This guy is suggesting spycrabs (a gamble in tf2) in trade servers. I accepted the wager, he did too, and when I won, he didnt give me the price, he just left the server and went offline. 10 minutes later he came back to the same server. He had changed his name and suggested me the same wager again. I hope you can get people like these marked as scammers. Thank you in advance. Here is hes steam profile and name:, RIOT Ghost.
Your report is in the wrong format, allow me to fix this for you; Spycrab runaway; |steamID: RIOT Ghost |steamID32: STEAM_0:1:50678117 |steamID64: |customURL: |steamrepURL: Victim (sort of for not receiving his prize); |steamID: Roflcopter |steamID32: STEAM_0:0:21378096 |steamID64: |customURL: |steamrepURL: Long story short; Person agreed to spycrab with RIOT Ghost, upon the victim winning RIOT left the server followed by changing his name and trying to spycrab for the same wager (possibly trying to repeat it till he won). If you have any screenshots, please post them, refer to the correct format here - Keep using this thread as i have corrected the format for you (to prevent duplicate reports), best of luck with your report