Victim: steamID: STEAM_0:0:44746538 steamID32: STEAM_0:0:9999999999 steamID64: customURL: steamrepURL: SOP forum account (if applicable): Scammer: steamID: STEAM_0:0:10102545 (at last pages there are scam reports - last one is mine. when I told this guy he scammed orfej too, he said that the scam report that in sourceop thread was of faker of him, and if it was really him he was been blocked. apperntly no one thought to block this f✿✿✿✿er after the report of orfej. Screenshots: - Pictures of chat (required) - Trade window if relevant (please keep the practice of chatting in normal chat, and just only trade in the trading window). - Screen shot of profile page if the offender is impersonating admins, middleman, or trusted traders. (showing steam community link, pic, nickname, friends and groups) Description: this guy contacted me, right after I bumped my thread in source op forums. he said he is intersted to buy my unusual, and because i am a new member I had to send first. he gave me link to his rep thread and when I asked him about the last person in that thread who said he scammed him, he said it was a faker of him who did it, and actually if it was really him, he was long blocked from source op forums..I belived him..
If you don't feel like you should trust someone, get yourself a trustworthy middleman... It reduces the risk to chargeback-only
Its hard to ban scammers form SOP if noone reports them, the user orfej never reported the scammer to SOP staff, also the user in question has not posted on SOP for 1/2 a year and the rep therad post has not been changed in over a year. From the looks of it, you were scammed but not by that SOP user, but by a rep thread hijacker who changed his custom url to a user who no longer uses it. This is why SOP has an id64 url rule put in place to avoide this exact type of incident. edit: the real sop user last used that custom url on Nov 1st 2011 according to his steamrep profile