1. There is no such thing as a "pending" ban or Steam admin. Anyone threatening your account is a scammer trying to scare you. Read more.

Accepted Report: 76561198069092183 - ([CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items)

Discussion in 'Archived Reports' started by de_THOR, Jun 18, 2014.

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  1. de_THOR

    de_THOR New User

    Scam Report

    Report Type: [Money] PayPal scam or scam attempt
    Virtual item type involved: [CSGO] Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Items

    Accused profile: 76561198069092183 ()

    Victim profile: 76561198079575288

    What happened? Description:
    So he decided to buy my StatTrak cz75 | The Fuschia is now (Factory-New), from a post i did on CSGOlounge.com. We wrote to eachother on the steam chat platform for about a half hour and then decided to go trough with the deal. We decided that he would give me a little bit of the value he agreed with me, then that i'd give him my full item, then him paying me the rest. He paid a little bit of the value he promised in items (csgo), with me then giving him my item. We agreed on me giving the items back he lent me after the initial payment had been done but then he "went offline", pretty much meaning he had removed me, Which made it obviously i'd just been scammed.​

    Provide Evidence:
    SabresRock16: Hello
    de_THOR: he
    de_THOR: hey
    SabresRock16: you had the stattrak cz right?>
    de_THOR: yeah man
    SabresRock16: Ok, do you have any cash for item rep?
    de_THOR: i dont know what that is, ive sold 2 items thats it
    SabresRock16: cash for item rep means that you sold an item to a person for cash.
    SabresRock16: this is protection for me.
    de_THOR: yeah but is that similar to typing on someones profile or is it a web service?
    SabresRock16: both actually.
    SabresRock16: is your paypal verified?
    de_THOR: as in credit card stuff nop
    de_THOR: mainly cos i dont own one
    de_THOR: if i did i wouldnt need to sell online game items
    SabresRock16: then I will not go first.
    SabresRock16: Non-Verified accounts take a long time to get money back if you were to scam me (im not saying you are) just I need to have protection for me.
    de_THOR: ah, sold 2 items ever, 1 for ts3 payment, other for premium on hitleap
    SabresRock16: those are all automated aren't they?
    de_THOR: as im not able to pay monthly i express paid,
    de_THOR: cos no credit card
    SabresRock16: yeah i know.
    SabresRock16: I used to have that.
    SabresRock16: Alright, so this is how its gonna go down. since you don't have a verified paypal nor any cash rep.
    SabresRock16: whats your email?
    de_THOR: paypal email?
    SabresRock16: yYeah
    SabresRock16: Yeah*
    de_THOR: [email protected]
    SabresRock16: wait, are you selling the knife too?
    de_THOR: nope
    SabresRock16: dman
    SabresRock16: damn
    de_THOR: not unless the offer is right doe
    SabresRock16: she's a nice knife man
    SabresRock16: will you do $80 for the vulcan / cz / and the M4A4 Asiimov?
    de_THOR: nah only selling cz
    SabresRock16: oh ok
    SabresRock16: your inventory is nice man
    SabresRock16: good s✿✿✿.
    de_THOR: not even sure about that either, as i dont even know what i need it for
    SabresRock16: i see whatcha mean
    de_THOR: i had a clue a few days ago
    de_THOR: when i originally posted that thing
    SabresRock16: i just bought an xray and a cash hardened from a guy yesterday
    de_THOR: now its completely gone
    SabresRock16: would you take $175 for both CZ and the knife/
    SabresRock16: ?
    de_THOR: way too little
    SabresRock16: max i can go is $195
    SabresRock16: I only have $197.42 in paypal
    de_THOR: the knife is itself
    de_THOR: 190
    SabresRock16: damn, can I get the CZ for $5? lol since im making a huge purchase.
    de_THOR: if i dont know what i need the 15 for, what would i need 197 for?
    de_THOR: xD
    SabresRock16: games
    SabresRock16: porn subscription
    de_THOR: wetmee.com
    SabresRock16: more keys for more cases?
    de_THOR: ripped
    SabresRock16: lol
    de_THOR: and games, i only play csgo
    de_THOR: and - knife = no knife
    de_THOR: i dont like that
    SabresRock16: darn
    SabresRock16: I understand.
    SabresRock16: but you can use $195 for a new knife
    SabresRock16: uncase a s✿✿✿ ton
    SabresRock16: honestly, I stopped doing that since I only got 1 good thing.
    de_THOR: so basically im going 10$ loss for nothin?
    SabresRock16: You're thinking of market prices yea?
    SabresRock16: Paypal money is worth a s✿✿✿ ton more
    SabresRock16: since, you can spend it anywhere.
    SabresRock16: and not just on steam.
    de_THOR: well i got nowhere to spend it, as mentioned xD
    SabresRock16: true.
    SabresRock16: well, its up to you man.
    SabresRock16: that knife is awesome, props to you for getting one.
    de_THOR: nah i feel like keeping the knife
    SabresRock16: ok
    SabresRock16: so CZ only?
    de_THOR: hahaha, worked 3 years for it, final grades cash got me it
    SabresRock16: wow good s✿✿✿.
    de_THOR: well i didint work 3 years for  THE knife, i worked 3 years for the finals
    de_THOR: lel
    SabresRock16: will you sell that Glock Stattrak too?
    SabresRock16: Im looking for some nice guns at cheaper prices.
    de_THOR: using it :p
    SabresRock16: ah ok
    SabresRock16: any other guns you are interested in selling (not the shitty ones lol)
    SabresRock16: that orion is pretty sweet
    de_THOR: its pretty sweet to play with too
    SabresRock16: lol i wanted one but prices aren't where id like them to be.
    de_THOR: yeah.. i got way tired of p2000 so i just quickly bought it no regards of price.
    de_THOR: might be a bold move
    de_THOR: but whatever
    SabresRock16: meh, so cz only?
    de_THOR: i guess
    SabresRock16: $10 for it right?
    de_THOR: you offered 15 you silly sod
    SabresRock16: oh yeah
    SabresRock16: Market prices went down
    SabresRock16: so i thought i did $10
    SabresRock16: email again please
    de_THOR: [email protected]
    SabresRock16: ok, are you ok with going first? since you dont have a verified email nor any cash rep?
    SabresRock16: USD right?
    de_THOR: i dont feel so comfortable with that man. and i understand your side too
    de_THOR: yeah
    SabresRock16: alright
    SabresRock16: I see whatcha mean, but you gotta see what I mean.
    SabresRock16: if you intend on scamming me, it will take me atleast 5-10 days to get my money back.
    SabresRock16: since you dont have a verified paypal.
    de_THOR: yeah, but in that case you do actually get something back. in the case of me giving first. nothing.
    SabresRock16: you can claim on steam
    SabresRock16: Ive gotten an unusual back from this
    SabresRock16: Got scammed a year ago
    SabresRock16: got that s✿✿✿ back, and he's banned from trading
    de_THOR: i dont know how though
    SabresRock16: ok do this
    SabresRock16: this is exactly what I did.
    SabresRock16: take screenshots of all the text we send, then do the trade, and wait 3-5 minutes, check your paypal then if its not there then you can claim to steam
    SabresRock16: if they see enough evidence then they will return the item and trade ban that person
    SabresRock16: it works like a charm
    de_THOR: yeah but i dont know how still, the actual "claiming" part
    SabresRock16: send in a steam community ticket
    SabresRock16: on their website.
    SabresRock16: its actually pretty easy.
    de_THOR: seems pretty sketchy as they do not support of account selling, why would they support item selling?
    SabresRock16: account selling is all personal information
    SabresRock16: thats why.
    de_THOR: ah
    SabresRock16: so you down to do the trade? i have to get ready for work in 12 minutes
    de_THOR: yeah i want to, im just really unsure
    SabresRock16: its all good man
    SabresRock16: I got scammed yesterday
    SabresRock16: just do what I said, now he did have a verified email for paypal
    SabresRock16: so it will only take a day or two
    de_THOR: "just do what i said"
    de_THOR: no offence whatsoever
    de_THOR: that sounded like "yes ill scam you"
    SabresRock16: oh my bad man.
    SabresRock16: No its just proven to work since ive gotten stuff back because of that s✿✿✿.
    SabresRock16: $37 scam yesterday for a M4A4 Asiimov
    SabresRock16: Field Tested
    de_THOR: cant we do something where one gives 50%, other gives full and one gives other half?
    SabresRock16: well you can't give 50% of a gun
    SabresRock16: lol silly
    de_THOR: no but you can 7,50
    SabresRock16: I will not go first, you seem like a chill dude, but I just got scammed man
    SabresRock16: not looking forward to calling paypal again.
    de_THOR: how about 3 / item / 12?
    SabresRock16: you also have a VAC ban, idk about that.
    de_THOR: theres info about that in my profile
    de_THOR: happend over a year ago
    SabresRock16: I understand.
    den 18 juni 2014
    20:32 - SabresRock16: sorry man, you're chill and all but I can't risk going first again.
    20:32 - SabresRock16: seems like someone always tries to perswade me and its not working ever again.
    20:32 - de_THOR: yo you'll be paying 80% after
    20:32 - de_THOR: i just want a little insurance
    20:33 - de_THOR: in before
    20:33 - SabresRock16: ill trade you an item how about that?
    20:33 - SabresRock16: since i wont lose very much
    20:34 - de_THOR: and then when were done ill give it back?
    20:34 - SabresRock16: yeah
    20:34 - SabresRock16: sound good?
    20:34 - de_THOR: ok man
    20:34 - de_THOR: but you gotta send that paypal thing as a gift
    20:34 - You have accepted the trade request from SabresRock16.
    20:34 - SabresRock16: Yeah i know
    20:35 - SabresRock16: fav pistol other then orion
    20:35 - You have accepted the trade request from SabresRock16.
    20:35 - SabresRock16: keeps saying waiting for you
    20:35 - SabresRock16 has accepted your request to trade.
    20:36 - SabresRock16: I think that equals $3
    20:36 - de_THOR: yeah
    20:36 - de_THOR: [email protected]
    20:36 - SabresRock16: this note will be attached for your safety
    20:36 - SabresRock16: You should 100% use this ok?
    20:36 - de_THOR: wait wat
    20:36 - SabresRock16: This is a payment for a virtual (intangible) item on Steam. Physical shipment is not required and I have received the items. I understand that this is a non-refundable transaction and will not chargeback at any time in the future; http://steamcommunity.com/id/sabreeeezy
    20:37 - SabresRock16: see that?
    20:37 - SabresRock16: thats so I cannot chargeback
    20:37 - SabresRock16: at all.
    20:37 - SabresRock16: use this if you ever do another one of these ok?
    20:37 - de_THOR: alright
    20:38 - SabresRock16: sent!
    20:39 - de_THOR: let me recieve and confirm its "completed"
    20:39 - SabresRock16: USD right?
    20:39 - SabresRock16: ok
    20:39 - SabresRock16 had asked to trade with you, but you did not respond in time.
    20:39 - SabresRock16 is now Offline.
    The screenshots 1-6 are from the chat building upto our agreement.

    The screen shot titled 7 is proof that its actually him.

    The screenshot titled 8 shows both the item i meant to sell to him, and the items he gave me as "insurance", which would later on when the deal was completed on be given back to him.

    The screenshot titled 9 shows how ive got no new happenings in my inbox of the gmail which is connected to paypal.

    10 is my paypal history.​

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    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    I need a picture of your trade history that is uncropped/unedited. In that picture I need to see at least one trade from the previous day.
  3. de_THOR

    de_THOR New User

    Here you go.

    Attached Files:

    • 12.png
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    SIVARTZ Retired Staff

    Ready for review.
  5. Horse

    Horse Administrator SteamRep Admin

    SteamRep Admin:
    Your report was accepted and the accused was banned. Feel free to report a violation via their Steam profile.

    In order to do that, you have to:
    1. Visit the accuseds profile
    2. Click MORE drop-down located at the top right of the page
    4. Select the violation, then describe it and provide the evidence
    5. Click SUBMIT REPORT

    Click here to view an animated gif that shows how to report a violation.
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