell me what are the items that is involved in the trade so that I can note it all down. Both traders are required to respond.
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: it's about my 55 keys
    Joel Hatfield: How about your's IceCrystal?
    IceCrystal: He wanted my iron bomber unusual
    Joel Hatfield: Okay. I have noted the items involved in the trade. Just clarifying as I have to be strict here since your safety is my upmost priority.
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: indeed
    Joel Hatfield: Let me remind you traders that this conversation is been recorded for some reason like scam attempts. We are always minding your safety here and give a secured trade. Do both traders understand?
    IceCrystal: Haha sure
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: yes i do
    Joel Hatfield: I am going to check both of your items & offers using the "Item Database" - The tool which has the privelege and access to Steam Database for getting your items verified also to gather informations about it. Okay?
    IceCrystal: sure
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: ok
    Joel Hatfield: Your items will not leave and will not be taken from your inventory. Bare in mind that our Item Database cannot accept or decline any trade offers as it is not allowed. Understand?
    IceCrystal: Ok
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: ok
    Joel Hatfield: Okay so both traders are ready? If yes, Kindly turn on your Steam Mobile Authenticators to connect on Steam.
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: ok sir
    IceCrystal: yes
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: let me get my phone
    Joel Hatfield: Just to recheck both traders status, both traders are ready?
    IceCrystal: ok
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: wair sir
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: logging in
    IceCrystal: Im here
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: my phone is ready sir
    IceCrystal: As is mine
    Joel Hatfield: Your status is not in your Mobile, IceCrystal.
    IceCrystal: There we go
    Joel Hatfield: Okay both traders, send your offers and the items that needs to get verified here: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=454423917&token=Nymf5IAK
    Joel Hatfield: So that the Steam Database can check it. I will be checking both offers the same time.
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: ok sir
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: give me moment to send it
    Joel Hatfield: Dont forget to confirm traders, And I wont be accepting any offers since it is just needed to be a pending offer.
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: im done sending sir
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: and i already confirm it in my mobile sir
    Joel Hatfield: Hold on Mr.TroLL.
    TroLL Pumpkiin™: ok sir
    Joel Hatfield: Tell me if you are done, IceCrystral?
    IceCrystal: one sec
    IceCrystal: i cant send it
    Joel Hatfield: Send it to the given Link.
    IceCrystal: The link isn't opening
    Joel Hatfield: send your offers and the items that needs to get verified here: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=454423917&token=Nymf5IAK
    IceCrystal: I cant
    IceCrystal: Its not letting me
    Joel Hatfield: Recheck it.
    IceCrystal: It wont let me send it
    Joel Hatfield: Can you give me your Trader Offer Link?
    Joel Hatfield: IceCrystal?
    IceCrystal: Alright, I think I had my fun in wasting both of your time lmao. Scummy scammers. Nice try lol
    TroLL Pumpkiin™ left chat.
    IceCrystal: Exactly
    IceCrystal: Enjoy your soon steam ban
    IceCrystal: or steam rep ban
    IceCrystal: :)
    Joel Hatfield left chat.

    Attached Files:

  2. a Gentleman

    a Gentleman Partner Community Donator - Tier V


    Based on the evidence presented in Report: 76561198128282041 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items), I have marked this thread for further review.
    We appreciate the time you took in order to file this report. Thank you.


    Attached Files:

  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @IceCrystal Ok for starters this user is NOT the first person you were involved with - that is who you should report NOT this user.
    Doing this backwards causes issues with investigating the scam the event since that is what your reporting.
    So you should have reported this user
    | steamname: TroLL Pumpkiin™
    | steam3ID: [U:1:226511185]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:113255592
    | steamID64: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198186776913
    | customURL: http://steamcommunity.com/id/TrollUnusualTrader
    | steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198186776913

    Now keep in mind this user Troll Pumpkiin is already tagged/banned here - you should have seen this prior to accepting their friend request..then it would have been best to ignore/delete and just move on. If you didn't notice this, be sure to check out users better since if they are tagged here there is nothing more we can do to them so its best to avoid.
    Since its pretty evident that you didn't know all this now you do and maybe you can help educate others down the road to avoid already tagged users and to be patient, check users out well in advance of clicking the "Accept friend request" button in the future.
    I'm adding a note to the troll user but that will be the last one - this account here you reported is really just a throw away account and will likely be replaced in hours.
    Be sure to report both of them to Valve if you haven't already!
    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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