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Accepted Report: 76561198201921359 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by PrototypeX, Oct 17, 2018.

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  1. PrototypeX

    PrototypeX New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198201921359

    Victim profile: 76561198340792388

    What happened? Description:
    I have no idea who this guy is, he randomly friended me and asked me to trade with him.
    He told me that he would give me any unusual for one single key or something like that, he then told me to sign up to bitskins.com, which i did. After which he wanted me to change the value of the key on my bitskins page to $10 or something, and then told me to trade my key to a bitskins bot. I did as followed, but the key didn't show up on bitskins.

    He said this was because i have unmarketable items in my inventory, and then told me i had to trade ALL of my items to that bot. I immediately knew i was getting scammed.
    I checked to see if this bot was in the bitskins bot steam group, and it wasn't.
    He kept going on and on wanting me to accept the trade, and i didn't.

    I blocked and unfriended him, but my key is still with the bot now. I don't know what to do.
    The fake bot: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198859252344

    [+ i just took another look at one of my screenshots; the guy even had the bot's profile page open on a tab!]​

    Provide Evidence:

    [THIS IS NOT THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION; I can only scroll up so far]

    Sifu Ip Man:


    =WL= Snickers:

    this one, though it might be too expensive
    i got the effect wrong, sorry eheh
    you there?

    Sifu Ip Man:


    =WL= Snickers:
    seems right

    Sifu Ip Man:
    before i will confirm it in my mobile
    are you familiar on bitskins before?
    cause i dont base on price
    i base on market graph on your item okay?
    so can we check it first?

    =WL= Snickers:
    i have no idea what bitskins is

    Sifu Ip Man:
    Dont worry okay?
    can you go on bitskins . com?
    the bitskins is its a marketplace

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    so you there?

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    Okay sign in through steam?

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    what did you see after?

    =WL= Snickers:
    i have to input an email now

    Sifu Ip Man:

    =WL= Snickers:
    imma confirm the mail, one sec

    Sifu Ip Man:

    =WL= Snickers:
    ok i've done everything
    now i see a bunch of csgo items

    Sifu Ip Man:
    So what did you see after?

    =WL= Snickers:
    some knifes and stuff

    Sifu Ip Man:
    your trade link
    done set up it?

    =WL= Snickers:
    ah yes

    Sifu Ip Man:
    Okay click sales at the top
    then click item 1 by 1 ?
    then change the game on tf2

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    okay can you find your 1 keys?

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    then tell me what is the price?

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    Okay can you change it into 10$
    then tell me if you done

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:

    =WL= Snickers:
    what would that do though?

    Sifu Ip Man:

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    so we can check it
    okay click add to list
    then after click add to list
    dont click anything

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    okay done?

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    to go to yout steam?

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    check if you got notification from bitsikins

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    check if you got
    then respond to the offer then after you accept then go back on bitskins?
    click sales then click my sales so your 1 keys posted there on your bitskins inventory
    so we can check the market graph

    =WL= Snickers:
    one sec
    this bot doesn't seem very legit, are you sure i can trust you?

    Sifu Ip Man:
    im from how many years of bitskins okay?

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    Done then go back on bitskins?

    =WL= Snickers:
    one sec, im gonna confirm it on mobile now

    Sifu Ip Man:
    Oh sorry okay

    =WL= Snickers:
    i think so

    Sifu Ip Man:
    okay go back on bitskins?

    =WL= Snickers:
    and now?

    Sifu Ip Man:
    Click my sales?
    then click my sales?

    =WL= Snickers:

    Sifu Ip Man:
    Chck if your keys posted here?

    =WL= Snickers:
    emm, it isn't

    Sifu Ip Man:
    send me screenn shot?

    =WL= Snickers:

    this is what it says

    Sifu Ip Man:
    i think you your keys a anon marketable on bitskins
    just reload the bitskins
    then check if you got offer from bitskibn
    cause you have a non marketable on market

    =WL= Snickers:
    i reloaded and still got nothing
    maybe i messed something up

    Sifu Ip Man:
    go to your steam?
    check if you got some offered by bitskins

    =WL= Snickers:
    yea i do now

    Sifu Ip Man:
    cause you have a lot a non marketable on bitskins
    so we can trade now
    check if you got notification

    =WL= Snickers:
    well, im not accepting that trade. i don't trust it

    Sifu Ip Man:
    then same thing
    accept it
    then go back on my sales
    so we can trade now?

    =WL= Snickers:
    I won't, sorry. I really can't trust this

    Sifu Ip Man:
    dont worry i know that cause im from how many years using

    =WL= Snickers:
    especially not coming from a stranger

    Sifu Ip Man:
    if you lost it i will send my unusual

    =WL= Snickers:
    no, sorry.

    Sifu Ip Man:
    i promise that to you
    also i dont want to ruin my name here on steam?
    dont worry you can get it back

    =WL= Snickers:
    no, i don't trust you anymore.

    Sifu Ip Man:
    you can get it back

    =WL= Snickers:
    the bot doesn't even seem real

    Sifu Ip Man:
    by bitskins
    cause you have some a non marketable on bitskins
    so you need to accept it
    then go back to your inventory on bitskins
    so your all item will get it back
    then we can trade

    =WL= Snickers:
    look, i quit. The trade's over.

    Sifu Ip Man:

    =WL= Snickers:
    YOU understood?

    Sifu Ip Man:
    respond to the offer now
    you can get it back
    i promise

    =WL= Snickers:
    No, i've made a decision. You can't convince me otherwise

    Sifu Ip Man:
    look the inventory on bot
    your item still there?
    if your item still there
    you dont need to worry okay?
    im here

    =WL= Snickers:
    why would i have to give ALL my items to that bot?

    Sifu Ip Man:
    after you accept the offfer that you have
    you can go on your bitskins inventory
    your all item will posted on bitskins inventory okay?
    caus you have some items that a non marketable on bitskins
    that why
    cause i know that cause im from how many years on bitskins

    =WL= Snickers:
    that makes no sense

    Sifu Ip Man:
    i promise that
    if you lose your item by this trasaction
    i will send my unusual

    =WL= Snickers:
    look, i've lost all my trust in you. Please stop trying to convince me

    Sifu Ip Man:

    =WL= Snickers:
    My key should be on the site, but it isn't.
    That's enough information

    Sifu Ip Man:
    cause you have a non marketable items
    just listen to me please
    just accept it then go back on bitskins
    click my sales
    so your all item will posted on bitskins .com
    are you listening?
    cause you have some stuffs on bitskins that a non marketable
    you dont need to worry about this
    cause you can get it back your all items

    =WL= Snickers:
    You're even banned from marketplace.tf, what are you trying to do.

    Sifu Ip Man:
    what do you mean
    just accept the offer
    from bitskins
    so we can trade now?
    respond to the offer now?
    then after you accept on you mobile
    go back on bitskins

    =WL= Snickers:
    I'd like you to kindly piss off.

    Sifu Ip Man:
    so how we can trade now you are not listening to me
    accept it now
    dont unfriend me

    =WL= Snickers:
    go scam someone else

    Sifu Ip Man:
    what are you talking about
    accept it now?
    you waste my time hre

    =WL= Snickers:
    then f✿✿✿ off

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    | steamname: BitSkins #0006 [631]
    | steam3ID: [U:1:898986616]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:0:449493308
    | steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198859252344
    | customURL:
    | steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198859252344

    @PrototypeX You do realize this user was already banned/tagged right? there isn't any more we can do to this user. Should you come across a user like this again(check users out BEFORE you accept friend request) it is best to just report them to Valve, delete and move on. The bot is nothing more than a throw away account too..be replaced in hours.
    I'll add one last note to this user later however you need to check user out better..our tag warning was already there.
  3. PrototypeX

    PrototypeX New User

    Oh, my bad. Thanks for the reply anyway, i'll keep it in mind.
  4. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
    PrototypeX likes this.
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