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Accepted Report: 76561198411470178 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by Rjazz, Dec 14, 2018.

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  1. Rjazz

    Rjazz New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Rep Fraud] Impersonation with intent to defraud
    Virtual item type involved: [TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items

    Accused profile: 76561198411470178

    Victim profile: 76561198078739370

    What happened? Description:
    Alright, so a guy added me out of the blue and told me that his friend had reported me and that I was going to get a trade ban (insert bored and sarcastic "oh nooo" here). I flipped it on its head by telling him that if I got trade banned, I wouldn't have to worry about scammers adding me to try and take my items! Credit where credit is due, he acted his part faithfully and pushed me to "resolve" my pending ban by adding the guy listed. I decided to play along, so I went along with the "steam admin" guy's narrative until he apparently got fed up with me. He suddenly threatened me with account deletion (still waiting patiently until it happens), then unfriended and blocked me.

    I was surprised with this one, last scam attempt I got to the point where they posted a trade link to try and scam my items. This time I didn't even get close to that stage!

    The initiator, Pyromoron, has the following info block associated with his account (given there's only space for one account in the form above):

    | steamname: Pyromoron
    | steam3ID: [U:1:863152195]
    | steamID32: STEAM_0:1:431576097
    | steamID64: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198823417923
    | customURL: https://steamcommunity.com/id/WyvernTF25
    | steamrep: https://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198823417923

    Also, there was a video that Pyromoron attached when "convincing" me that my account was at risk. The form doesn't allow me to attach it, but I have it saved on my computer for safekeeping and following the steam community link towards the beginning of the chat log will lead you to the video as well.​

    Provide Evidence:

    {Pyromoron, initial person}
    [6:12 PM]
    Why did you add me?

    [6:13 PM]
    thank goodness you are here
    i just really need to talk to you
    for an important matter
    are you still there?

    [6:14 PM]
    ...okay, what do you need?

    [6:14 PM]
    it's something that is really making me worried so much right now
    and i need you to please help me huhuhu :(
    my friend i am really sorryy for i just mistakenly made a report on your account for duping and fraud Items on stem support T_T
    and now your account was suspected and at risk :((
    his name was deathwish


    take a look of the actual video of how my friend get banned T_T
    you still here?

    [6:17 PM]
    Oh thank god, for a second I thought you were going to start telling me you needed psychological help
    dodged a bullet there
    so anyway, you're telling me there is a trade ban on my account?

    [6:18 PM]
    i just really need you to please help me tell steam valve assistance right now that you are innocent
    and that you are just mistakenly reported on your acccount by me :(
    no you dont have the trade banned now

    [6:18 PM]
    that means scammers might stop adding me randomly to try and get my unusual
    this is great!

    [6:18 PM]
    but if we cannot fix this
    you will surely get banned

    [6:19 PM]
    so what you're saying is if I leave it be and get banned, scammers will never bother me again!

    [6:20 PM]
    no i dont have any intentions of scamming you
    what are you saying
    my intentions are clean
    and my conscience aswell T_T
    do not ever told me that my friend
    i wont do that on you

    [6:21 PM]
    Your intentions ARE clean, and they've actually HELPED me now by telling me I'll be protected from scammers!
    Man, this is great! Thank you!

    [6:22 PM]
    yes so i hope we can tell steam valve assistance now that you are innocent
    okay ?

    [6:23 PM]
    wait, why would I do that? That's counterintuitive to what I told you!
    If they ban me, I won't be bothered anymore!

    [6:24 PM]
    they will delete your account

    [6:24 PM]
    Why would I want to prove innocence then?

    [6:24 PM]
    if you are not going to clarify the pending issued ban

    [6:24 PM]
    Right, because trade ban = account deletion
    and they're TOTALLY gonna advance my case further to the point where they should delete my account, because item duping is SUCH a crime against nature that they would have to do that
    nah, a trade ban is a-o-k in my books m8

    [6:32 PM]
    that's why i just wanted to help you my friend
    let's just tell them about the issue
    so he will take action against it and will help you
    they can also give you security reasons against those who wanted to cheat on you my friend

    [6:37 PM]
    oh really? what are these "security reasons" you speak of?
    Can you elaborate a bit further?

    [6:39 PM]
    you can tell him everything suspicious about you and so that they can check it
    and that they can help you give a valid action agains them

    [6:40 PM]
    "tell him everything suspicious about you"

    [6:40 PM]
    Steam Community :: ⓥ
    ✔️⠀Happy to accept invites/ with reason. General Information •⠀Age: 31 •⠀Gender: ♀ •⠀Relationship: N/A •⠀Birthday: May 13 Online Status⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀   ⠀Online⠀⠀⠀  -⠀     You can

    let's consult on him now
    so that he can hepl us
    help us with this
    just wait for him to accept you aswell
    let's tell him about the issue my friend
    so that he can help us fix this issue and solve this problem together

    [6:42 PM]
    so what do you mean by "tell him everything suspicious about you"?
    I'm still confused about that

    [6:42 PM]
    yes if someone tried to cheat on you
    and its looks suspicious for you
    you can tell him that
    and ask for help
    he is part of the Steam valve assistance
    how ist now ?
    did you consult on him now ?

    [6:46 PM]
    No response from your "steam valve assistance" friend

    [6:58 PM]
    welp, if there's a time limit on my trade ban then the clock is ticking

    [6:58 PM]
    ohh really
    can you check it ?
    and do it again ?

    [6:58 PM]
    wow, what miraculous timing
    as soon as I brought it up again, I was immediately greeted with a message

    [6:59 PM]
    what d you mean ?

    [6:59 PM]
    bravo, amazing timing

    [6:59 PM]
    when did you added him ?

    [7:00 PM]
    about 15-20 minutes ago

    [7:00 PM]
    ohh really ?
    that's sucks
    maybe he's a bit busy

    [7:01 PM]

    [7:01 PM]
    i don't know whyy
    what did he told you now ?

    [7:02 PM]
    he's checking my steam status

    [7:02 PM]
    ohh that's a relief
    just ask for assistance
    about the issued pedning ban
    so he will help us
    how to fix it

    [7:03 PM]
    yup, they said they're working on it

    [7:16 PM]
    so your steam support buddy just went bipolar on me.
    I was nothing but compliant the entire way through, any idea why they would do that?
    if he actually is a steam admin or something and does have the power to get my account banned, then I guess this is goodbye until I appeal to Valve

    [7:29 PM]
    If you want to try talking them out of it, go ahead
    otherwise, I sit here and await my account's deletion

    [7:39 PM]
    man, you'd think this whole "account deletion" process would be a lot faster
    given the videos and gifs you two showed me had an option right there that would've only taken a few seconds to click
    hey, can you do me a quick favor and ask your friend how the account deletion process is going?
    If my account's gonna be murdered, he could at least do it snappily

    [8:01 PM]
    so you mean what?

    [8:02 PM]
    yeah so your steam admin friend turned a 180 and just decided he'd delete my account
    still waiting on it tho
    I didn't even provoke him, he just kinda flipped
    he threatened me with account deletion, then unfriended and blocked me
    you wanna try talking to him? at the very least, ask him how the deletion process is coming along?
    I'm getting kinda bored waiting for my account to, y'know, get deleted
    I'm a patient man, though, so I'll wait as long as I need to

    {Spectre, "steam support"}
    [6:58 PM]
    Hello Good Day!

    [7:00 PM]
    hey, some guy's telling me stuff about how his friend trade banned me or something
    he referred me to you

    [7:01 PM]
    I am currently checking your Steam status

    [7:01 PM]
    I honestly don't have many stakes in the situation, since a trade ban for me = no more scammers coming after my items
    but I'm playing along for this guy's sake

    [7:02 PM]
    Okay I am overwhelmed that you are being honest with your concerns. Do not worry I will help you here, I just need your cooperation. Okay?

    [7:02 PM]
    alright, whatever you say

    [7:03 PM]
    I have noticed that you have a pending ban report issued on your account. Please refer to the video


    Are you aware that if you cant prove yourself here that your item is in good condition your account will be banned permanently?

    [7:05 PM]
    yup, it says something like that in the EULA and user guidelines for steam

    [7:06 PM]
    What do you mean?

    [7:07 PM]
    well, the EULA states that under Valve's predetermined guidelines a violation of their rules could possibly lead to account termination

    [7:07 PM]
    This UI is exclusive for the Valve Fraud Prevention Team.

    [7:07 PM]
    part of the giant agreement statement most people skip when they register?

    [7:08 PM]
    You don't have to worry here if you really are not involved in the said issue, I will remove the pending ban understood?

    [7:08 PM]

    [7:08 PM]
    All you need to do here is to make an appeal and prove that your item is in a good condition and it was a false accusation so that I will cancel the pending ban in your account is that clear?

    [7:08 PM]
    and how do I do that?

    [7:09 PM]
    The majority of the reports involve yourStrange Item(s)
    Items involved on the Report: All "Strange"

    [7:09 PM]
    huh, interesting
    majority of those were grabbed from the market over a year ago
    I remember the last item dupe glitch was patched out at least 3 years ago
    but maybe I'm getting my facts wrong

    [7:11 PM]
    The Program: System Database will clarify if your items are in good condition okay?

    [7:11 PM]
    alright, and what does "Program: System Database" entail?

    [7:12 PM]
    So shall we proceed?

    [7:12 PM]
    Only once you answer my question first

    [7:13 PM]
    Okay I will answer that with the Account Deletion process.
    Just wait cause you talk too much.

    [7:13 PM]
    huh, that was a sharp 90 degree turn in attitude
    but why though?
    I've been compliant this entire time!

    Attached Files:

  2. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    @Rjazz You have this backwards - you report the user you were FIRST in contact with - not the other.
    You reference the other like you did here but just did it backwards.
    How long have you known the Pyromoron user?

    Attached Files:

  3. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Please follow up! @Rjazz
  4. Rjazz

    Rjazz New User

    My bad, haven't reported through here before! The Pyromoron guy added me that day, I had never known him prior. Like I said in the post he added me out of the blue, which unfortunately has not been an uncommon occurrence for me ever since I got my first unusual. I haven't even played TF2 in months, so I knew this guy was BS right out of the gate. I'll make sure to report the initiator the next time this happens! (which will likely be within the next month, if this trend continues)
    @ЩĄ | Horse
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Thanks, will review again soon - nothing else needed at this time and there is no need to post anything more.
    Feel free to review what you have provided and take the time to see what things you can do to prevent running into users like this in the future.
  6. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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